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Sermons on altruism:

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  • The Mission Youth Sermon

    Contributed by Youth Sermons on Sep 5, 2023
    based on 4 ratings

    Develop a daily discipline of noticing others, praying for their needs, and taking action to show them they matter.

    Today, we're going to talk about how we can make a difference in the lives of others. Sometimes we get so caught up in our own lives that we forget about the people around us. But Jesus wants us to notice others and show them that they matter. So, let's dive into this topic and see how we can make more

  • Remember The Sacrifice Youth Sermon

    Contributed by Youth Sermons on Sep 5, 2023
    based on 4 ratings

    Memorial Day is a time to remember and honor those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom. As Christians, we are also reminded of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and are called to live sacrificially in our daily lives.

    Jesus didn't just talk about sacrifice, He lived it. He gave up His life for us. That's the ultimate sacrifice. And because of that, we have the chance to know God and have eternal life. "Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends." (John 15:13) Memorial Day is all more

  • Given Youth Sermon

    Contributed by Youth Sermons on Sep 5, 2023
    based on 4 ratings

    Being 'given' means spending your life out of love for Jesus, living for the world, and continuing the circle of grace. It's about surrendering to Jesus and allowing Him to use us for the sake of the world.

    Imagine your life is like a loaf of bread. Now, bread on its own is pretty ordinary, right? But what happens when we give it to Jesus? It becomes something extraordinary. Let's look at a story from the Bible, in Luke 24:30-32. It says, 'When Jesus was at the table with them, He took the bread, more

  • Awareness Youth Sermon

    Contributed by Youth Sermons on Sep 5, 2023
    based on 4 ratings

    The key to living a generous life is increasing our awareness of the needs around us and taking action to meet those needs.

    We all want to live our best life, right? But sometimes, we get tricked by stuff that promises to make us happy but doesn't. Today, I've got something that can really make a difference - generosity. It's not some magic trick, but it can bring real joy, satisfaction, and make a difference that more

  • Action Youth Sermon

    Contributed by Youth Sermons on Sep 5, 2023
    based on 4 ratings

    Desire alone is not enough to make us generous. We must actively engage in acts of generosity. When we bring what we have to God, he can do amazing things. It's a simple formula: What We Have + Who God is = Enough.

    Today, we're talking about being generous. Here's the deal: wanting to be generous isn't enough. We've got to do something about it. It's like wanting to get fit. You can't just wish for it; you've got to eat right and work out. Same with generosity. We've got to do generous stuff. So, what are you more

  • Love Is More Than A Theory Youth Sermon

    Contributed by Youth Sermons on Sep 5, 2023
    based on 4 ratings

    Love requires action, not just theories. It's about stepping out of our comfort zones and loving those around us, despite the messiness and challenges.

    You know how you have all these ideas about what you're going to do when you grow up? You've got it all planned out, right? But then reality hits, and it's not as easy as you thought. That's kind of like love. We all talk about love, we hashtag it, we post about it, but do we really know what it more

  • How To Cheerfully Give Away As Much As Possible Youth Sermon

    Contributed by Youth Sermons on Sep 5, 2023
    based on 4 ratings

    Since everything we have belongs to God, we should joyfully give away as much as we can, knowing that our giving has eternal impact.

    God gives us good things not just for us to enjoy, but also to share with others. We're like a pipe that God's blessings flow through. When we share, it's like planting seeds that will grow into something bigger. Ever play a game of 'Where's Waldo?' Sometimes, Waldo is right there, but we miss him more

  • Give Me Youth Sermon

    Contributed by Youth Sermons on Sep 5, 2023
    based on 4 ratings

    God wants us to take care of our money and be generous with it. Generosity is the opposite of greed and worshiping money. It doesn't matter how much money we have, we can all be generous.

