Sermon Series
  • 1. Death Of David

    Contributed on Sep 6, 2018

    The name David appears for the first time in Ruth 4:22. The name continues on to the end of the book of Revelation. Man after God’s own heart( 1 Sam. 13:14). Youngest of 8 sons(16:10-11). His death is another landmark.

    Death of David Text: 2 Kings 1-2 Introduction: David was a man after God’s Own heart, but had numerous problems and difficulties in life. Though his fall made a vital change in the fortune of his life career, in spite of that, he had to face all jealousy, hatred, enmity of relatives, friends and more

  • 2. David's Strength

    Contributed on Sep 7, 2018

    David was a man after God’s Own heart, but had numerous problems and difficulties in life. Also, he had to face all jealousy, hatred, enmity of relatives, friends and authorities. Here we will see how he had taken it positively and overcame with the grace of God.

    DAVID’S STRENGTH Text: I Sam 30:6 Introduction: David was a man after God’s Own heart, but had numerous problems and difficulties in life. Though his fall made a vital change in the fortune of his life career, in spite of that, he had to face all jealousy, hatred, enmity of relatives, friends and more

  • 3. David And Great Name

    Contributed on Aug 7, 2018

    Bible, the Holy scripture was written for our edification and guidance. Holy Spirit has recorded so many things through his servants. We see many exemplary personalities in the Bible. For ex., Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, and David.

    David: The Great Personality 2 Samuel 7:9 Bible, the Holy scripture was written for our edification and guidance. Holy Spirit has recorded so many things through his servants. We see many exemplary personalities in the Bible. For ex., Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Aaron, Miriam, more

  • 4. God And David

    Contributed on Aug 7, 2018

    God did not look on the appearance, on the height of the stature of a person, on the beauty, on the mighty. He never choose like how we choose. Samuel said to Jesse “God did not choose anyone of these”(1Sam.16:10). Then who?

    David: God's Choice I Sam 13:14. “But now your kingdom will not continue; the Lord has sought out a man after his own heart and the Lord has appointed him to be ruler over his people, because you have not kept because what the Lord has commanded you”. Choosing criteria: God did not look on more

  • 5. King David: An Introduction

    Contributed on Aug 7, 2018

    I Sam 13:14 says, 'the Lord has sought out a man after his own heart and the Lord has appointed him to be ruler over his people'. Man after own heart: Pleasing to the heart, Gentleness and not doing things which will hurt, humble and simple. Are you?

    King David: An Introduction 1 Samuel 16:1-13 David was greatest personality in the history of the world. He enjoys very unique position in three religions of the world - Judaism, Christianity and Islam. I Sam 13:14 says… the Lord has sought out a man after his own heart and the Lord has more

  • 6. David And His Kingdom

    Contributed on Sep 7, 2018

    Man after God’s own heart was forgotten by all, hatred by all but at the wend highly honored by all. Because of his strong trust in the Lord. Today we meditate about David and His Kingdom based on some passages from 1 and 2 Samuel. interesting to know David's strategies.

    David and His Team Text: 2 Samuel 23:8-38 Introduction: Man, after God’s own heart was forgotten by all, hatred by all but at the wend highly honoured by all. Because of his strong trust in the Lord. Today we meditate about David and His Kingdom based on some passages from 1 and 2 Samuel. more

  • 7. Lament For Mighty

    Contributed on Jul 4, 2020

    This lamentation had written for the honor of King Saul and Jonathan. It is a homage rendered to them. The spiritual fall led him to have physical death before his enemies. Jonathan had fallen because of his company with his father. Take heed lest you fall.

    Text: 2 Samuel 1:17-27 Theme: The Mighty Have Fallen I greet you all in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The LORD is Good; His steadfast love endures forever. God willing this month we will be meditating under the theme “Take heed lest you fall”(1 Corinthians 10:4). As we are going more

  • 8. David Was Successful

    Contributed on Feb 22, 2022

    The name David appears for the first time in Ruth 4:22. The name continues to the end of the book of Revelation in the Bible. David died at good old age, having enjoyed long life, wealth, and honor. He was successful in all his undertakings.

    Theme: David was successful Text: 1 Samuel 18:12-16 Key verse: 1 Samuel 18:14: “in everything, he did he had great success because the Lord was with him”. Why God was with him? This is the statement of the problem, research question. Introduction to David: The name David appears for the first more