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  • You Don't Know That You're Mine PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Oct 3, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    To highlight the intimate knowledge God has of us, our belonging to Christ, and the call to live in the light of His love.

    Good morning, church family! I'm excited to dive into the Word of God with you today. We'll be looking at Psalm 139:1-4, a passage that so beautifully reminds us of God's intimate knowledge of us, our belonging to Christ, and the call to live in the light of His love. As we prepare to delve into more

  • God's Plan Of Salvation Found In Creation

    Contributed by Shane Pierce on Oct 23, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    When we look at the first 3 verses of the Bible we see how God created everything that we now see. If you look at verses 2 & 3 God's plan for salavtion is revealed.

    • Scripture- John 1:1-5 (KJV) In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of men. And the light more

  • My Body Is All About God Series

    Contributed by David Owens on Jan 24, 2022

    Ultimately everything and everyone belong to God. This includes our lives and our bodies. Christians must dedicate their bodies to God and must use them only as God wills.

    A. The practice of house-sitting and house-sitters has been around for a long time. 1. Perhaps you have used a house-sitter or been a house-sitter. 2. People often use house-sitters if they have pets or plants that they want someone to look after when on vacation. B. But there’s a newer more

  • Pay Out To Caesar What Belongs...

    Contributed by Johnny Wilson on Jul 17, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    For July 4th, I wanted to cover the idea of Christian citizenship, but felt impressed that Jesus' admonition to "Render unto Caesar" didn't end with citizenship but expanded into the area of stewardship.

    Life, as we all know, is a constant flow of choices. Do I eat something healthy or “reward” myself with something decadent? Do I get something done now that I don’t really want to do so I can enjoy myself later or do I procrastinate so that I can enjoy something now? Do I make more

  • We Belong To The Lord

    Contributed by Timm Meyer on Sep 25, 2007
    based on 10 ratings

    Pentecost 17(A) - As believers we belong to the Lord both in our earthly life and for our eternal life.

    WE BELONG TO THE LORD (Outline) September 23, 2007 - PENTECOST 17 - Romans 14:5-9 INTRO: What is your favorite possession? You may recall with a certain fondness your first valuable possession. We might remember that first car, first house, or other first possessions that seemed or still more

  • The Promise Belongs To You!

    Contributed by Howard Strickland on Nov 5, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Faith and Grace go hand n hand. Verse upon verse teaching in the book of Romans.

    The Promise Belongs to You! Romans 4:13-25 13 For the promise that he would be the heir of the world was not to Abraham or to his seed through the law, but through the righteousness of faith. 14 For if those who are of the law are heirs, faith is made void and the promise made of no effect, 15 more

  • You Belong In The Church

    Contributed by Scott Voss on Jan 16, 2001
    based on 91 ratings

    Your life will never be complete without the church.

    You Belong in the Church! Acts 2:47 47 Praising God, and having favour with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved. (KJV) Specialists of the age. Doctor, surgeons, people that you trust with your life. Do not go to a shoe salesman if you have a more

  • Belonging In A Better Place Series

    Contributed by Paul Robinson on Sep 14, 2022

    King Saul had just died. David had been anointed king for the second time. Now he looked at the city of Jerusalem (a Jebusite stronghold) and said to himself, "I"m going to take that city. That is where I belong as the King of Israel."

    This story unfolds in four main points: 1. David’s Desire for Jerusalem (v. 6a) It’s interesting that the Bible does not say anything about David’s desire to take Jerusalem. Verse 6 simply says, “And the king and his men went to Jerusalem unto the Jebusites.” However, David was a conqueror, and more

  • Why Belong To A Church? Series

    Contributed by Paul Clemente on Oct 5, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    A Christian not belonging to a local church is a disobeying Christian and there will be consequences.

    Have you heard what’s coming to Milwaukee in January 2010? The Dead Sea Scrolls will be on exhibit at the Milwaukee Museum! How awesome is that, as we have been talking about defending our faith! We can see in person one of the greatest evidences of the Word of God! The writers of the Dead Sea more

  • Believing, Belonging, And Contributing Series

    Contributed by David Taylor on Feb 6, 2014

    Foreigners in a Foreign Land Believing, Belonging, and Contributing

    Foreigners in a Foreign Land Believing, Belonging, and Contributing 1 Peter 2:4-10 David Taylor We are finishing our first mini series in 1 Peter, “Foreigners in a Foreign Land” (1.1-2.10) with todays message, Believing, Belonging, and Contributing. We have had a significant more

  • You Belong To Me

    Contributed by Dr. Gale A. Ragan-Reid on Nov 9, 2015

    To know you are Christ Jesus, gives you the confidence to access into the power of Christ to save yourself.

    YOU BELONG TO ME by Dr. Gale A. Ragan-Reid (November 9, 2015) “Yet the number of the children of Israel shall be as the sand of the sea, which cannot be measured nor numbered; and it shall come to pass, that in the place where it was said unto them, Ye are not my people, more

  • Belonging To The Right Crowd

    Contributed by Tony Cansler on Apr 30, 2001
    based on 66 ratings

    A Message to all

    Belonging to the Right crowd Ex 32:15-28 (26) Introduction There are different types of Crowds out there in life. I hope you belong to the right one. There are some wrong crowds in life some of which are; (1) Sinful Crowd (2) Silent Crowd (3) Sleeping & Slothful Crowd (4) Satan’s more

  • The Name Belongs To Us Series

    Contributed by Troy Campbell on Mar 23, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    We need to learn the power that we have through the Name of Jesus

    Title: The Name of Jesus – 4 “The Name Belongs To Us” Text: Philippians 2:9-11 I trust each of you had a wonderful Christmas. I know we did. There is nothing like watching the kids on Christmas morning opening all their presents and seeing sheer joy upon their faces as more

  • It Belongs To Your Neighbor Series

    Contributed by Jeffery Anselmi on Jan 18, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Coveting is a dangerous thing!

    INTRODUCTION • SLIDE #1 • Today we are concluding our series on the Ten Commandments. I hope that each of these messages has touched you in some way. • The Tenth Command is one that I wish I would have understood when I was a young person. • When I was a kid, my parents did a great job providing more

  • Christian Stewardship

    Contributed by David Seeley on Jan 15, 2005
    based on 9 ratings

    Everything we own belongs to God who has given it to us be manage wisely for his glory.

    Christian Stewardship Text: Matt. 25:14-30 I. We belong to God Verse 14 says the man called “his own servants” (1 Corinthians 6:19-20) What? Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price: more

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