
How to Cheerfully Give Away as Much As Possible

Youth Sermon
Created by Youth Sermons on Sep 5, 2023
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Since everything we have belongs to God, we should joyfully give away as much as we can, knowing that our giving has eternal impact.

How to Cheerfully Give Away as Much As Possible

Youth Group Plan: How to Cheerfully Give Away as Much As Possible (2 Corinthians 9:6-15)

Youth Sermon: How to Cheerfully Give Away as Much As Possible

We share with hope for the future

God gives us good things not just for us to enjoy, but also to share with others. We're like a pipe that God's blessings flow through.

When we share, it's like planting seeds that will grow into something bigger.

We share expecting God's blessings

Ever play a game of 'Where's Waldo?' Sometimes, Waldo is right there, but we miss him because we're not looking. It's the same with God's blessings. We need to keep our eyes open for the ways God surprises us.

We share what we've decided

Paul says our sharing should be a choice we make, not something we do because we feel forced. Let's think about what we're thankful for and what makes us sad. Then, let's decide to share a part of what we have to help others.

Every time we share, it's like throwing a stone in a pond

The ripples spread out and touch more than we can see. Our sharing can make a big difference. We might not see all the good it does until we get to heaven. So let's start sharing more, knowing that our joy in giving can change the world.

This week, think about what you can share

Maybe it's your time, your talents, or something you own. Decide how you can share it with joy, and then do it!

Let's pray

Dear God, help us to see the blessings you've given us. Teach us to share with joy, knowing that our giving can make a big difference. Amen.

Small Group Breakout Questions

1. What is one thing you can give away joyfully this week?

2. How can you train yourself to recognize God's blessings in your life?

3. How does it feel to give away something you value?

4. What are some ways you can plan your giving in advance?

5. How can you be a conduit of God's blessings to others?

Get the Full Youth Group Plan

Icebreaker: Seed Planting

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