  • Dr. Nicholas M. Muteti

    Contributing sermons since Jun 14, 2011
Dr.'s church

Forestville Baptist Church
Wake Forest, North Carolina 27587

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  • The Blessing To Have God As Your Guard

    Contributed on Jun 24, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    There is a blessing to have God as your protector. No one can guard you as He does. He guards you diligently, in your walk, and even in your sleep; He protects you and your dear ones; He watches over you continuously, day and night, entirely, body and sou

    THE BLESSING OF HAVING GOD AS YOUR GUARD: Part 3 PSALM 121 Illustration- In June 2010, my wife and I and another Pastor and his wife and three young adults travelled to Kenya for a two week Mission Trip. As I led this trip, more

  • The Blessing To Have God As Your Guard

    Contributed on Jun 23, 2011
    based on 3 ratings

    Twenty seven years ago, I travelled to a new Church to preach in Kenya . Every time on my way to this church which was in the Maasai jungle in the middle of nowhere, I prayed that God will protect my family when I was gone, and God was faithful to do so.

    THE BLESSING TO HAVE GOD AS YOUR GUARD: Part 2 PSALM 121 Illustration, Personal- Twenty seven years ago, I travelled to a new Church to preach in Kenya . Every time on my way to this church which was in the Maasai jungle in the more

  • The Blessing To Have God As Your Guard

    Contributed on Jun 20, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    Is it not a true testimony that the “word of God is a living powerful”, and that “ all God’s promises are Yes and Amen?” Is not our God an awesome God? Who is like him? Who can guard like him? Who is so loving as he is? The whole bible is full of promises

    THE BLESSING TO HAVE GOD AS YOUR GUARD: Part I PSALM 121 Introduction, History- Many years ago, in Europe, there was a great plague that killed one third of the population. It was called the black plague. Tens of thousands were killed each and every month and the population was terrified by the more

  • Christian Growth Through Spiritual Diet

    Contributed on Jun 15, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    Did you know that a Christian must have a spiritual diet? I was blessed to discover it in 1 Peter Chapter 2. I like peter. Peter is quite often pictured on the pages of scripture eating, or sitting at the table. Here, in chapter 2, he is not referring the

    CHRISTIAN GROWTH THROUGH SPIRITUAL DIET 1 PETER 2:1-3 Introduction, Attention, Personal- Six years ago, my wife and I took our youngest son for a regular physical check-up and the doctor told us, “Everything is fine with him, except his growth. Last time he was doing fine, now he is more

  • Requirements For True Disciples

    Contributed on Jun 15, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    We don't like discipline, we want to be free, to do whatever we want, to live our lives just as we want. But Christian discipleship requires discipline. I know you are disciples of the lord, but let me challenge you today to check out your discipleship, b

    REQUIREMENTS FOR TRUE DISCIPLES Luke 9:57-61 Introduction, attention, Interest, Personal- Nearly thirty years ago, I was a middle school teacher in Kenya .One day I took 20 students, and I told them: “I will do my best to teach you and train you. If you obey me, you will be the best more

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  • Being A Shepherd

    Contributed on Jun 24, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    BEING A SHEPHERD My ancestors were farmers and shepherds. Their task was both varied and arduous, demanding and dangerous. Not only did they have to protect their sheep from dangers, sickness, and wild beasts, they also had to be constantly on the search for good pastures and sufficient water. I more

  • God As My Guard

    Contributed on Jun 24, 2011
    based on 3 ratings

    GOD AS MY GUARD I remember one time driving on a completely unknown route. It was dark, early in the morning, just after midnight. I didn’t know the way and I thought I can drive ahead and somehow will find the town I was looking for. It was the time when all the routes in Kenya were very poor more

  • Protect The Flag

    Contributed on Jun 23, 2011

    PROTECT THE FLAG In Kenya, as elsewhere, the military buildings are very important. There are permanent teams that guard the buildings and all properties of the army that no enemy will come in and destroy or steal our secrets. But the most precious thing in a military building is the flag of more

  • Miracle Story

    Contributed on Jun 20, 2011

    MIRACLE STORY Many years ago in Kenya, a parent of one of my students came to me and told me what God did for their family. His daughter was born with serious physical problems. Doctors said that she will not be able to give birth her entire life. Her father and mother began to pray fervently more

  • Ministry During Black Plague

    Contributed on Jun 20, 2011

    MINISTRY DURING BLACK PLAGUE Many years ago, in Europe, there was a great plague that killed one third of the population. It was called the black plague. Tens of thousands were killed each and every month and the population was terrified by the thought of facing death in their families and more