Byron Perrine
Contributing sermons since Apr 3, 2009
Newest Sermons
Stop And Listen
Contributed on Jul 9, 2022
Similar to Paul's "Mars Hill" sermon, the intent of this sermon is to touch the hearts of persons of all religions and point them to the Lord.
“Stop Today and Listen” A Sermon for a Family Reunion at a Campground—Mixed Faiths Hebrews 11:13-16, Psalm 19:1-4 While it has been a number of years since my wife and I have been able to attend, still, in all the years since we were last here with you, I have never forgotten the inspiring calm ...read more
The Beatitudes As A Pattern For Discipleship
Contributed on Feb 15, 2022
The Beatitudes provide a description of the signs to be recognized in the experiences of the Christian who is moving along the path toward mature discipleship.
Seeing the Beatitudes as Steps in Restructuring Your Heart For the past few weeks, we have been thinking about what it means to be followers of Jesus. At the beginning of this series, we were challenged to step out in faith without looking back, just as Peter and the other first disciples did. ...read more
January 6, 2021: The Attack Upon Democracy's Citadel
Contributed on Jan 13, 2021
How do we explain unrest in America? The answer was given years ago on May 30, 1804, by Samuel Kendall, a preacher addressing the Massachusetts Legislature. Herein is reprinted that important sermon, largely in its entirety.
On January 6, 2021, the world witnessed the shameful spectacle of thousands of Americans storming their capitol building in an attempt to disrupt the proceedings of Congress. Many of these persons carried American flags and some displayed Christian testimonies, all convinced, apparently, of the ...read more
Ahora Es El Tiempo Y DÍa Aptos Para Tu SalvaciÓn
Contributed on Apr 22, 2020
Este sermón llama al lector a considerar la oferta de salvación y redención de Dios a través de la aceptación de Jesucristo como Señor y Salvador personal, y advierte sobre las consecuencias de no hacerlo.
Recientemente hubo un artículo en las noticias sobre un predicador estadounidense que fue arrestado por molestar a las personas en un estacionamiento público preguntándoles si fueron salvados. Su predicación molestó a la gente. Las autoridades explicaron que si el ...read more
El Peligro De Los Mega-Ídems
Contributed on Apr 22, 2020
En este discurso, he reelaborado varios sermones de otros predicadores con un énfasis ligeramente diferente basado en la traducción de la versión inglesa contemporánea de Mateo 16: 23, a saber: «estás en el camino porque piensas como todos los demás... ».
Comparar una variedad de versiones bíblicas puede ser muy útil, y dado el hecho de que los textos originales del Nuevo Testamento fueron escritos en una antigua forma del griego, es difícil extraer el significado exacto del texto y transferirlo al inglés. A través de la ...read more