  • Rodney Johnson Sr.,

    Contributing sermons since Jan 1, 2000
Rodney's church

Historic Bethlehem and Bell Baptist Churches
Hahnville, Louisiana 70057
(985) 783-2624

About Rodney
  • Education: Bachelor of Theology from Union Baptist Theological Seminary in New, Orleans, LA. Doctoral Degree in Pastoral Theology from Andersonville Baptist Seminary in Camilla, Georgia.
  • Experience: 42 years in the ministry. 27 years as Pastor of the Historic Bethelehem Baptist Church 4 years as Pastor of the Bell Baptist Church
  • Comment to those looking at my sermons: Be ready, for you know not when your Lord will come!
  • Sermon or series that made a difference: "Remember Lot’s Wife"
  • Family: Married to Michele Johnson. The father of Jasmin, Rodney Jr., and Keyanna Johnson. The son of the late Eddie Johnson Sr., and Ms. Hazel Dallon.
  • Best advice given to me about preaching: The best advice came from Elder Paul Banks. During my late Pastor’s illness, I felt tremendous pain. Elder Banks reminded me that my role had changed, that as I’d sought my pastor’s guidance; young ministers would now come to me in like manner.
  • Books that have had an impact: Authored a books entitled; "The Scars of Christ" and "The Last Days."
  • Hobbies: Praying, meditating and working out...
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Newest Sermons

  • The Importance Of The Cross

    Contributed on Dec 2, 2019

    Nothing rivals the cross in importance. It's the gospel in a word. Don't just wear it! Share it! But above all; bear it!

    Main.. Emphasis... Boasting in the Cross. I. The Person of the Cross. (Christ) II. The Place of the Cross. (Calvary) III. The Power of the Cross. (Remission) IV. The Peace of the Cross. (Self, God Fellow man) V. The Proof of the Cross. (His Love) VI. The Price of the Cross. (His more

  • God Knows My Name

    Contributed on Jul 5, 2019
    based on 2 ratings

    It's an amazing thing! God knows my Name.

    There's a song by Tasha Cobbs entitled; "He knows My Name". *Sis. Kimberly Brown sings that song with immeasurable passion; as though she gave birth to the song.* Watch out, Tasha Cobbs!* Lol GOD Knows (MY) Name What a comforting thought! Out of all the people in world; God knows more

  • Seven Marks Of A Soul Passionate For God

    Contributed on May 26, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    This sermon reminds us that nothing should hinder our passion for God. David found himself in a wilderness fleeing from Absolom but he remained passionate about God.

    Here are 7 marks of a soul passionate towards God: I. Priority of God (vs 1-2) (Early will I seek Thee) II. Praise to God (vs 3-4) ( My lips shall praise Thee) (I will lift my hands in your Name) III. Pleasure in God (vs 5) (My soul shall be satisfied with marrow and fatness) IV. Preoccupied more

  • Purchased By His Own Blood

    Contributed on Jan 5, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    This sermon reminds us of the great price paid for our salvation.

    I. The Precaution (Take heed) II. The Preachers (Yourselves) III. The Position (The Flock) IV. The Promoter (The Holy Spirit) V. The Purpose (To feed) VI. The Possession (The church of God) VII. The Purchased (The church of God) VIII. The Price (His own blood) Conclusion: We were purchased more

  • Hope In Dark Times

    Contributed on Sep 8, 2018
    based on 3 ratings

    The objective of this message is to remind us that there remains a hope for the believer beyond their darkest hour.

    Today message is about a man named Job. The name Job means hated or persecuted. I. Job the Man He was a strange mixture: He was blessed and blameless. He was righteous and rich. He was successful and sacrificial. He had plenty and was prayerful. He had money and was merciful. II. What He more

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