    Let's do a little experiment. I have here a $20 bill. Who wants it? (Pause for response) Okay, now what if I crumple it up? Still want it? (Pause for response) What if I step on it, make it dirty? Still want it? (Pause for response) Of course, you do! Because no matter what I do to it, it's still more

  • Impact Youth Sermon

    Contributed by Youth Sermons on Sep 5, 2023
    based on 4 ratings

    Living generously creates a ripple effect that can impact others and future generations. Our generosity is a response to Jesus' self-sacrificing love and can inspire others to be generous.

    You know when you toss a pebble into a pond, and it creates ripples that spread out? That's what we're talking about. Our actions, like that pebble, can create ripples that impact others. We've all been influenced by someone, and that person was influenced by someone before them. It's like a chain more

  • Altruistic Love

    Contributed by Jerry Flury on Mar 20, 2006
    based on 25 ratings

    Altruistic love can be identified by asking whether one agrees with statements that define altruism, such as, "I’d rather suffer myself than let the one I love suffer," and "I’m willing to sacrifice my own wishes to let the one I love achieve his or hers.

    Disclaimer: Source material for this sermon has been gleaned from many different sources. I have attempted to acknowledge these sources whenever possible. Altruistic Love 1 Corinthians 13 Introduction: A man received the following letter: Dearest Jimmy, No words could ever express the great more

  • A Faithful Mother Series

    Contributed by Matthew Kratz on May 6, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    1) Authority (2 Timothy 1:1–2a), 2) Altruism (2 Timothy 1:2b), 3) Appreciation 2 Timothy 1:3a), 4) Appeal (2 Timothy 1:3b), 5) Affection (2 Timothy 1:4), and 6) Affirmation (2 Timothy 1:5).

    You can tell a lot about a relationship by the way people address each other. One of the most ironic of addresses is the "dear sir/madam" form letter address. In no way can someone be described as "dear" if we do not even know their name. When we give mother’s day cards, one of the basic addresses more

  • Thanksgiving -Thank You For Your Order....god The Father Asked Jesus A Hard Thing.

    Contributed by Paul Andrew on Nov 16, 2021

    One of the ways that Israel stimulated a sense of gratitude and fidelity was remembering the exodus from captivity to liberation: “remember that you were once slaves...remember that it was God who liberated you and brought you to a land of promise."

    Simple Act of Gratitude is a book that tells the story of an inspiration, the writing of 365 Thank You Notes, and how John Kralik’s life was changed from a life full of debts and disasters, to learning to be grateful for the life he had. I decided that I would try this too, and so I did starting more

  • Nothing To Shrug At: Ayn Rand, Objectivism, And Worldview

    Contributed by Chuck Colson on Aug 13, 2008
    based on 16 ratings

    With the release of Alan Greenspan’s new book, The Age of Turbulence, praising Ayn Rand’s influence on the former Federal Reserve chairman’s thinking, and the new film based on her book Atlas Shrugged starring Angelina Jolie set to come out next year, Ayn

    This article is from BreakPoint WorldView magazine: -------------------------------------------------- With the release of Alan Greenspan’s new book, The Age of Turbulence, praising Ayn Rand’s influence on the former Federal Reserve chairman’s more

  • No Need To Perish

    Contributed by Chris Layton on Feb 7, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Many are perishing from thirst, spiritually, even while there is an abundant supply of the Water of Life in reach of everyone in the land. We are blessed not just materially, but spiritually - yet we done even realize it.

    Some years ago in the newspapers there was a female novelist found dead in the desert of America. She had died of thirst. It seems that she had started out across the desert thinking she had enough water to make the trip; However when she stopped to get a swallow she found out that her canteen was more

  • Motivating Other Believers

    Contributed by Carl Allen on Dec 12, 2006
    based on 5 ratings

    We should never be content to see other Christians fall behind are be happy with their lack of growth.

    MOTIVATING OTHER BELIEVERS 2 Timothy 1:1-5 INTRODUCTION SIX PRINCIPLES OF MOTIVATION 1.) Authority 1-2 2.) Altruism (Unslefish Concern for and Devotion to the Welfare Of others) 2b 3.) Appreciation 3a 4.) Appeal 3b 5.) Affection more

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