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  • Infinite, Immense And Goodness Of God Series

    Contributed by Derek Geldart on Apr 24, 2017
    based on 3 ratings

    While comprehending the ineffable is a task beyond human ability, through the Spirit of God our souls who yearn for Him can be close to Him. This first part of this series will look at the infinity, immensity and goodness of God.

    ATTRIBUTES OF GOD PART1: INFINITE, IMMENSE, GOOD Online Sermon: “Lord how great is our dilemma, in thy presence silence best becomes us but love inflames our hearts and constrains us to speak. Were we to hold our peace the stones would cry out, yet if more

  • Keep My Commandments

    Contributed by Richard Papafio on Jan 28, 2018

    When we keep His commandments the world sees love they can't comprehend in our hearts and when they get to know this love is Jesus they will desire to follow Him and be a part of us to receive salvation and not die

    May the peace of the Lord be with you. Topic: KEEP MY COMMANDMENTS John 14:15King James Version (KJV) 15 If ye love me, keep my commandments. Beloved, our Lord Jesus Christ gave us a very simple instruction that will bring joy to His heart, glorify the Father and give us the perfect life we so more

  • The Growth & Flourishing Of The Christian Mind

    Contributed by Justin Steckbauer on Apr 2, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    God works in mysterious ways, as they say. And how truly mysterious it is and difficult to comprehend. Just when you think you've discovered a way in which God operates, he surprises you with another.

    God works in mysterious ways, as they say. And how truly mysterious it is and difficult to comprehend. Just when you think you've discovered a way in which God operates, he surprises you with another. At times he seems distant. At times it seems hopeless. At other times he is close. more

  • The Garden Of Gethsemane

    Contributed by Mark Aarssen on May 30, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    Seeking Gods will in our life takes moments of great surrender just as Jesus demonstrates for us in the garden. Our Heavenly Father works out the events of our life in a mysterious way we can not comprehend it all.

    The Garden of Gethsemane Exodus 12:1-10 Mark 14:12-42 One of the most famous paintings in the world is that of Heinrich Hofman and his work entitled Christ in Gethsemane 1890. Most of you know it well, it depicts Jesus kneeling and resting on a rock as he prays looking up. The colors of the more

  • Before And After The Cross - (Easter Expository Teaching) - Part 1 Series

    Contributed by Caleb Onwuka on Apr 21, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    The New Man is something different, amazing and too complex for the human mind to comprehend. He is not the same with the man before the fall. No! A thousand times more glorious that the Edenic State of Adam. He was born on the resurrection day.

    I am not here this morning to teach another sermon to you. I know you might have heard it all these years that Jesus died and God raised Him up on the third day. Every Easter Sunday comes with this message almost everywhere, but Last week, as I sat in my study room walking up and down the ladder more

  • And He Is The Head Of The Body, The Church Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on Jun 17, 2018

    The New Testament idea of the Church is easily comprehended. It is the whole body of the faithful in Christ Jesus, who are redeemed and regenerated by His grace—the aggregate multitudes of those in heaven and on earth who love, adore, and serve the Son

    5/24/18 Tom Lowe Lesson IIB1: THE HEAD OF THE BODY, THE CHURCH (Colossians 1:18a) • Letters inside brackets [a], correspond to “Special Notes” following each verse. • NIV Bible is used throughout unless noted otherwise. Colossians 1:18a (NIV) (Text) 1:18a "And he is the head of the body, the more

  • A Challenge To The Church Series

    Contributed by Donald Mcculley on Jun 10, 2019

    Herein are some great insights regarding the ministry of the individual Christian and the church. Note in v.9, Paul’s words “To make plain” (bring to light, to enlighten). What Paul communicates let us comprehend

    A Challenge To The Church Ephesians 3:1-12 Introduction: Herein are some great insights regarding the ministry of the individual Christian and the church. Note in v.9, Paul’s words “To make plain” (bring to light, to enlighten). What Paul communicates let us comprehend. I. Paul’s Sacred more

  • The Infinite Love Of Christ

    Contributed by Paul Davidson on May 20, 2016
    based on 3 ratings

    How can we begin to comprehend what cannot possibly be measured? Let's explore the many dimensions of the love of Christ and try our best to wrap our minds around how infinite His love is for us.

