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  • Prized Possessions

    Contributed by John Stevenson on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 225 ratings

    It was in the spring of 1844 when the young German scholar made a most remarkable discovery.

    It was in the spring of 1844 when the young German scholar made a most remarkable discovery. His name was Konstanin Von Tischendorf and he had been traveling through the Middle East. He came one night to an old Greek Orthodox monastery at the foot of Mount Sinai. Knocking upon the door, he was more

  • Lesson 29: Preach A Ladder Series

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on Apr 5, 2018

    Learn to preach a logical sequence of connected points, a German-style chain, pyramid or ladder

    Lesson Goal This lesson is designed to teach a logical sequence of connected points. Lesson Intro Central Europeans are often very detailed-minded and diligent. A style of rhetoric that is popular among Germans is connecting ideas together in a chain. This is similar to building ideas on top of more

  • The Thessalonians 1 Of 12 (1 Of 2)

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Apr 6, 2022

    In his book, “Harvest of Humanity,” John Seamands tells the story of a German soldier that was wounded in training.

    He reported the injury to his officer and he was commanded to go to the local military hospital. When he arrived at the hospital he parked his car and entered the magnificent building. Immediately he saw two doors clearly marked. • The sign on one said, “For the slightly wounded,” and the other more

  • Give Peace A Chance

    Contributed by Charles Wilkerson on Dec 21, 2021

    During Christmas in 1914 the German and Western armies made an unofficial cease fire unsanctioned by the command staff of the armies.

    During Christmas in 1914 the German and Western armies made an unofficial cease fire unsanctioned by the command staff of the armies. This came about because of a request from Pope Benedict XV who earlier suggested a ceasing of warfare during Christmas. The move Joyeux Noel or Merry Christmas more

  • He That Reapeth

    Contributed by Evie Megginson on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 18 ratings

    Years ago, in a small town in Texas, a German mer-chant and his entire family came forward at the close of a service to receive Christ as Savior and Lord.

    Years ago, in a small town in Texas, a German mer-chant and his entire family came forward at the close of a service to receive Christ as Savior and Lord. When the pastor asked him to tell his experience, this is what he said. "Yesterday I closed my store early and went for a ride with my family. more

  • Indulgences: Grace Or Scandal? Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Oct 28, 2017

    When pious Germans dropped money in Tetzel’s collection plate, they were doing so out of love, or maybe fear, but they were intending to do good.

    Thursday of 30th Week in Course All souls day We shall all die, but what then? That is perhaps the key question of human existence. As Christians, we believe that the Father did not abandon us to the effects of original sin, and He does not leave us writhing in our personal sin. Instead, He, with more

  • Primary Colors 4

    Contributed by J. Ritter Jr on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 48 ratings

    Introduction What are you supposed to look like? A young 8-year-old boy was sitting on a wooden pew during the Sunday morning service in a war torn German sanctuary.

    Introduction What are you supposed to look like? A young 8-year-old boy was sitting on a wooden pew during the Sunday morning service in a war torn German sanctuary. The others in attendance were stern, rigid, and downcast. The sermon was quite dry and austere. The young boy sought some object more

  • The Suffering Servant: At Odds With The World Series

    Contributed by Andy Payne on Jan 3, 2010

    “In a world where success is the measure and justification of all things, the figure of him who was sentenced and crucified remains a stranger.” —Dietrich Bonhoeffer, German theologian, pastor, and martyr (1906–1945)

    The Suffering Servant “” Isaiah 52:13-53:9 INTRO: By all accounts Jesus is the complete opposite of what you would expect of a religious or political figure, let alone a military commander or battlefield tactician. In reality he was none of these things. He failed to bring about the military more

  • "We Are Beggars. This Is True.” (So What Kind Of Beggar Are You?)

    Contributed by Daniel Habben on Nov 3, 2022

    On February 18, 1546, at the age of 62, the noted German church reformer, Martin Luther, died. They discovered a piece of paper in his pocket which recorded Luther’s last written words.

