
Summary: A sermon on the armor of God based on the movie Iron Man.

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ƒ{ This summer was filled with movies of many of our favorite super heroes -- reinvented.

ƒ{ Maybe they were such hits because in Today's uncertain world

ƒ{ There is a certain make believe certainty and hop in these Super Heroes

Super = Superior

Maybe we are looking for something or someone superior to the world we live in.

ƒ{ The clip I showed you was from Iron Man

ƒ{ I got to watch it with Jenessa on an airplane ride from Atlanta to Seattle.

ƒ{ Here we see Tony Stark -- captured; going to be put to death

ƒ{ It reminds me of the armor that God has provided for us.

ƒ{ In order to be victorious over an enemy who want to

* Rob

* Kill

* Destroy

ƒ{ On December 7, 1941, the United States was attacked by a surprising blow from Japanese military forces.

ƒ{ President Roosevelt called it a "Day of Infamy".

ƒ{ The world found itself at war and nations prepared to send their armies into battle.

ƒ{ World War II finally ended years later at a great cost to life and property.

ƒ{ The world would never again be the same.

ƒ{ But has man learned from history?

ƒ{ Learned how to prevent wars?

ƒ{ No, history books are filled with wars and rumors of wars.

ƒ{ The fact is, war between men is inevitable, and it will be until Jesus returns.

ƒ{ As bad as World War II was, there was even a greater day of infamy many years ago.

ƒ{ Satan, in all of his deceptive cunning, convinced Adam and Eve to sin,

ƒ{ Breaking their fellowship with God

ƒ{ Here are many today who act like this war is over.

ƒ{ They do not believe that the devil is real.

ƒ{ They do not take the time to put on the armor of God.

ƒ{ They do not know how to be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.

Vs 10

Finally = last but not least

Be = a command

Strong = you can't be week if you are going to do

something great.

ƒ{ I'm afraid we have a Christian generation that doesn't know how to be strong.

ƒ{ It might be a little embarrassing when we get to heaven and talk to the saints

„X Stoned

„X Hung-up-side-down

„X Boiled in oil

„X Skinned alive

ƒ{ They might ask us what we've been through

ƒ{ We've got to stop rebuking every battle and hardship

„X Isn't as interested in delivering you as He is in what you become through it.

ƒ{ Our strength isn't developed in a gym

ƒ{ It's developed through our relationship with God.

Vs 11

Put On = Command

Full = can't pick and choose

Stand = not progress / you're already there

Stand in your blessing

Don't give up ground

Don't back-up / back-down

ƒ{ Schemes

„X Deceit

„X Tricks

„X Plots

Vs 12

Struggle = Cocoon that makes wings strong

Flesh & Blood = Not people

Not Governments

Not Denominations

Vs 13

Full Armor = (Iron Man)

You're not strong

The Armor is!

When = the day of evil storms come

1. The Belt of Truth

* The belt of bible times armor

* Was like a heavy mail apron

* Meant to protect the reproductive area

ƒ{ Note that it's called the Belt of Truth

* Our world is filled with false teaching

Ephesians 4:14

Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of men in their deceitful scheming.

ƒ{ Only give birth to truth

ƒ{ Don't give birth to thoughts of

* What if

* Who said

* Past voices

ƒ{ We cannot have spiritual reproduction without truth

ƒ{ Faith comes by hearing

ƒ{ Hearing the Word of God

ƒ{ I want to challenge you to protect yourself against the lies of the enemy

ƒ{ Many times the enemy is


ƒ{ Don't reproduce / breed

* Past

* Gossip

* Worry

ƒ{ Produce truth

* What God says about you

* The head not the tail!

ƒ{ In Levitical law, the Bible says a strange thing

ƒ{ About when a husband and wife fight.

ƒ{ Says she shouldn't kick him in the privates.

ƒ{ Which means she shouldn't take advantage of his week areas

ƒ{ The fact is, we all have week areas

ƒ{ That must be protected / combated with the truth!

2. The Breastplate of Righteousness

* The breastplate was a rough sleeveless piece of leather

* Sharp animal bones attached to the front

* It protected the heart, lungs and vital organs

* Today I am protected by being in right standing with God

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