    INTRODUCTION My wife and her brother inherited some land in the United States after their father died several years ago. I can tell you some facts about the land… it’s about 180 acres… about half of it is forest with a stream running across the property… the rest is pasture land for raising more

  • The Church That Is Prayed For Series

    Contributed by Bradford Robinson on Jul 27, 2003
    based on 101 ratings

    This sermon looks at the prayer that Paul prayed for the Ephesian church and then uses his prayer as a basis for what we need to pray for in our church: Strength in the inner being, Dwelling of Christ in our hearts, and Comprehending God’s Love.

    Ephesians 3:14-21 "A Church That Is Prayed For" Preached on July 27, 2003 at Clara/Winchester UMC Before the term “mega church” was ever conceived, Charles H. Spurgeon pioneered one right in the heart of London, England. When he was just twenty years of age, the New Park Street more

  • The Distant Drew Near

    Contributed by Richard Deem on Nov 28, 2001
    based on 156 ratings

    The contemplation of God is an awesome task. Any attempt to comprehend Him in His Fullness would prove to be as futile as trying to dam up the mighty Mississippi with a twig; reach the top of the magnificent Mt Everest with a step stool, or stop the laun

    TEXT: Isaiah 7:14 "Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel." INTRO: The contemplation of God is an awesome task. Any attempt to comprehend Him in His Fullness would prove to be as futile as trying to more

  • God’s Love Is Unmatched Series

    Contributed by T.j. Conwell on Aug 7, 2015

    A poor commitment to holiness stems from one thing: We do not fully comprehend all that we have become in Christ when we are His. Will we fully submit to Jesus as Lord in every part of our lives?

    God’s Love is Unmatched 1 John Bible Study, Part 6 1 John 2:28-3:3 Introduction - Last time, John gave us tremendous insight into living fully for Christ - We are challenged to hold true to what we know; to the truth of God -- We shouldn’t worry about losing salvation; which is more

  • What's Fair About That?

    Contributed by Michael Stark on Jun 1, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    God's overwhelming generosity is difficult to comprehend, though every Christian has experienced that generosity. We must avoid attempting to cast God in our image, learning instead of the extravagant grace with which He showers each of us.

    “The kingdom of heaven is like a master of a house who went out early in the morning to hire laborers for his vineyard. After agreeing with the laborers for a denarius a day, he sent them into his vineyard. And going out about the third hour he saw others standing idle in the marketplace, and to more

  • Sermon 2: Gethsemane Series

    Contributed by Chuck Sligh on Jan 5, 2020

    We will never be able to comprehend the cosmic struggle Jesus experienced in the Garden of Gethsemane the night before his crucifixion. The sermon helps us to see the emotional struggle between Jesus’ human and divine sides, and what that teaches us.

    Sermon 2: Gethsemane Series: 82 Hours: Countdown to the Resurrection Chuck Sligh Preaching March 31, 2019 NOTE: A PowerPoint presentation is available for this sermon by request at Please mention the title of the sermon and the Bible text to help me find the sermon in my more

  • There's Nothing Like A Mother's Love (Mother's Day 2020 Version)

    Contributed by John Williams Iii on May 4, 2022

    Isaiah 66:13 parallels the kind of help that God gives to the consolation and comfort that a mother gives to her children. ...... God provides for us beyond what we are able to fully comprehend! Comfort involves compassion, encouragement and sympathy.

    THERE'S NOTHING LIKE A MOTHER'S LOVE (Mother's Day 2020 version) Texts: Isaiah 66:13, Luke 13:34, Proverbs 31: 26 & 28 Isaiah 66:13? As one whom his mother comforts, so I will comfort you; you shall be comforted in Jerusalem (NRSV). Luke 13:34? O Jerusalem, more

  • #58 The Bitter Cup Of Gethsemane Series

    Contributed by Chuck Sligh on Jan 23, 2022

    We can never comprehend the cosmic struggle Jesus experienced in the Garden of Gethsemane the night before his crucifixion. The sermon helps us to see the emotional struggle between Jesus’ human and divine sides, and what that teaches us.

    #58 The Bitter Cup of Gethsemane Series: Mark Chuck Sligh January 23, 2022 TEXT: Mark 14:43-52 - "And immediately, while he yet spake, cometh Judas, one of the twelve, and with him a great multitude with swords and staves, from the chief priests and the scribes and the elders. 44 And he that more

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