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  • Dear John

    Contributed by Davon Huss on Sep 10, 2015

    Notice 3 truths that will refill our faith in Jesus' love (Material adapted from Mark Atteberry's book, Free Refill, Chapter 5 on Refilling Your Faith In His Love, pgs. 77-89)

    HoHum: A "Dear John letter" is a letter written, originally to a soldier overseas, by his wife or girlfriend to inform him their relationship is over, usually because the author has found another lover. WBTU: Because human love is failing, at times we doubt God’s love for us. When some more

  • The Blessing To Have God As Your Guard Series

    Contributed by Dr. Nicholas M. Muteti on Jun 20, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    Is it not a true testimony that the “word of God is a living powerful”, and that “ all God’s promises are Yes and Amen?” Is not our God an awesome God? Who is like him? Who can guard like him? Who is so loving as he is? The whole bible is full of promises

    THE BLESSING TO HAVE GOD AS YOUR GUARD: Part I PSALM 121 Introduction, History- Many years ago, in Europe, there was a great plague that killed one third of the population. It was called the black plague. Tens of thousands were killed each and every month and the population was terrified by the more

  • Stumbling Blocks Or Stepping Stones

    Contributed by Bob Joyce on Jul 15, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    Like Barnabas, we can either be stumbling blocks or stepping stones for Christ.

    Acts 4:36-37; 11:23-26 On the path of life, do you tend to be a stumbling block or a stepping stone person? Are you living for Christ in such a connected and convincing fashion that you pick people up instead of tripping them up? Does your winsome witness help others step up to faith in Christ, or more

  • Lost And Found Proverbs

    Contributed by Howard Strickland on Apr 1, 2010
    based on 8 ratings

    This collection of 137 proverbs was spoken by Solomon and most likely copied into a collection during the reign of Judah’s king, Hezekiah. These proverbs were added to the collection of Proverbs. King Hezekiah tried to bring revival to Judah, he elevated

    Lost and Found Proverbs Proverbs 25:1-28 These also are proverbs of Solomon which the men of Hezekiah king of Judah copied:2 It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, But the glory of kings is to search out a matter. 3 As the heavens for height and the earth for depth, So the heart of more

  • Love Is... Series

    Contributed by Scott Maze on Jun 4, 2021

    Loving other people before yourself is a distinctive trait of Christians. I want you to see this morning that love first shatters us, then it captures us, and lastly, it empowers us.

    The Importance of Love Love is the essence of Christianity. “Because your steadfast love is better than life, my lips will praise you” (Psalm 63:3). The cross of Christ has been the defining act of love for nearly two millennia. Jesus said that love for one another is the badge for Christians: more

  • We Need Each Other Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Sep 20, 2020
    based on 5 ratings

    What does it mean to be the Body of Christ? Why would God refer to us that way?

    OPEN: Centuries ago in Europe, a wealthy nobleman decided to build a church bldg. for the mountain village that he’d grown up in. Everybody, in the village was excited, but no one was permitted to see the plans, or the inside of the church building until it was finished. Finally, the day arrived, more

  • 10 New Year's Resolutions From The Wisest Man Who Ever Lived

    Contributed by Preston Brown on Dec 28, 2001
    based on 896 ratings

    Almost all New Year’s resolution deal with health or wealth or happiness. The principles found in Proverbs 3 guarantee all 3 of these.

    10 New Year’s Resolutions from the Wisest Man Who Ever Lived This is the 1st Sunday of the New Year. You know, when you think about it, all New Year’s Resolutions basically fall into 3 categories. They deal with: 1. Things to make us look better and live longer. 2. Things to make us have more

  • Hear The Voice Of The True God

    Contributed by Jason Zahn on Sep 13, 2001
    based on 28 ratings

    God speaks to us loud and clear through the two main teachings of his Word - the law and the gospel.

    This past Wednesday evening actress Anne Heche stunned the American public with her shocking revelations in an interview with Barbara Walters on ABC’s 20/20. In that interview Heche explained that for a time in her life she believed that she was actually two people. Heche claimed that Celestia – more

  • Joshua's Needed

    Contributed by Joel Ferren on Jun 8, 2005
    based on 19 ratings

    When Moses finished his work, God chose a Joshua to continue it. As the Moses’s of the faith pass on, God is looking for some Joshua’s to step up to leadership.

    Help Wanted Joshua on Leadership May 29, 2005 PM Joshua 1:1-9 (NIV) After the death of Moses the servant of the Lord, the Lord said to Joshua son of Nun, Moses’ aide: [2] "Moses my servant is dead. Now then, you and all these people, get ready to cross the Jordan River into the land I am more

  • Wisdom From The Preacher

    Contributed by Arliss Beavers on May 15, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    There is a time to speak and a time to refrain from speaking.

    5-18-08 SS lesson Wisdom from the Preacher Ecc 5:1-5 Ecclesiastes 5: 1-5 1. Keep thy foot when thou goest to the house of God, and be more ready to hear, than to give the sacrifice of fools: for they consider not that they do evil. 2. Be not rash with thy mouth, and let not thine heart more

  • Spiritual Gifts: Body Works

    Contributed by Peter Loughman on Oct 28, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    Focuses not on details of each spiritual gift, but how we don’t use our gifts, we simply live life as we always did.

    Air Conditioner. The first house we owned was quite old and a lot of things didn’t work quite right.Our air conditioner broke every year. It would cool down the house then, become a heater heat it up, then cool it down. Not how an air conditioner should work. First year called the company who had more

  • Between A Rock And A Hardplace

    Contributed by Weston Blankenship on Jul 29, 2007
    based on 15 ratings

    Sometimes we just have to let go of somethings to survive in our walk with God. It may hurt but God will keep you.

    “Between a Rock and an Hard Place” From the desk of Pastor Blankenship TEXT: Mr 9:43 43 And if thy hand offend thee, cut it off: it is better for thee to enter into life maimed, than having two hands to go into hell, into the fire that never shall be quenched: {offend...: or, cause thee to more

  • Don't Miss The Intent Series

    Contributed by Steve Smith on Aug 28, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    Just like the Pharisees, so many are concerned with outward appearances but Jesus teaches us that we need to be concerned with matters of the heart and that once the heart is under control, outward appearances as well as our actions will take care of them

    I. INTRODUCTION A. Examples of Common Misunderstood Intentions In a world that is so full of evil, one has to be so careful in what he says because one never knows how someone else will interpret what was said. 1. The World of EMAIL I live in the world of email & love it. I can send a message more

  • The Other Half Of The Story

    Contributed by Rick Pendleton on Dec 10, 2012

    Most Christmas sermons tell the first half of the Christmas message-- eternal life, salvation. This sermon is about the other half-- abundant life.

    The Other Half Isaiah 40:3-4 Today I want to talk to you about something you might not expect Pneumatic tires, shock absorbers, asphalt roads, and springs. You might be asking yourself.. "What is he talking about, they didn't have pneumatic tires, shock absorbers or springs 3000 years ago!" more

  • Beatitudes: Semon On The Mount Series

    Contributed by Byron Martin on Jun 12, 2017

    Two truths that Jesus shared. 1. Do Good to Please God. ( Matthew 6: 1-4.) Give without letting others know. 2. Love Your Enemies. (Matthew 5: 38-42) Its actually a really hard thing what Jesus expects of us as Christians. It is hard to be a Christian.

    There is a series of teaching that Jesus did while preaching to crowds in the countryside that begins in Matthew chapter 5 and goes to chapter 7. He was preaching on a wide range of subjects and had a way of opening up the scriptures for all to understand. But he also added to the scripture by more

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