Revd. Martin Dale
Contributing sermons since Jan 1, 2000
Newest Sermons
Marriage Is More Than Simply Falling In Love.
Contributed on Feb 18, 2025
Marriage is more than falling in love. Both parties to the marriage have a complementary role to play to the other. And you need to work at it.
Marriage Foundation Introduction: The marriage covenant predates the Fall I would like to like to go back to the very basics of when marriage was instituted. We first read about it in Genesis 2. I am not talking about a piece of paper saying you are married but to the marriage covenant between ...read more
Have You Ever Been Confronted By A Message That Has Transformed Your Life
Contributed on Feb 12, 2025
What is God calling YOU to do in your local Church
Luke 6:17-31 Have you ever been confronted with a message that changed your perspective? Certainly on the day Jesus spoke the words of Sermon on the Plain, as our Gospel reading is known as, He gave those around Him a new perspective on life with the Beatitudes (the sayings that started with ...read more
Church Is Not A One Man Show
Contributed on Feb 3, 2025
We all have a part to play in our church or fellowship. To find out what it is we need to i) prayer ii) read our Bible and iii)m have fellowshop
Sermon: The Church is not a “one man show” As I was thinking about the sermon for today, I was struck by the thought that the Church is not a “one man show” God calls us to be a community – and the Church has no passengers. As our Bishops often remind us – our baptism is a calling to ministry ...read more
God Is The God Of Second Chances
Contributed on Jan 18, 2025
In this sermon we look at three Cs Compassion of Jesus, Commitment to Jesus and the Covenant that Jesus ushers in the New Covenant
Jesus’ first miracle: Turning water into wine (Jn 2:1-11) Story: A little girl was attending a wedding for the first time. She whispered to her mother, "Why is the bride dressed in white?" Her mother replied: "Because white is the colour of happiness, and today is the happiest ...read more
What Is Truth On The Last Sunday Of The Church's Year The Feast Of Christ The King
Contributed on Nov 23, 2024
As we come to the end of the Church's year, we are left to consider Who is Jesus Not just who was Jesus but who is Jesus Is the Resurrection real and if so how does it affect the way we .ive
What is Truth - Jn 18:33-38 Christ the King is the last Sunday of the season of pre-Advent and of the end of the church’s year. The Church’s year begins next week with the preparation for the birth of Jesus in Advent. And so the Feast of Christ the King - is the last Festival in the Church’s ...read more
Newest Sermon Series
Contributed on Jun 6, 2020
Post Resurrection Appearances In John
Contributed on Apr 24, 2020
Lenten Series On Prayer
Contributed on Mar 4, 2020
Contributed on Nov 2, 2019
God’s Ways Are Not Our Ways
Contributed on May 30, 2013
Newest Sermon Illustrations
Understanding Justice And Mercy
Contributed on Dec 2, 2021
As we consider the call of John and look forward at Christmas to the birth of Christ, let us look at the content of God’s message to us God knew exactly what he was doing when he sent Jesus to this earth. The Cross wasn’t a “horrible misjudgement” Rather the reason Jesus came into this world ...read more
He Who Has The Son Has It All
Contributed on Dec 31, 2020
I wrote this at the end of 2014 Fourteen years from the Millennium seemed a long time and now we are into a new year – again!! I have spent much of last week preparing to lead a pilgrimage to Israel – a new experience for me. And with the new it is good to recall the old. Our Gospel reading is ...read more
Road To Emmaus - The Good Samaritan Inn
Contributed on Apr 28, 2020
The Road to Emmaus The scene: A table in the Inn in Emmaus – with a big sign on the Table saying “The Good Samaritan Inn in Emmaus” Luke and Cleopas seated around a Table Cleopas and Luke start talking: Cleopas: Luke, Where’s he gone – he was standing right there and puff - He just ...read more
Norman Vincent Peale On Spreading Love
Contributed on Mar 16, 2013
Norman Vincent Peale wrote this: "Ralston Young carries bags for a living but his real job is living the spirit of Christ as a porter in one of the world's greatest railway stations. One day he was asked to take a little old lady to her train. She was in a wheel chair so he took her down ...read more
Story: Some Years Ago, I Attended Called A ...
Contributed on Feb 23, 2013
Story: Some years ago, I attended called a conference called “Spring Harvest at Work” in Sheffield (in November 1998). And what was memorable for me was that the conference organisers sprang a surprise interviewee on us – Jim Bakker- a pariah in the Evangelical community. Indeed he was ...read more