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  • Living In Two Worlds Series

    Contributed by C. Philip Green on Mar 13, 2010
    based on 5 ratings

    In order to live as citizens of heaven on this earth, we must give back to the government the things that belong to it (i.e., taxes), and give ourselves wholeheartedly to the Lord, knowing Him and loving Him with the totality of our being.

    In the summer of 2004, Warren Beamer, a missionary from San Antonio, Texas, visited an orphanage in Nigeria. Beamer was startled when one of the children at the orphanage spoke to him with a southern accent. The girl quickly shared that she was from Houston, Texas. To convince the missionary more

  • Daily Bread Series

    Contributed by Jefferson Williams on Jul 30, 2020

    All over the world, humans eat bread. In nearly every culture on earth, bread is a basic part of life. This morning, we have come to the part of the Lord’s Prayer that focuses on bread.

    Daily Bread Matthew 6:11 Pastor Jefferson Williams First Baptist Church of Chenoa 3-17-19 Roti In America, we like bread. We use it in sandwiches and dinner rolls. We flock to Panera Bread Company and gobble up breadsticks at Pizza Ranch. And there is nothing as wonderful as the smell of more

  • The Gift Of The Warm Heart Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Dec 24, 2001
    based on 74 ratings

    Christmas can be a very stressful time. But Simeon and Anna hold 3 secrets to getting hold of the peace and tranquility that Christmas is supposed to offer us.

    AP story reported in the Indianapolis Star 12/25/99 Dateline LOS ANGELES – A shopping mall Santa Claus had a meltdown after refusing to cuddle a bawling toddler, calling the mother evil and ripping off his beard and costume in front of startled children. Kelly Fornatoro, 33, said she told Santa more

  • Just Like Your Father

    Contributed by Melvin Newland on Nov 9, 2001
    based on 130 ratings

    Let’s take one more look at the subject of love. And in doing that, there are 3 things I want you to see: 1. The Magnificence of God’s Love. 2. The Mediocrity of Man’s Love. 3. The Maturity of Christian Love.

    MELVIN M. NEWLAND, MINISTER RIDGE CHAPEL, KANSAS, OK A. I’m convinced that if there is one thing the world really needs to know more about, & to put into practice, it is love. In fact, so important is love that Jesus devoted a whole section of the Sermon on the Mount to it. more

  • "Praying With Power”

    Contributed by Barry Edmondson on Nov 10, 2008
    based on 5 ratings

    Of all the disciplines of the Christian walk, perhaps the most important, the least practiced and the least understood is prayer. Prayer is absolutely key in or success as children of God—both in the way we overcome the devil in battles we face.

    Intro: Chorus: ”God answers prayer in the morning, God answers prayer at noon, God answers prayer in the evening, so keep your heart in tune. Of all the disciplines of the Christian walk, perhaps the most important, the least practiced and the least understood is prayer. Prayer is absolutely key more

  • A Prosperous Church

    Contributed by Mike Rickman on Dec 23, 2010
    based on 3 ratings

    God wants His church to prosper. What is holding you back?

    December 26, 2010 Morning Worship Text: 2 Corinthians 9:6-11 Subject: Giving Title: A Prosperous Church: Part 1 in the Benefits of Giving Series I pray that everyone survived the busyness of Christmas. I also pray that you all took the time to reflect on the true meaning of Christmas. Christmas more

  • Prayer Keys - Forgivenss

    Contributed by Mark Stepherson on Jul 14, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    Forgiveness enhances our prayers. Forgiveness enhances our faith. Forgiveness enhances our battle with doubt. Forgiveness enhances our fruitfulness. Forgiveness is powerful.