    On February 18, 1546, at the age of 62, the noted German church reformer, Martin Luther, died. They discovered a piece of paper in his pocket which recorded Luther’s last written words. The final sentence read: “Wir sind Bettler. Das ist wahr.” (“We are beggars. This is true.”) Do you know what more

  • The Greatest Gift Of All

    Contributed by Geoffrey Foot on Dec 14, 2017

    Christmas is a time of sharing presents and each other's company, a time when rifts between family members should be healed. During the WW1 on Christmas Eve the British and Germans stopped killing each other as Christ's message of PEACE prevailed.

    THE GREATEST GIFT OF ALL. JOHN 1:1-18. The 1914 secret truce between the German and British soldiers has been told many times but it’s certainly worth repeating. In many ways it is surely the miracle of Christmas and its meaning was made manifest in the action of the soldiers who brought to light more

  • Satan's D-Day Series

    Contributed by Michael Mccartney on May 1, 2006

    Satan had no clue that the first Easter Sunday would be his D-Day. Satan and his demons as the Germans thought they were invincible. But then D-day came and when the Sun came up that morning they saw their opposing army which quickly overran all there for

    Satan’s D-Day – Easter Sunday! Opening video Illustration from Blue fish TV – What’s Easter About? Thesis: Satan had no clue that the first Easter Sunday would be his D-Day. Satan and his demons as the Germans thought they were invincible. But then D-day came and when the Sun came up that more

  • The Parable Of The Sheep & The Goats: The Final Judgment Series

    Contributed by Justin Steckbauer on Aug 8, 2022

    His German name was Karl der Grosse. At age twenty-nine, he was crowned the ruler of a tiny kingdom in what is now modern-day France. Few people at his coronation thought that King Karl would one day reshape the map of Europe.

    “His German name was Karl der Grosse. At age twenty-nine, he was crowned the ruler of a tiny kingdom in what is now modern-day France. Few people at his coronation thought that King Karl would one day reshape the map of Europe. At the time of Karl’s ascension in 771, Europe was a collection of more

  • The Greatness Of God Series

    Contributed by Howard Strickland on Mar 26, 2017
    based on 2 ratings

    I recently ran across a statistic compiled by a German scholar. He determined that in Paul’s 13 epistles, he uses the term “In Christ” or some form of it ~ “in Him”, “in the Lord” ~ no less than 164 times! Paul loved to talk about Jesus!

    (Capital Stewardship Day) The Greatness Of God Ephesians 1:15-20AMP Therefore I also, after I heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all the saints, 16 do not cease to give thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers: 17 that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father more

  • Glorificar A Dios En Tu Cuerpo Series

    Contributed by German Alfredo Vargas on Aug 18, 2021

    Introducción: Los predicadores siempre les decimos a los cristianos que deben glorificar a Dios. Muchas veces no dejamos claro cómo deben glorificar a Dios en sus cuerpos, porque asumimos que saben algunas cosas que no saben.

    La Palabra de Dios aclara que no solo debemos GLORIFICAR A DIOS, sino que Su Palabra también nos muestra DE QUÉ MANERA DEBEMOS GLORIFICAR A DIOS. Debemos glorificar a Dios.... EN NUESTRO CUERPO Mira 1 Cor. 6:20, "Porque habéis sido comprados por precio; glorificad, pues, a more

  • Tres Citas Importantes En La Vida Series

    Contributed by German Alfredo Vargas on Aug 29, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    En la vida tenemos tres grandes citas. Todos nos damos cuenta de la necesidad de hacer citas en la vida. Las citas son una parte tan importante de nuestras vidas como lo es la respiración. Hay dos tipos de citas.

    Algunas de estas citas son NOMBRAMIENTOS VOLUNTARIOS y algunos de ellos son NOMBRAMIENTOS INVOLUNTARIOS. Pero ya sean VOLUNTARIOS o INVOLUNTARIOS, reconocemos que las citas son necesarias en la vida. Todos los domingos tenemos una cita voluntaria para estar en la casa de Dios. • Tenemos una cita a more