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  • We Believe In Sin Series

    Contributed by Scott Maze on May 24, 2021

    Sin is more than a behavior. Sin is a power in each of us.

    We continue a series of messages entitled Creed: 9 Essentials to the Christian Faith. We are exploring the beliefs that form the theological center of Christianity. It is a series devoted to the discovery of what you believe and why it matters. Each of these beliefs serves as lynchpins to the more

  • God's Discipline Policy

    Contributed by Perry Fowler on Aug 8, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    In Hebrews 12 we get to see God’s discipline policy. What does God say to us about how He disciplines us?

    In life, it is easy to drift. A few years ago, Tara Myers and her son Brennan went to the beach and thought it would be fun to take their “swan raft” along for a little ride on the ocean waves off of Ana Maria Island. Yet, as they were floating on their big inflatable swan having a great time, more

  • Mary: A Model Of Motherhood

    Contributed by Timothy Smith on May 24, 2006
    based on 1 rating

    Mother’s Day Sermon - 2006

    Mother’s Day 2006 MARY: A MODEL OF MOTHERHOOD JOHN 2:1-11 INTRODUCTION: {Video Clip: Gospel of John - Chp. 3:12:50 - 16:08 - 3:18} A wedding took place at Cana, in Galilee. Now, weddings are almost always times of great joy, but sometimes, even with the best of planning, things go wrong. So more

  • We Don't Serve A Plastic Jesus Series

    Contributed by Mark A. Barber on Sep 3, 2013

    Either Jesus molds us or else we mold a false Jesus

    We Don't Serve a Plastic Jesus John 18:38-19:7 Introduction Last week, we talked about Jesus' being delivered over by the Jews to Pontius Pilate for judgment. This word "handed over" is the same Greek word used by John to describe Judas' betrayal of Jesus to the Jewish authorities. We also more

  • Our Obligation To Patience-1

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on May 4, 2011

    James declared/asserted that Christian’s are obligated to patience. Christians are obligated to practice patience. But Why are they obligated? Patience gives us the capacity for...

    OUR OBLIGATION To PATIENCE-I—James 5:7-12 Need: I live a fast-paced life. I enjoy it! I like to get things done! People that take their time slow you down. Why should I be patient? Let’s go to church, get this thing done....head out....enjoy the day! Yeah, I love more

  • God Is For Us! Series

    Contributed by David Owens on Nov 11, 2019

    Paul ends Romans 8 with an amazing crescendo that helps us have great confidence in God as our protector, defender and keeper.

    Introduction: A. How many of you remember the Tom and Jerry cartoons? 1. Tom, the cat, was always trying to catch and eat, Jerry, the mouse. 2. The series was rather silly, predictable, and filled with slapstick violence. 3. In one of the cartoon stories, Jerry rescued Spike, the bulldog, from more

  • "it's Not Fair!" (Part One) Series

    Contributed by Derrick Tuper on May 20, 2019

    Ever have one of those days when you want to scream, ‘it's not fair’? Have you ever read stories in the bible and thought, "that's not fair"? We'll look at some of these stories so we can hopefully gain perspective for the times when we think God's not being fair.

    "IT'S NOT FAIR!" (part one) Ever have one of those days when you want to scream, ‘it's not fair’? Perhaps you feel like that statement defines your life as a whole. My father-in-law was born with deformities and had to have multiple corrective surgeries. On top of that, he had a more

  • Life Isn't Fair Series

    Contributed by Troy Borst on Jan 28, 2016

    Life Isn’t Fair. What are we as believers supposed to do about it?

    LIFE ISN’T FAIR 1 PETER 2:11-25 INTRODUCTION Life Isn’t Fair. * In the very first family, Adam and Eve had one son kill another over worshipping God (of all things) and that son was banished out of the family. That isn’t fair. (Genesis 4) * Abraham had a son born to him by more

  • Walk In Intergrity Series

    Contributed by Claude Alexander on Aug 14, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    God gave us the Book of Proverbs to help us discern between good and evil (1 Ki 3:9). If we follow the advise given there we will get an understanding mind as we make decisions in our day-to-day life.

    Walking in Integrity Proverbs 10-: 1-10 God gave us the Book of Proverbs to help us discern between good and evil (1 Ki 3:9). If we follow the advise given there we will get an understanding mind as we make decisions in our day-to-day life. In Proverbs, we do not find the simplistic more

  • Your Baby Shall Leap Again

    Contributed by Jeremiah Menyongai on Mar 16, 2016

    Hopelessness is a weapon the enemy uses effectively. It is when you come to that place where you have totally given up and you feel you can do no more - that even God or those you depended on have failed you. But this Christmas you can hope again.

    YOUR BABY SHALL LEAP AGAIN LUKE 1:5-44 5 There was in the days of Herod, the king of Judea, a certain priest named Zacharias, of the division of Abijah. His wife was of the daughters of Aaron, and her name was Elizabeth. 6 And they were both righteous before God, walking in all the commandments and more

  • Nothing But The Truth

    Contributed by Mike Hays on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 65 ratings

    What we need today is not cleverness, but the truth of God.

    "Nothing But The Truth" 2 Peter 1:12-21 There is a prominent question that is looming in the minds and hearts of Americans today. It doesn't have anything to do with the stock market, who will win the NCAA basketball crown, or if the movie "Star Wars" will meet everyone's expectations. You will more

  • Rollover Minutes Series

    Contributed by Timothy Smith on Sep 3, 2005
    based on 4 ratings

    6th message in an 8 week series on the Lord’s Prayer. This one deals with the phrase: "as we forgive those who sin against us..."

    Can You Hear Me Now? Good! Week 6 “Rollover Minutes” MATTHEW 5:44, 6:12b & 14-15 INTRODUCTION: There are several jobs I can think of that would be uncomfortable and I wonder why anyone wants to do them. One is a traffic cop. In a lot of departments there is an officer(s) assigned to the more

  • No Mere Men-4--Sec. 1, Part 4 Series

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Aug 19, 2014

    4 of 10. Paul reveals the traits of unspiritual men. Unspiritual men are unable to exist in harmony. But Why? Because...No mere men can Overcome...

    NO MERE MEN-IV—1Corinthians 3:1-9 Paul reveals the traits of unspiritual men. Unspiritual men are unable to exist in harmony. Why are the unspiritual unable to live in harmony? Because...No mere men can Overcome... And as we discovered previously—No mere men can Overcome... 1. more

  • God's Sovereignty & Decision Making Series

    Contributed by Chris Appleby on May 13, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    God's Sovereignty puts a framework around our decision making. When we make decisions it must always be within the constraints of God's will being done on earth as well as in heaven.

    A Sermon by Adam Cetrangolo Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done Down the street from my house, someone has taped a hand-made sign to a pole … a little piece of secular wisdom that I walk past most mornings and inevitably read on my way to the train station. It reads: LIFE DOESN’T HAVE more

  • The Blessings Of Our Justification Series

    Contributed by David Owens on Jul 22, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    In the first five verses of Romans chapter 5, Paul begins to focus on the results of our justification in Christ. Paul points toward 3 blessings that comes because of our justification.

    Introduction: A. Many years ago a major American magazine published the results of a most fascinating survey. 1. The editors had asked 16 prominent Americans what they did in order to find peace of mind in the midst of our stressful world. The responses were quite revealing. 2. Noted author James more

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