Sermon Series
  • 1. "it's Not Fair!" (Part One)

    Contributed on May 20, 2019

    Ever have one of those days when you want to scream, ‘it's not fair’? Have you ever read stories in the bible and thought, "that's not fair"? We'll look at some of these stories so we can hopefully gain perspective for the times when we think God's not being fair.

    "IT'S NOT FAIR!" (part one) Ever have one of those days when you want to scream, ‘it's not fair’? Perhaps you feel like that statement defines your life as a whole. My father-in-law was born with deformities and had to have multiple corrective surgeries. On top of that, he had a more

  • 2. "it's Not Fair!" (Part Two)

    Contributed on May 28, 2019

    Last week I stated the series on the places in the bible where it seems as if God wasn't being fair. We looked at Adam and Eve getting kicked out of the garden for one act of disobedience. Then we looked at the story of Job. Let's look at two more examples.

    "IT'S NOT FAIR!" (part two) Last week I stated the series on the places in the bible where it seems as if God wasn't being fair. We see it started right from the beginning with Adam and Eve getting kicked out of the garden for one act of disobedience. On the surface that seems more

  • 3. "it's Not Fair!" (Part Three)

    Contributed on Jun 3, 2019

    Last week we looked at the prophet who was lied to by another prophet yet the one who was deceived was punished. We looked at Moses not being allowed into the promised land because he struck the rock instead of speaking to it. Today we'll see what happened to Uzzah.

    "IT'S NOT FAIR!" (part three) Recap: In week one I talked about Adam and Eve's one sin that got them banished from the garden of Eden. And I talked about one of the greatest examples of 'it's not fair' in the story of Job. Last week I talked about the prophet who more