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  • Rough Seas

    Contributed by Jeffrey Sims on Jun 19, 2015

    Even though we follow Jesus we still have storms in our life. But the great thing is Jesus is in the boat with us

    As we look at the text today we find Jesus Preaching on the waterfront using a boat as his pulpit due to the massive amount of people who have come to hear him and maybe get a healing touch from Him. After he is done it says they headed to the other side with Jesus just as he was and other boats more

  • Transforming With Christ

    Contributed by Jeffrey Sims on Sep 24, 2016

    This sermon was preached on transfiguration Sunday and it tells us how Jesus can transform our lives if we seek and follow Him

    Transforming with Christ Luke 9:28-36 We read in the text today about Jesus and three of His closest friends, Peter, James and John having a prayer meeting on the mountaintop. Jesus took these three up the mountain with him and as he prayed a change came over him his facial expression changed and more

  • Ready Or Not !!

    Contributed by Jeffrey Sims on Oct 18, 2016

    This is a sermon to get people to think about the return of Jesus Christ. Hopefully it will help us realize that Jesus will return whether we are ready or not.

    Tell a childhood Hide & Seek Story Read Scripture (Rev. 22:12-17, 20) There are more than 50 passages in the Bible that tell us that Jesus is going to return. In the short passage of text that was just read Jesus says twice that He is coming back and that He is coming quickly. Trust me when I more

  • How Long Has It Been

    Contributed by Jeffrey Sims on Oct 18, 2016

    This sermon is about living a long time with issues and problems without asking God to intervene on our behalf. This sermon points us to the question of 1. Do we want to be healed 2. How long has it been since you reached out to Jesus.

    I reference these two scriptures and paraphrase the stories John 5:1-9 Mark 5:25 - 34 I. Both have been Sick a Long Time ( 38yrs & 12 yrs) 1. Two very different people with a similar situation 2. They aren¡¦t the only ones sick 3. They both have been trying to get better they want a more

  • Prayer Meeting

    Contributed by Jeffrey Sims on Oct 21, 2016

    This is a sermon calling us to repentance from a better than thou attitude of the Pharisee

    When we look at the text today we see that Dr. Luke made no bones about who Jesus was addressing in this parable. Jesus was telling this parable to the high and mighty, holier than thou folks. He was addressing the religious folks that acted like they were just a little better than everyone else. more

  • The Wood Is Never To Wet

    Contributed by Jeffrey Sims on Sep 5, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    This sermon should move people to revival and affirms the fact that no matter how dead we think we are or how wet our wood may be. God can still light a fire within us

    This was written as a sermon for a revival but was also modified for Sunday Morning. What is Revival? Well the dictionary defines it as: 1. An awakening, in a church or community, of interest in and care for matters relating to personal religion. 2. an evangelistic service or a series of more

  • Can't Have One Without The Other

    Contributed by Jeffrey Sims on Sep 5, 2015

    Hopefully this sermon will explain that faith moves us to do good works. It also shows that it is our actions that count not just things we say and we should evaluate our spiritual lives regularly

    When I worked for the City around this time of year we started working on our budgets. We would evaluate all of our training programs and try and increase spending in the programs that worked and phase out those that didn’t or weren’t absolutely necessary. Businesses do it all the more

  • Don't You Get It

    Contributed by Jeffrey Sims on Sep 5, 2015

    Hopefully this sermon would get people to look at themselves and realize that we should reserve judgment about others and the congregation would begin to realize that their relationship with Christ is what really matters.

    Don’t you get it? Romans 2: 17 – 23 I. Are we judging people by a higher standard that we ourselves don’t live up to, do we tend to take on an attitude of privilege or perhaps a holier than thou attitude? 1. We may think this text is just for the Jews • In Galatians Paul more

  • Controlling The Tiny Terror

    Contributed by Jeffrey Sims on Sep 12, 2015

    This sermon makes us aware that our words do harm others and offers insight on how to change our thinking so the things we say will bring up-building to others

    Just so you know the title of this sermon isn’t about how to discipline my 2 year old grandson Kaden. Even though it’s pretty hard to get a handle on a 2 year old strong willed little boy , it’s even harder to get a handle on something each of us possess that is much, much more

  • Will The Real Jesus Please Stand Up? Series

    Contributed by Jeffrey Payne on Sep 14, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    Introduction to "Discovering Jesus," a series exploring the life of Christ from the book of Mark.

    Introduction I hadn’t really thought about it until just recently, but for all of my adult life I have been on a quest. The goal of my quest is to ascertain, apprehend and acquiesce to the person known, in English, as the Lord Jesus. I have wanted to go beyond my immediate, personal and more

  • The Influence Of Loving Kindness Series

    Contributed by Jeffrey Payne on Aug 1, 2014

    Through the story of David and Mephibosheth Jeff demonstrates the influence of loving kindness in the lives of those who are far from God.

    The Influence of Loving Kindness Luke 6:26-35; 2 Samuel 9; 1 Kings 15:5 This morning we need to talk about putting on something that, when you first hear it may sound full of weak emotions and sentimentality. But it’s actually far more strategic than it is sentimental, weak or soft. But when more

  • Clean Slate Developing A Closer Walk With Thee Series

    Contributed by Jeffrey Sims on Jan 12, 2016

    Starting fresh as we forget about our past and begin to focus on what we can and will do in order to gain a closer relationship with God

    Clean Slate Isaiah 43: 18-19 Well 2015 is in the books, one year of our life gone. I’m sure that all of us here today, as well as people all over the world experienced joy and happiness as well as heartache and pain as we journeyed through our life this past year. I want you to think about more

  • I Will ... Have A Closer Relationship With God Series

    Contributed by Jeffrey Sims on Jan 21, 2016

    I will statements that we need to embrace in order to have a better relationship with God. Through the use of I will statements we can grow as Christians into more than we imagine

    Last week we talked about starting with a clean slate, forgetting about the shoulda, wouldas , and coudas and focusing on the I wills, I cans, and the I ams. Today I want us to look at one of the most important things that we can do in our lives and that is to have a closer relationship with more

  • I Can Series

    Contributed by Jeffrey Sims on Jan 21, 2016

    Looking at ways that we can change the I cant's into I cans in order to become better examples to others and to grow in our walk with Christ

    We seem to be living in a world full of Icantitus. Everywhere we look we see people that are so caught up in this disease of Icantitus that it’s just pitiful. You know what I’m talking about. I can’t because I don’t have enough money, I can’t because I’ve just more

  • Get Closer To God

    Contributed by Jeffrey Sims on Jan 20, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    How we can get closer to God and become attached to the True Vine through Prayer, Study, and Worship

    Do you want to bear fruit in the coming year? You should if you’re a Christian. Bearing good fruit is all about staying attached to the true vine, hopefully today we can get some insight on how to stay attached to Jesus and begin some new growth in our physical as well as our spiritual more

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