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  • Iron Man Series

    Contributed by Ken Hubbard on Feb 11, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    A sermon on the armor of God based on the movie Iron Man.

    INTRO ƒ{ This summer was filled with movies of many of our favorite super heroes -- reinvented. ƒ{ Maybe they were such hits because in Today's uncertain world ƒ{ There is a certain make believe certainty and hop in these Super Heroes Super = Superior Maybe we are looking for something or more

  • The Real Iron Man

    Contributed by Joshua Blackmon on Jun 15, 2024

    This sermon relies heavily on the sermon "Kissed By The King", originally preached by Ken Gurley and published in his book "Preaching for a New Millenium: Hell's Midnight Train" (2007).

    The Real Iron Man I. Introduction: When I was a child, my dad took me to a barbershop run by two great women, Linda and Sammy Jo. Grandpa went to them too. It smelled of cigarette smoke, barbicide, shaving cream, and brill cream. On the walls were placks with practical wisdom like: "Never more

  • Iron Man = A Wolf In Iron Clothing Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Jun 16, 2010
    based on 66 ratings

    Paul told the Ephesian elders that wolves would arise from among the own number. How were they to be able to tell when someone (like an Elder) had become one of the bad guys?

    OPEN: Last week I told you I loved superheroes. And I have done extensive research for this sermon series for years. I’ve read superhero comic books/ watched superhero TV shows/ went to superhero Movies. I’m what you might call an “expert” in superheroes. And one of the things about superheroes more

  • Irondad

    Contributed by Trae Durden on Jun 13, 2013

    Father's Day sermon, using the IronMan movies as a illustration.

    IronDad 1 John 2:12-14 & 1 Corinthians 16:13-14 Introduction: Mother’s represent those hands that rock the cradle and rule the world, but Fathers are the ones who bought the cradle! Dad’s we need to prepare ourselves to make right choices, and to be Men of God! There are some pivotal more

  • Iron Man - The Learning Curve Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Jun 7, 2010
    based on 65 ratings

    It's not enough to just go to church. Christians need to be there for each other to sharpen the iron that God has placed within us.

    OPEN: I love superheroes. My mom once told of the times I’d go out into the yard with a bath towel tied around my neck and would “fly” around the yard. And when I was a kid I read comic books about superheroes, watched TV shows and cartoons and went to the movies to watch them more

  • Iron Man - Building On The Foundation Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Jun 21, 2010
    based on 65 ratings

    How can I honor my father if he wasn't that good a man to begin with? Why should I do that?

    OPEN: Ravi Zacharias told of speaking one time at Ohio State University. He said “As I was being driven to the lecture, we passed the new Wexner Art Center. The driver said, “This is a new art building for the university. It is a fascinating building designed in the post-modernist view more

  • Iron Man - The Power Core Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Jun 27, 2010
    based on 49 ratings

    The power core that enables Iron Man to a superhero. But while his power core isn’t even remotely possible, we have a source of power within us that goes far beyond anything man has ever created.

    OPEN: (Video from the first Iron Man movie of Anthony Stark having his assistant Pepper Potts replace his power core. Begins with Stark contacting Potts asking “How big are your hands” and ends with Stark thanking her for her help) What you just saw was Iron Man’s assistant replacing his power more

  • Holy Heroes: Iron-Man Series

    Contributed by Scott Bayles on Jan 3, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    This fun sermon series uses comic-book heroes as modern-day parables, uncovering hidden spiritual messages in the stories of superheroes like Superman, Batman, and Spider-man. Most of these sermons are expository, alliterated and have PowerPoint!

    Holy Heroes: Iron-Man Scott Bayles, pastor Blooming Grove Christian Church: 11/3/2013 Good morning and welcome to Blooming Grove. If you are visiting with us today, I hope you feel right at home—like a part of the family. These past several weeks I’ve been preaching about more

  • The Armour Of God: Lessons From Iron Man Series

    Contributed by Dean Courtier on Jun 29, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    Iron Man, this Marvel superhero, with his advanced armour and complex character, provides us with valuable insights into our walk with God. As we explore Iron Man's story, we will uncover profound biblical truths about protection, transformation, and the power of a new identity.

    The Armour of God: Lessons from Iron Man Introduction Today, we're going to draw spiritual lessons from an unexpected source: Iron Man. This Marvel superhero, with his advanced armour and complex character, provides us with valuable insights into our walk with God. As we explore Iron more

  • "Iron Men"

    Contributed by Ken Harris on Mar 30, 2008
    based on 14 ratings

    The purpose of this sermon is to motivate men that are spiritually young to become sharper and more accountable by bonding with Iron Men.

    U.S. Army Chaplain (MAJ) Ken Harris, Jr. Greater Victory Temple Church of God in Christ ”Men Program” Seaside, CA 30 March 2008 Big Idea: Men that are spiritually young can become sharper and more accountable by bonding with Iron Men. Scriptural References: EAI (Expository; Application; more

  • As Iron Sharpens Iron

    Contributed by Brad Rigney on Feb 3, 2006
    based on 60 ratings

    This sermon takes the wise principle of being sharpened by one another and develops what it means to be sharpened? What it takes to be Sharpened? and what are some different models to be Sharpened?

    As Iron Sharpens Iron Proverbs 27:17-19 Intro.: A. Have you ever tried to use a knife or pair of scissors only to find that they wouldn’t cut? It was probably frustrating – the problem: They needed to be Sharpened! B. Our passage today has a Biblical principle that teaches us how to be more

  • As Iron Sharpens Iron

    Contributed by Larry Lynn on Mar 13, 2006
    based on 41 ratings

    Do you hear that sound? That is the sound of...

    Opening: (Keys Analogy) Would everyone in here that have keys, please take them from your pockets for a moment. Now, jingle them real loud. Do you hear that sound? That is the sound of freedom! As long as you have access to keys, you are free. Proverbs 27:17 says that as iron sharpens iron, more

  • Iron Sharpens Iron

    Contributed by Gregory Thomas on Mar 14, 2009
    based on 9 ratings

    Shows our obligation to a healthy relationship

    “Iron Sharpens Iron” Proverbs 27: 17 As iron sharpens iron, So a man sharpens the countenance of his friend. This particular text expressly speaks of fundamentals on relationship; moreover, shows how people are redeemed and more

  • Promotion: Iron Sharpens Iron

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on Jun 14, 2023

    OFTEN THE ENEMY OF BEST IS BEING GOOD. Once we learn to be good at somethings we stop improving. Do we keep our tools sharp?

    PROMOTION: ACCEPT THE CHALLENGE? IRON SHARPENS IRON… By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. (YouTube: Wade Hughes) I have a little, tiny hammer, I ask what kind of house could you build with this little, tiny hammer? *EDIFY: construction, build up, kindness, to instruct, to teach, to more

  • Iron Can Swim

    Contributed by Wilson Oshorakpor on Apr 25, 2023

    When a man makes iron to float on water, people will say it is magic. God is not a magician. He is the God of miracles. Nothing is impossible with Him. He can make iron swim. His children too can.

    TEXT: 2 KINGS 6:5-6 (NIV) "As one of them was cutting down a tree, the iron ax head fell into the water. 'Oh no, my lord!' he cried out. 'It was borrowed!' The man of God asked, 'Where did it fall?' When he showed him the place, Elisha cut a stick and threw it there, more

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