  • Andy Payne

    Contributing sermons since Dec 9, 2008
Andy's church

Whangarei Central Baptist Church
Whangarei, *Province/Other 140
+64 9 438 3948

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  • A Heart That Is Powerful

    Contributed on Jan 18, 2011
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    Adapted from Tim Hawkings book and study Awesome on the inside.

    Awesome on the Inside #1 A Heart that is Powerful Intro: Image is everything It is not hard to understand the message that the media tries to present as the “ideal” teenager or person or family. TV, movies, magazines, internet advertising and radio all tell us how our lives more

  • Your New Life Part 2

    Contributed on Dec 12, 2010

    Paul outlines what he expects as evidenve of a regenerated life in Christ.

    INTRO: Tonight we conclude our series on Romans 1. The mega-theme: Because of sin the whole human race (Jews and non-Jews) need to be put right with God—Through Jesus Christ 2. Everyone are sinners – believers and non-believer – no difference between them 3. God has made a more

  • The New Life In Christ (Part 1)

    Contributed on Nov 22, 2010

    If we are trying to live our lives under our own steam then we are under legalism. Jesus has set us free from rules and regulations in how we live our life – so we can freely worship Jesus and experience freedom living for him.

    Romans “The New Life in Christ” Romans 5:1-8:39 Intro: Paul’s letter to the Church in Rome addresses: 1. Who needs to be a Christian? 2. Why I need to be Christian? 3. How Can I become a Christian? 4. How does a Christian live his/her life? We have already looked to more

  • Love The Lord Your God: Parenting Beyond Your Capacity

    Contributed on Oct 30, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    The reality is there is no perfect family. There is no perfect parent, parenting style, or parenting trick. “... God is more interested in using broken people than He is creating a better picture.”

    Love the Lord your God Family Camp 2010 Intro: Perfect parents Parenting Beyond your Capacity Book by Reggie Joiner & Carey Nieuwhof “God isn’t holding up a perfect picture; He’s writing a bigger story.” Images of what the ideal family is Flood of parenting more

  • Sharing Your Life Message

    Contributed on Oct 25, 2010

    If you believe that Jesus is the Son of God, then your life long mission is to share this message with others.

    Purpose: Proclamation #2 Sharing Your Life Message Intro: For some today’s message may be a contentious issue ... It is my belief that essentially we are called to “convert” or “proselytize” people. Now you will hear people say ... “should we even tell other people what they should more

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  • American Humorist, Sam Levenson Once Said About ...

    Contributed on Jan 18, 2009

    American humorist, Sam Levenson once said about the Ten Commandments: "Different people look for different things in the Ten Commandments. Some are looking for divine guidance, some more

  • A Sunday School Teacher Asked Her Class If They ...

    Contributed on Jan 18, 2009
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    A Sunday School teacher asked her class if they knew the difference between kindness and loving kindness. One little girl said she knew the difference. She told the teacher that kindness is like when you ask your mother for some toast and she gives it to you, but loving kindness is when you ask more

  • S ...

    Contributed on Jan 18, 2009

    Starfish An old man was walking on the beach one day and he noticed that hundreds and maybe thousands of starfish had been washed up on the beach and were dying. He thought to himself what a shame, but what could he do, he was only but one person. The problem was too great. Then something in more

  • If You Are Neutral In Situations Of Injustice, ...

    Contributed on Jan 16, 2009
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    If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor. If an elephant has his foot on the tail of a mouse and you say that you are neutral, the mouse more