Sermon Series
  • 1. God Delivers Himself Into The Hand Of Angry Sinners

    Contributed on Jul 29, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    In one step across the Brook Kidron, Jesus changes history for ever. Are you willing to follow?

    Part 1: God Delivers Himself into the Hands of Angry Sinners (John 18:1-11) Rev. Mark A. Barber The Gospel of Mark mentions that the last thing that Jesus and the disciples did at the Last Supper was to sing a hymn. As this was the Passover meal, we know that Psalm 118 was one of the psalms more

  • 2. It Ain't Easter, Preacher

    Contributed on Aug 8, 2013

    Every time a believer comes to faith in Jesus Christ, it points back to the first Easter almost 2000 years ago. We celebrate that Jesus is risen from the dead. God, the angels, and we rejoice when a former unbeliever rises from the dead to life in Christ.

    It Ain't Easter, Preacher John 20:1-10 First preached in November, 2004 Introduction Last week we learned about how Jesus fulfilled the Scriptures even in death. He gave up His life voluntarily at 3PM, at the exact hour the Passover Lambs started to be slain. The lambs had to be more

  • 3. It's All Over But The Singing

    Contributed on Aug 8, 2013

    Jesus finished the work of redemption. We are just waiting to sing the Song of the Lamb

    It's All Over But the Singing John 19:25-31 Introduction Last week Pilate handed over (betrayed) Jesus to the will of the Jewish people to have Him crucified. It made mention that Pilate took personal responsibility for writing the accusation on the placard which would have hung around Jesus more

  • 4. Lifted Up On High

    Contributed on Aug 8, 2013

    Jesus said that if He was lifted up, he would draw all men unto Him. "Lifted up" has a double meaning. Here it means being lifted up on a cross

    Lifted Up on High John 19:16-24 Introduction Last week we saw the fateful decision of the Jewish leaders to accept Caesar and reject Jesus. This was in effect the end of the Jewish nation. No longer do the physical descendants of Abraham through Jacob have any exclusive privilege with God. more

  • 5. One Last Chance

    Contributed on Aug 8, 2013

    God through Pilate gives Israel one last chance before consigning the nation to perpetual judgment. Their abject rejection meant the loss of the nation ethnically and opened the door to all who will believe to become God's chosen people.

    One Last Chance John 19:8–16 Introduction Last week we saw Pilate pronounce three times that he found no guilt in Jesus and tried to get Jesus released. First he tried to get the crowd to choose Barabbas. Then he tried the sympathy approach by having Jesus beaten up a bit and mocked more

  • 6. The Telltale Rooster

    Contributed on Aug 8, 2013

    Don't crow about yourself or the Telltale Rooster will crow on you.

    The Telltale Rooster John 18:13-27 Introduction Last week we saw how Jesus was in total control of even His arrest. Not only does the Scripture clearly show that Jesus knew that Judas had gone out to betray him and could have simply gone somewhere than the garden, but John 18:6, where all of more

  • 7. Yes It's Me! Touch And See!

    Contributed on Aug 15, 2013

    We have to take the Apostle's word of testimony concerning the physical resurrection of Jesus who physically experienced it in their lives. But the Holy Spirit serves to corroborate their testimony so that we might believe also.

    Yes It’s Me! Touch and See! John 20:19-31 Introduction Last week, we saw Mary weeping uncontrollably at the tomb, not knowing what was about to happen. John had been unraveling the evidence to the Resurrection one detail at a time. Mary stooped down and saw the two angels who asked more

  • 8. We Don't Serve A Plastic Jesus

    Contributed on Sep 3, 2013

    Either Jesus molds us or else we mold a false Jesus

    We Don't Serve a Plastic Jesus John 18:38-19:7 Introduction Last week, we talked about Jesus' being delivered over by the Jews to Pontius Pilate for judgment. This word "handed over" is the same Greek word used by John to describe Judas' betrayal of Jesus to the Jewish authorities. We also more

  • 9. Did Nicodemus Just Get Saved?

    Contributed on Aug 19, 2013
    based on 2 ratings

    Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus demonstrated their saving faith in Jesus by their taking Jesus off the cross and burying Him.

    Did Nicodemus Just Get Saved? John 19:38-42 Introduction We first met Nicodemus several months ago in chapter three in my sermon “Whoa! Man of the Night”. In this sermon that not only did Nicodemus come by night, he also left in the night. To the Apostle John, darkness is often more

  • 10. Jesus Tries To Save Pilate

    Contributed on Aug 8, 2013
    based on 3 ratings

    Is Pilate trying Jesus, or is Jesus trying Pilate?

    Jesus Tries to Save Pilate John 18:28-38 Introduction Last week we talked about three trials. We talked about the mock trial of Jesus before Annas and the Jewish leaders. The second trial was that of the Jewish nation before Jesus. The third was the trial of Peter and John in the courtyard more