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Sermons on Génesis 2:25:

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  • It's A Good Thing....1 Series

    Contributed by George Izunwa on Nov 10, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    Using Gods wisdom to make God honouring and fulfilling marital choices

    Topic: It's a Good Thing....1 Pro 18:22 says; "Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the LORD". Note 3 - simple thoughts as we take this marital journey: (a)- love & marriage were designed to add colour to life! (b)- when what is meant 4 good, is not more

  • A Perfect Plan For A Perfect Marriage

    Contributed by Michael Stark on Feb 14, 2015

    The challenge of building a strong marriage in a world increasingly opposed to godly marriage.

    “The LORD God said, ‘It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him.’ Now out of the ground the LORD God had formed every beast of the field and every bird of the heavens and brought them to the man to see what he would call them. And whatever more

  • Overcoming Your Family Problems Series

    Contributed by Olu Mike Omoasegun on May 31, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    As we all know that the entire world is a product of a family. Any problem in every society or a nation is a carry over of family problem. Overcoming family problems is one of the fundamental teachings to u[hold the family and the entire world as whole.

    INTRODUCTION As we all know that the entire world is a product of a family. Each man comes from a family, and society is a result of combination of families. Any problem in every society or a nation is a carry over of family problem. Overcoming family problems is one of the fundamental teachings more

  • In The Beginning Series

    Contributed by Clair Sauer on Jun 15, 2016

    The Garden of Eden reveals God's gracious love for humanity as well as our call to serve God's creation.

    Before Owen was born, someone gave us a children’s book called, I Love My Mommy Because…You might be familiar with the book, there is also one called, I Love My Daddy Because…but we didn’t get one of those books until more recently. In any case, on one page of the more

  • The History Of Creation Series

    Contributed by Rev. Matthew Parker on Jan 11, 2015

    God got close when He made humanity, close enough to breathe life into us. That's how close He wants to stay.

    The Gospel According to Genesis - Part 2 of a 4-Part Series - “The History of Creation” January 11, 2015 God said to Adam, "I am going to make you a helper, a companion. What would you like your companion to be like?" Adam replied, "Well I want someone that is humorous, witty, more

  • 5 Weddings In The Bible

    Contributed by Ken Henson on Jan 6, 2016
    based on 3 ratings

    a wedding message chronicling the 5 weddings of the Bible

    Marriage. These days some people are afraid of it. In fact there is a name for fear of marriage: Gamophobia According to (a compendium of phobias), psychological and emotional symptoms at the thought or subject of marriage/commitment: Psychological symptoms include: • Feeling more

  • Before You Say "I Do" Series

    Contributed by Rick Burdette on Feb 2, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    God's Plan for Us, Purpose, Marriage

    Love Like You Mean It – Before You Say “I Do” Genesis 2:18-25 (pg. 2) February 7, 2016 Introduction: God has some very strange arithmetic...You must become empty to be must become the least to be must die to live. And when it comes to more

  • Trinity In Relationships

    Contributed by Mark Armstrong on Aug 10, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    How the Trinity shapes our relationships.

    Today we come to our last study on the Trinity. Three things we shall be doing (1) looking at the Trinity as a model for understanding ourselves; (2) then the Trinity as the foundation for building godly relationships; (3) the priority of trinitarian love.   opening prayer   ‘I’m not a more

  • Una Teología Del Matrimonio

    Contributed by Rick Gillespie- Mobley on Jun 7, 2023

    El matrimonio fue creado por Dios y, por lo tanto, Dios decide qué es permisible para que ocurra un estado de matrimonio.

    Una teología del matrimonio Por Rick Gillespie-Mobley Génesis 2:24-25 Resumen: Esta es una enseñanza bíblica sobre el propósito y diseño de Dios para el matrimonio. ________________________________________ Matrimonio: ¿Cuál es el propósito de todo more

  • Message #2: God's Design For Marriage Series

    Contributed by Matt Skiles on Jun 12, 2023

    What should matter to believers like us is what the Bible and God says about marriage and what a marriage is or isn’t.

    Matthew 19:4-6-“Haven’t you read,” he replied, “that at the beginning the Creator ‘made them male and female,’[a] 5 and said, ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh’[b]? 6 So they are no longer two, but one flesh. more

  • Recover Your Way Series

    Contributed by John Dobbs on Aug 31, 2023

    It’s not hard to admit that we are sinners - it’s the one thing we know about ourselves. But it is hard to admit that our own sin and struggle have left a mess behind us … and sometimes we’re still dealing with it.

    Recover Your Way Genesis 2:1-25 Introduction During the month of September, we are going to be talking about the theme of recovery. The truth is that we are all in recovery. Romans 3:10,23 “There is no one righteous, not even one…for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” It’s more

  • Gender Identity

    Contributed by Matthew Kratz on Nov 17, 2023

    1) Gender Binary, then 2) Gender Identity, and finally how to deal with 3) Gender Confusion.

    Thinking back even a decade ago, most of us would not have imagined how confused people have become over the issue of gender. In recent years we have seen athletes and media celebrities undertake and promote what is known as gender reassignment surgery. Corporations regularly include depictions of more

  • A Match Made In Heaven Series

    Contributed by Brian Bill on Jan 30, 2023
    based on 2 ratings

    Marriage is made in heaven, but it matures on earth.

    I’ve had the privilege of doing a lot of weddings over the years. I often tell couples to expect things to go wrong during wedding ceremonies. A couple stand out to me. • During the most sacred part of one ceremony, I asked the couple named Ben and Jen to repeat their vows. When I turned to the more

  • Marriage Matters Series

    Contributed by Brian Bill on Feb 6, 2023
    based on 2 ratings

    Because God designed marriage, we must do marriage His way.

    A pastor visited a fourth-grade Sunday School class and asked the young disciples this question, “What does God say about marriage?” Immediately one boy raised his hand and replied, “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do!” I enjoy hearing what kids say about love and more

  • God’s Perfect Plan For Life On Earth Series

    Contributed by T.j. Conwell on Feb 12, 2023

    Man and woman both able to stand before a Holy God, both innocent, without fault or the need to understand what shame is. Because there was no failure, no fault to be seen, and no guilt and they were unified as a perfect picture of what God intended.

    Alpha and Omega, Part 7 God’s perfect plan for life on Earth Genesis 2:4-25 Introduction - We’ve begun 2023 with “one purpose”: Knowing there is a God! -- Continuing our series, “Alpha and Omega”; examining the beginning to the end - This morning, we will pick up some speed having our more

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