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  • David As A Fugitive Series

    Contributed by Freddy Fritz on Aug 17, 2019

    First Samuel 21:1-15 shows the foolishness of a believer gripped by fear.

    Scripture God rejected Saul as king over Israel because of his disobedience, and chose David instead, although he was not immediately coronated. Because of David’s growing popularity with the people, Saul became extremely jealous of David, and tried to kill him. Eventually, Saul’s son Jonathan more

  • Son Of David Series

    Contributed by Allan Quak on Nov 9, 2018

    We can be far from God, or we can be close. Whatever our situation we can find restoration and hope because Jesus is the Son of David ... and God will act for the sake of His Son.

    Message Matthew 1:1 Name Above All Names - Son of David We are going to continue our sermon series on the names of Jesus. We started this series only last week and we are looking at the names of Jesus as they appear in the New Testament from Jesus being the Word who was there “in the beginning” up more

  • David And Goliath Series

    Contributed by Joseph Rodgers on Jan 3, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    What does it mean to believe? To believe is more than just acknowledging – it is faith in action. All true belief requires activity. Belief requires that we put our money where our mouth is. It requires hope in another person.

    Amazing Stories – David and Goliath 7/31/16 1 Samuel 17 Sunday AM Good AM. I hope you’ve had a wonderful summer. Can you believe that in just a few days life will get back to normal? I don’t know about you, but I’ve enjoyed being all together throughout the summer. I’ve especially more

  • God And David Series

    Contributed by Rev. Dr. Andrew B Natarajan on Aug 7, 2018

    God did not look on the appearance, on the height of the stature of a person, on the beauty, on the mighty. He never choose like how we choose. Samuel said to Jesse “God did not choose anyone of these”(1Sam.16:10). Then who?

    David: God's Choice I Sam 13:14. “But now your kingdom will not continue; the Lord has sought out a man after his own heart and the Lord has appointed him to be ruler over his people, because you have not kept because what the Lord has commanded you”. Choosing criteria: God did not look on more

  • Death Of David Series

    Contributed by Rev. Dr. Andrew B Natarajan on Sep 6, 2018

    The name David appears for the first time in Ruth 4:22. The name continues on to the end of the book of Revelation. Man after God’s own heart( 1 Sam. 13:14). Youngest of 8 sons(16:10-11). His death is another landmark.

    Death of David Text: 2 Kings 1-2 Introduction: David was a man after God’s Own heart, but had numerous problems and difficulties in life. Though his fall made a vital change in the fortune of his life career, in spite of that, he had to face all jealousy, hatred, enmity of relatives, friends and more

  • King David

    Contributed by Gerald Roberts on Mar 2, 2020

    Davis is a mess and only God can fix his tremendous guilt.

    King David is broken psalm 51:1-17 1. David -- , the greatest king in Israel's history, consider the splendor and popularity of Israel’s greatest King, He is known as the champion because he defeated Goliath, David the conqueror, David the Singer, David the shepherd boy, David the one with more

  • Davids Prayer Series

    Contributed by Ricky Tuttle Thd on Sep 2, 2023

    Today we are going to look at a very well known prayer, the prayer King David after his relationship with Bathsheba.

    “David’s Prayer” Psalm 51:1-17 Prayer has been our subject for many weeks/months and yet I find no end to this fascinating study. We have looked at 29 of the 650 and today we are going to look at a very well known prayer, the prayer King David after his relationship with Bathsheba. 2 Samuel more

  • The Davidic Shepherd.

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Sep 25, 2023
    based on 2 ratings

    A prince from the house of David.

    THE DAVIDIC SHEPHERD. Ezekiel 34:11-16, Ezekiel 34:20-24. 1. The Good Shepherd (Ezekiel 34:11-16). First, we see the Good Shepherd as the one who seeks out the lost sheep, Ezekiel 34:11. ‘If a man has a hundred sheep and one of them goes astray,’ teaches Jesus, ‘does he not go to the more

  • David And Goliath

    Contributed by Jung Lee on Jan 15, 2024

    we will discuss "Conquering Giants: by talking about David and Goliath."

    Good morning, I want you to imagine a small sailboat in the middle of a wild ocean. Huge waves are all around, looking like big, scary giants. But the sailor, though he seems small, is strong and brave. He's steering his boat through this crazy storm, totally trusting the stars to show him the more

  • A Prayer Of David.

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Apr 11, 2023
    based on 2 ratings

    The LORD is a very present help in time of need.

    A PRAYER OF DAVID. Psalm 86:1-10, Psalm 86:16-17. PSALM 86:1. Whatever troubles the Psalmist was facing, he recognises two things: the greatness of the LORD (YHWH), and his own smallness. Such is his humility when he asks the LORD to “Bow down (His) ear” to such a one as is “poor and needy.” The more

  • David Volunteered

    Contributed by John Williams Iii on Jul 18, 2023

    There was no question that David was the underdog. But there was also no question about God’s help. How do we face our giants? There were odds, there was opposition and there was Divine help.

    DAVID VOLUNTEERED Text: 1 Samuel 17:38 - 50 When I was a kid, I was a crack shot with a sling shot. My grandfather, Cecil had a patent on a couple of sling shots he designed. He designed sling shots that you could literally hunt deer with using an arrow. It was one of his sling shots that more

  • David And Bathsheba Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on Sep 5, 2022

    Following his rise to power, David conquered the city of Jerusalem. He established it as Israel's capital, subsequently taking the Ark of the Covenant into the city to be the central point of worship in the Israelite religion.

    According to the Hebrew Bible, David was the third king of the United Kingdom of Israel. In the Books of Samuel, he is described as a young shepherd and harpist who gains fame by slaying Goliath, a champion of the Philistines, in southern Canaan. David becomes a favorite of Saul, the first king of more

  • David And Bathsheba Series

    Contributed by Freddy Fritz on Aug 14, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    Second Samuel 11:1-27 shows us the carnage of sin in a person's life.

    Scripture Second Samuel chapters 5 to 10 describe David at the pinnacle of his reign as God’s chosen king over God’s chosen people, Israel. However, Second Samuel 10 is also the beginning of a new section in the account of David’s kingdom. Chapters 10 to 12 describe David’s battle with the more

  • David And Bathsheba

    Contributed by Revd. Martin Dale on Jun 18, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    In this talk I look in more detail at 2 Samuel 11 Verse 1. In the spring at the time that kings go off to war....David remained in Jerusalem

    2 Samuel 11:1-17 I would like to focus on one verse from our Old Testament lesson that Maddy read so well for us ; The one that reads 1 In the spring, at the time when kings go off to war, …..David remained in Jerusalem. At first blush it seems an insignificant verse, but it is the key to more

  • David And Goliath

    Contributed by Gary Holt on Nov 9, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    We must have more faith in God than we have fear within ourselves.

    `David series David and Goliath 1 Samuel 17:1-50 credit: This is an adaptation of Charles Swindoll's "David: a man of passion and destiny" Chapter 4. The flow and some exact text is from that chapter, however I added and edited it to make it my own sermon. An archaeologist was more

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