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Sermons on Galatas 6:7:

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  • Zechariah's Second Vision Series

    Contributed by Richard Tow on Nov 1, 2021

    Message focuses on the sovereignty of God, divine retribution on nations that oppress God's people, and God's vindication of his elect. This word of comfort and assurance has timeless application for God's people of all ages.

    Life is not fair! The godly suffer unjustly, and the wicked seem to get away with their evil deeds. Unbelievers point to all the pain and suffering in the world and defiantly say, “If God is a just, loving God, why does he allow war? Why does he allow disease and famine? Where was he during the more

  • Sowing And Reaping

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Dec 8, 2021

    One of the problems with growing old, is that we soon have a difficult time remembering important things.

    Illus: It seems the older we get, many of us find ourselves at the bottom of the staircase trying to remember, DO I WANT TO GO UP, OR DID I JUST COME DOWN? When we get like this, we have to be able to come up with something quickly, to get out of the situations we find ourselves in. Illus: For more

  • Grace From Galatians (18 Of 19)

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Mar 8, 2022

    Remember that when we started the Book of Galatians we talked about how these false teachers attacked Paul. They stated: • He was not a true apostle • He was preaching a false gospel

    Before Paul brings this letter to a close, he wants to deal with this subject sternly. The strategy that some use when they want to destroy a message is to destroy the messenger. This is the kind of strategy they were using against the apostle Paul. This is done in politics all the time. When more

  • God Will Not Be Mocked (Exodus 8:16-32) Series

    Contributed by Garrett Tyson on Dec 30, 2021

    Mocking God: telling him one thing, and then doing another.

    Let's start today by reminding ourselves about the frogs, and where things stand with Yahweh, and Moses, and Aaron, and Pharaoh. Exodus 8:1 (I didn't realize how different the Hebrew numbering was until I'd finished last week, and I'm too lazy to change it; my bad; English Bibles more

  • Flapping? Relax... Trust The Seed

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on Jan 14, 2022

    There are some simple lessons we can over look. God's plan is trust the seed. Don't eat the seed corn. Quit flapping and start soaring with the wind.

    FLAPPING? GOD SAYS RELAX, … HAVE FAITH IN THE SEED? By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. This is a two part lesson. TEXT: EVERYTHING IN LIFE STARTS IN THE SEED FORM… I WILL TRUST GOD’S PLAN. IF YOU HAVE FAITH AS A MUSTARD SEED… Luke 18:8 I tell you that he will avenge them more

  • Sowing In 2022

    Contributed by Joshua Blackmon on Jan 22, 2022

    New Year sermon about sowing and reaping.

    A Season of Sowing Introduction The traditional story goes that "Tabasco Sauce" was created by Edmund McIlhenny. McIlhenny was from Maryland originally, but he moved to New Orleans, Louisiana to seek his fortune in about 1840. He found his fortune by going into the banking business. By more

  • Every Chance You Get: Build A Bridge

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on Jan 8, 2020

    Consider the difference between a wall and a bridge. We often build walls to try and protect ourselves. A wall came become a prison that limits our growth. God's plan is that we build BRIDGES. Let us connect to growth.

    EVERY CHANCE YOU GET --- BUILD A BRIDGE? By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. TEXT: I love word artist that can paint with words… 1 Thessalonians 3:12 And the Lord make you to increase and abound in love one toward another, and toward all men, even as we do toward you: 1 more

  • Whats Happened To My Harvest [1] Series

    Contributed by Dr. Ope Banwo on Apr 3, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    In this sermon series, we will be discussing the burning question, "What Happened To My Harvest?" The answer to that question is rooted in the law of the seed governs else in our lives including giving, relationships or careers.

    WHAT HAPPENED TO MY HARVEST? THE BASIS OF THE PRINCIPLES OF THE LAW OF SEEDTIME AND HARVEST In this sermon series, we will be discussing the burning question, "What Happened To My Harvest?" I happen to believe that the answer to that question, "What Happened To My Harvest?" more

  • Fear God Not Karma

    Contributed by Dr. Ronald Shultz on Sep 9, 2019

    Karma is as unbiblical as luck. Stop using that term. Instant Karma's not going to get you.

    John Lennon sang about “Instant Karma’s gonna get you” and even Christians will talk about Karma. Karma means deed or action and it is part of many beliefs in India as well as Taoism/Buddhism. Do you need to really worry about Karma? Karma is part of the belief that what we do here determines more

  • Peeps, Posse, Family #6 Series

    Contributed by Robert Butler on Oct 3, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    When we effectively handle our burdens as well as the burden of others, we demonstrate the same love Christ demonstrated on the cross for all of us.

    So here we are, the final week of our walk through the book of Galatians that we’ve entitled, In need of GPS.” Paul has been shouting at the Galatians because they are lost. They made a wrong turn and are headed down a dead-end street. A street that leads only to hopelessness and despair. Paul has more

  • Never Surrender Series

    Contributed by Denn Guptill on Oct 12, 2019

    While there are many things we need to surrender to God, there are some things that we should never surrender.

    It’s almost a dirty word. One that nobody wants to use, and certainly not a word that anybody wants to be identified with. In today’s culture of shame, you can probably think of any number of words that fall in that category, and that society has taken to referring to by their first letter, as more

  • Sowing And Reaping

    Contributed by Grant Adams on Oct 15, 2019

    We are living in a day of “Spiritual Forgetfulness.”

    We are living in a day of “Spiritual Forgetfulness.” Men are forgetting God. Forgetting His church. Forgetting the Lord’s Day. Forgetting the Lord’s tithe. But the fact remains, we must and will pay for neglect and forgetfulness. Hebrews 2:3 No truer text in the Bible. It still applies to every more

  • What A Man Sows. . .

    Contributed by Melvin Newland on Oct 31, 2019
    based on 4 ratings

    Now this principle that the apostle Paul shares with us here has been around for a long time. In fact, Paul was not the first to say it.

    MELVIN M. NEWLAND, MINISTER RIDGE CHAPEL, KANSAS, OK TEXT: Galatians 6:7 9; Hosea 8:7; Genesis 1:11 (This is a shortened variation of a sermon “Do Not Be Deceived” donated earlier to Sermon Central.) A. When you were a child did you more

  • Ordinary Day Breakthroughs

    Contributed by Ernie Arnold on May 3, 2019

    Sermon thesis: The LORD uses our ordinary days to develop our character, our faith and our spiritual strength so that we may be able to reflect His glory and live an Abundant Life here on this Good Earth. How we handle ordinary days can lead to extra-ordinary days!

    Scripture: Galatians 6:1-10; Jeremiah 18:1-4 Title: Ordinary Day Breakthroughs Sermon thesis: The LORD uses our ordinary days to develop our character, our faith and our spiritual strength so that we may be able to reflect His glory and live an Abundant Life here on this Good Earth. INTRO: more

  • Sowing And Reaping Series

    Contributed by Jefferson Williams on Jul 24, 2020

    It is true - we do reap what we sow, whether it be in training for a marathon, planting corn or beans, strengthening our marriages, disciplining our children, taking thoughts captive, or simply being kind to people.

    Dance Lessons: Sowing and Reaping Galatians 6:6-10 Pastor Jefferson M. Williams Chenoa Baptist Church 06-28-2020 Run, Forrest, Run I stood at the starting line of the 2014 Christie Clinic Marathon in Champaign shaking like a leaf. Yes it was a bit chilly but that’s not why my nerves were more

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