Sermon Series

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  • 1. The Powerful Message Of Paul's Letter To The Romans

    Contributed on Mar 25, 2019

    Paul's letter to the Romans is an occasional letter. What was the situation facing the church in Roman that caused Paul to pen one of the most amazing presentations of the gospel of God? In sermon, we investigate the background to Paul's letter to the Romans.

    A. In the year 386 A.D. a young professor of rhetoric named Aurelius Augustinius was wasting his life away in dissolution and debauchery. 1. Then one day, he happened to pick up a Bible, which just happened to fall open to the book of Romans, where his eye just happened to fall upon Chapter 13, more

  • 2. The Calling Of Paul And The Romans

    Contributed on Apr 1, 2019

    This sermon explores the first 17 verses of Romans 1 as Paul introduces himself and his mission to the Romans and reminds them of their calling. There are many powerful lessons we can learn in these opening verses.

    A. Many years ago a minister was walking to church one Sunday morning when he passed by the home of one of his church members who was working in his flower garden. 1. The minister said to him: “Can’t you hear those bells calling you to church?” 2. “Eh, what’s that?” asked the church member. more

  • 3. The Gospel And God's Wrath

    Contributed on Apr 8, 2019

    The gospel is the good news of Jesus that is the antidote of the bad news of God's wrath and judgment against sin. In Romans 1:18-32, Paul discusses why God's wrath is justified, and what happens to humanity when they reject God and God gives them up.

    A. The story is told of a street evangelist who was trying to get the attention of people passing by. 1. He spoke loudly, urging the people to flee from the wrath of God to come. 2. He roared, “I warn you, that there will be weeping, and wailing, and gnashing of teeth!” 3. An older woman passing more

  • 4. God's Righteous Judgment

    Contributed on Apr 15, 2019

    As Paul continues to lay out the fact that all people fall short of the glory of God and are in need of God's righteousness, he focuses on the fact that the Jews are no better off than the Gentiles.

    A. One day a company inspection was taking place at the Redstone Arsenal, the U.S. Army’s guided missile school in Huntsville, Alabama. 1. The inspection was being conducted by a full colonel. 2. The inspection was going smoothly until the colonel came to a certain soldier. 3. The colonel more

  • 5. When Religion Isn't Enough

    Contributed on May 13, 2019

    True religion isn't about external rituals, but it is about relationship and wholehearted devotion.

    A. One day, many years ago, a well-respected British minister took the trolley early Monday morning from his home in the suburbs to the church in downtown London. 1. He paid the driver as he got on the trolley, and being pre-occupied with his busy schedule and the needs of his church he didn’t more

  • 6. Questions And Answers

    Contributed on May 13, 2019

    Paul anticipates that the Jewish Christians in Rome will have a lot of questions and so he asks and answers three questions in this section of Romans.

    A. Happy Mother’s Day to all the mothers and grandmothers in our congregation, whether they be biological, adoptive, surrogate, or spiritual mothers and granmothers! 1. We all thank God for the influence of godly women in our individual lives and in the life of the church as a whole! 2. May God more

  • 7. The Verdict: No One Is Righteous

    Contributed on May 28, 2019

    This sermon is the completion of Paul's three chapter presentation of the universal sinfulness and helplessness of all people. Before Paul can share the good news of the gospel, he must first we understand and accept the bad news of our condition.

    A. One day two men were sitting next to each other on an airplane, and one of them remarked, “Somebody around here’s deodorant isn’t working!” 1. The other man said, “Well, it’s not me, I’m not wearing any deodorant!” B. One of the realities in life is that some folks are oblivious to their own more

  • 8. The Only Way To Be Made Right With God

    Contributed on Jun 3, 2019

    After spending three chapters explaining how all people are sinners and are subject to God's wrath, in Romans 3:21-26, Paul explains how sinners can be made right with God.

    A. Let me begin with a question this morning: How many of us here today want to escape God’s judgment and wrath against sin? 1. We all want to escape God’s judgment and wrath against sin, don’t we? 2. But how can we do that? How can we make sure God’s judgment and wrath don’t fall on us? B. Let more

  • 9. What God Has Promised, God Will Do!

    Contributed on Jun 17, 2019

    In Romans 4:13-25, Paul shows how Abraham believed that what God promised, God would do. Similarly, in order to be made right with God, we must believe that God will make good on His promise to save those who put their trust in Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection.

    A. I like the old story about a man who fell off a cliff, but managed to grab a tree limb on the way down. 1. The man began to call out: “Help, help, is anyone up there?” 2. Then the man heard a voice saying, “I am here. I am the Lord. Do you believe me?” 3. The man replied, “Yes, Lord, I more

  • 10. The Blessings Of Our Justification

    Contributed on Jul 22, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    In the first five verses of Romans chapter 5, Paul begins to focus on the results of our justification in Christ. Paul points toward 3 blessings that comes because of our justification.