    Prayer Keys - Forgiveness “And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive him, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins.” Mark 11:25 In the last few days there was an item on the news about residents in a local neighborhood finding a bobcat in more

  • We Love Because Series

    Contributed by Steve Shepherd on Aug 3, 2010
    based on 33 ratings

    1- We love because of Him - motivation 2- We love because of His love - demonstration 3- We love because of His first love - inauguration

    INTRO.- Because, because, because. There is always a “because” about things in life. We do this or that because of something else. ILL.- A bumper sticker read: I owe, I owe, so it’s off to work I go! So very true. What’s your because? Why do you do what you do? Why more

  • 5. The Shield Of Faith Series

    Contributed by Stephen Aram on Dec 1, 2019

    Merely sort of agreeing with Christian ideas won't carry you far when life gets difficult. The real strength comes when we are solidly connected with our God through a deep and living faith inour hearts.

    This morning we'll continue with putting on the armor of God. We live in a world that bombards us with things that battle against our souls. And God has provided armament to be able to resist them, not only to resist, but to stand strong and firm and hold our ground. We start by putting on more

  • What Jesus Teaches Us About Loving Our Enemies

    Contributed by Jerry Cosper on Mar 26, 2015

    No matter how hard we try, we know that there are going to be flaws & blemishes in our life. We know that we are not without sin because the Bible tells us so. So let’s take a look at the subject of love.

    If there is one thing the world really needs to know more about, & to put into practice, it is "love." How often Jesus tells us to love one another. In John 15:12 He commanded us to love one another. In fact "love" is so important that Jesus devoted a whole section of the Sermon on the Mount to more

  • Getting Ready For Christmas Series

    Contributed by Fred Sigle on May 18, 2024

    Christmas holidays are often so hectic that it becomes more of something to dread than to enjoy. How should we approach the Christmas season?

    THE CHRISTMAS STORY: GETTING READY FOR CHRISTMAS A. Did everybody have a good THANKSGIVING? 1. Now since THANKSGIVING is OVER, it’s time to GET READY FOR CHRISTMAS. a. But the reality is, the STORES have been getting ready for Christmas since the first of October. COMMENT: You more

  • The Cross Has Enemies Series

    Contributed by Mike Lewis on Dec 27, 2022

    Sergio’s enemy of the priest that turned him away became his inspiration to help others. Even the ones we see as representing Jesus can (at times) be an enemy. And today, our lesson is that The Cross Has Enemies.

    WELCOME & INTRODUCTION FIGHTING THE GOOD FIGHT Sergio Gutierrez Benitez was a kid growing up in a tough neighborhood of Mexico City in the 1950s. By age ten he’d already joined a gang, committed petty crimes, and started using drugs—marijuana at first, then harder drugs. Finally, after years more

  • Why Hope?

    Contributed by Ted Mulder on Nov 27, 2004
    based on 41 ratings

    We can live several weeks without food, days without water, and only minutes without oxygen, but without hope – forget it.

    I Showed a Picture of a boy I met in an Orphanage. This picture was taken early this year at an orphanage in Guatemala. There were 30-40 kids there all hungry for love and attention. We had gone there to give them what they were hungry for. The kids surrounded us almost as soon as we got off the more

  • Stretchy Yourself

    Contributed by Nate Barbour on May 16, 2007
    based on 6 ratings

    Check out this message inspired by the greatest luchador of all-time, Nacho Libre! Learn how to fulfill your dreams!

    Stretchy Yourself Living the Dream 02/03/07 I. Introduction Humble monk Ignacio has always dreamed of being a lucha libre wrestler, but having grown up as an orphan in a Mexican orphanage, he never got the chance. Now an adult, he’s a bad cook at that same orphanage and blames the poor quality of more

  • The Consequences Of Hold On When We Should Be Turning Loose

    Contributed by David Rogers on Jan 16, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    a sermon dealing with holding on to what we want instead of what God wants

    Consequences Of Holding On When We Should Be Letting Go Mark 7:14-23 Prayer Introduction Good Morning I hope that you all had a very good week last week and that God Blessed you during the week. In fact I know that He did because you are here this morning that is a blessing in itself especially more

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