    Introduction: A. Many years ago a major American magazine published the results of a most fascinating survey. 1. The editors had asked 16 prominent Americans what they did in order to find peace of mind in the midst of our stressful world. The responses were quite revealing. 2. Noted author James more

  • 11. The Assurance Of Our Salvation

    Contributed on Jul 29, 2019

    Paul assures us that if God went to such effort to save us when we were his enemies, how much more will God continue to save us from his wrath now that we are God's children. This should cause us to rejoice!

    Introduction: A. Perhaps you are a history buff and have studied the history of the Civil War. 1. There are literally thousands of powerful and personal stories that come out of those dark days 2. I want to share with you the amazing story of Sam Watkins, a young man from Columbia, Tennessee more

  • 12. Death Through Adam, Life Through Christ

    Contributed on Aug 21, 2019

    Because of Adam's sin, we all become sinners and face the condemnation of God. But because of Christ, we can be born again and receive God's grace and Christ's righteousness. The choice is ours!

    Introduction: A. Today we return to our series on Paul’s Letter to the Romans called “Pursing Righteousness From God” and we will focus our attention on the second half of chapter 5. B. One day a little girl was flipping through the old family Bible, when a leaf, that someone long ago had pressed more

  • 13. Dead To Sin, Alive In Christ

    Contributed on Sep 2, 2019

    Some of sought to abuse and exploit the grace of God for selfish purposes. God's grace is designed to help us live for God as it transitions us to a new creation and gives us victory over sin.

    Introduction: A. Max Lucado tells a story about a man who visited Las Vegas and called the local preacher on Friday to inquire about the hours of the Sunday services. 1. The minister was very impressed, and complimented the caller, saying: “Most people don’t come to Las Vegas in order to go to more

  • 14. We Died To The Law

    Contributed on Sep 16, 2019

    When a person is a Christian they are dead to sin and they are also dead to the law. In Romans 7:1-6, Paul explains why Christians are no longer under the law of Moses. What a blessing to be under grace not law.

    A. The story is told of an old preacher who was dying. 1. He sent a message for his banker and his lawyer to come to his home, both men were members of his church. 2. When the lawyer and banker arrived, they were ushered up to his bedroom. 3. As they entered the room, the preacher held out his more

  • 15. The Real Enemy

    Contributed on Sep 23, 2019

    Paul explains in Romans 7:7-13 that our real enemy is not the law, but is sin and our sinful flesh. We don't have to live with the consequences of our sin if we bring it under the grace of Jesus Christ.

    A. One day, a mother explained to her five-year-old daughter that if she chose to disobey her, she would have to live with the consequences. 1. “Oh, Mommy!” the little girl said with a terrified look on her face. “Please don’t make me live with the Consequences. I want to live here with more

  • 16. Our Ongoing Stuggle

    Contributed on Sep 30, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    In the last section of Romans 7, Paul shares his personal ongoing struggle with sin. It is a struggle that we will face until we pass from our earthly bodies to our heavenly home. Although we may have significant victory over sin, the battle will remain and the struggle will continue.

    A. One day a preacher was making some visits to the homes of his church members, when he came upon a boy trying to sell a lawn mower. 1. “How much do you want for the mower?” asked the preacher. 2. “I want just enough money to buy me a bicycle,” said the boy. 3. After a moment of consideration, more

  • 17. Living By The Spirit

    Contributed on Oct 7, 2019

    Living by the Spirit and not the flesh involves having our trust, our mind and our obligations in the right things.

    Introduction: A. Maybe you heard the story of the man who owned a 1973 Pontiac classic car and loved it more than anything. 1. His instructions in his will were to bury him in his Pontiac. 2. So when he died, that’s what they did: they dressed him up in his suit, hat and white gloves, propped him more

  • 18. Children Of God

    Contributed on Oct 21, 2019

    In this section of Romans, Paul reminds us that the Holy Spirit plays an important role in sealing us and confirming us as God's children. And as God's children, we have so many wonderful blessings.

    A. Today, I want to let you in on a secret, and I assure you what I am about to reveal is true. 1. This secret is not science fiction, although it may sound like something from The X-Files. 2. And even though this secret is not classified information and has been to available to the discerning for more

  • 19. From Groaning To Glory

    Contributed on Oct 28, 2019

    In Romans 8:18-30, Paul helps us to understand how the groaning of our suffering can lead to glory, because the Holy Spirit helps us when we don't know what to pray, and God is working good through all things to conform us to the image of His Son.

    A. Farmer Joe decided his injuries from the accident were serious enough to take the trucking company that was responsible for the accident to court. 1. In court, the trucking company’s fancy lawyer was questioning farmer Joe: “Didn’t you say, at the scene of the accident, ‘I’m fine?,” questioned more

  • 20. God Is For Us!

    Contributed on Nov 11, 2019

    Paul ends Romans 8 with an amazing crescendo that helps us have great confidence in God as our protector, defender and keeper.

    Introduction: A. How many of you remember the Tom and Jerry cartoons? 1. Tom, the cat, was always trying to catch and eat, Jerry, the mouse. 2. The series was rather silly, predictable, and filled with slapstick violence. 3. In one of the cartoon stories, Jerry rescued Spike, the bulldog, from more

  • 21. Has God's Word Failed?

    Contributed on Nov 25, 2019

    As we move into chapters 9-11, Paul addresses the deep theological topics of God's election, predestination and sovereignty. Paul does this to answer the baffling questions surrounding the Jewish people's rejection of Jesus. A lot of this sermon is based on a sermon by Dan Williams.

    A. Last Sunday’s Friend Day was certainly uplifting to me, I hope it was for you as well! 1. We had a number of visitors, and we had a special fellowship meal. It was a great day! B. I heard the story of a man who was experiencing problems with his new computer, so he called the help more

  • 22. God Is Sovereign

    Contributed on Dec 9, 2019

    As Paul begins to deal with the questions of God's original election of the Jews and the later inclusion of the Gentiles, Paul drives home the point that God is sovereign.

    A. It has been said: “There are two sure things in life: 1. There is a God; 2. You are not Him!” 1. I would like to add a third sure thing: “And this God, whom you are not, is sovereign and can do whatever He decides to do.” 2. Steven Curtis Chapman wrote a song called “God is God” and the chorus more

  • 23. A Failure To Believe

    Contributed on Dec 16, 2019

    In Romans chapter 10, Paul explains that the majority of the Jews had missed the salvation turning point of history. They didn't understand that Jesus was the end of the law, and tripped over the stumbling stone of Christ. They failed to believe in Jesus.

    A. When it comes to salvation, there are many paradoxes and ironies that go with it. 1. Salvation is free, but it costs everything. 2. Salvation is available to all, but few receive it. 3. Salvation is something that everyone needs, but few recognize it. B. So when we talk about salvation and more

  • 24. Has God Let His People Down?

    Contributed on Jan 13, 2020

    In Romans 11, Paul explains that God has not let the Jewish people down, because God has fulfilled His promises to them by maintaining a remnant and by bringing blessings through their unbelief.

    A. Many years ago, Gina Cruz, a Manila grandmother, had spent months playing Pepsi-Cola’s Numbers Fever promotion lottery. 1. She bought several bottles of Pepsi a day and saved the caps in hopes that one of the numbers printed inside the cap would win her a one million peso prize ($40,000 at the more

  • 25. The Rest Of The Story

    Contributed on Jan 20, 2020

    Paul concludes chapter 11 explaining that God has not given up on the people of Israel by revealing the mystery that "all Israel will be saved." The thought that God's plan includes mercy for Jews and Gentiles propels Paul into a majestic doxology about the glory of God.

    A. I used to love listening to Paul Harvey’s “The Rest of the Story” radio broadcasts. 1. The short radio segments consisted of stories presented as little-known or forgotten facts on a variety of subjects with some key element of the story (usually the name of some well-known person) held back more

  • 26. How Should We Respond?

    Contributed on Jan 27, 2020

    Paul begins chapter 12 by answering the question: “How should we respond to the mercies of God?”

    A. One Sunday after worship services, as the worshipers filed out of the sanctuary they greeted the preacher who stood by the door. 1. As one member shook the minister’s hand, he thanked him for the sermon and said, “Preacher, I would have to say that you are smarter than Einstein.” 2. Beaming more

  • 27. The Love Factor

    Contributed on Feb 4, 2020

    In chapter 12 of Romans, Paul gives an overview of what real, sincere love looks like. In so doing, Paul moves love out of the realm of the abstract into the realm of the concrete.

    This morning I want us to start with a Peanuts comic strip. 1. One day Linus said to Lucy, “I’m going to be a doctor when I grow up.” 2. Lucy replied, “You a Doctor! Ha! You could never be a doctor! You know why? Because you don’t love mankind. That’s why!” 3. Linus defended himself, saying, more

  • 28. The Christian And Government

    Contributed on Feb 10, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    As Paul discusses the transformed life Christians are called to, he addresses the need for Christians to submit to the governing authorities and to pay their obligations of taxes and respect.

    A. A young boy, who wanted $100.00 very badly, prayed for two weeks but nothing happened. 1. Then he decided to write God a letter requesting $100.00. 2. When the postal authorities received the boy’s letter to God, they decided to send it to the President of the United States. 3. The President more

  • 29. It's Time To Wake Up!

    Contributed on Feb 17, 2020
    based on 2 ratings

    At the end of Romans 13, Paul reminds Christians of the debt of love they owe and warns them to wake up and put off the deeds of darkness because the return of Christ is nearing.

    A. One of my favorite things to do as a father when our daughters were growing up, was to wake them up in the morning. 1. I loved seeing their sweet, sleepy faces as I woke them with a gentle voice, saying, “It’s time to wake up.” 2. What is your attitude when you wake up? a. I’m a morning more

  • 30. The Cure For Conflict (Pt. 1)

    Contributed on Feb 24, 2020

    In Romans 14, Paul begins to address the specific things that are causing conflict in the church in Rome. Paul's main points include accept each other and let God be the judge.

    A. In 1904, this large statue of Christ, that you see on the screen, was erected high in the Andes, on the border between Argentina and Chile – called “Christ the Redeemer of the Andes.” 1. The statue symbolizes a pledge between the two countries. 2. As long as the statue stands, there is to be more