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Sermons on Yochanan 6:29:

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  • This Is What You Really Need

    Contributed by Bobby Brewer on Jan 25, 2023
    based on 2 ratings

    The day after feeding the 5,000 the people are hungry again and seek out Jesus for a number of reasons. Jesus will use the opportunity to share with them what they really need, not temporal food for biological life but "true bread" for everlasting life. Specially, they need Him.

    Message: Bread of Life part 1 John 6:22-35 Theme: Digesting Truth Date: Jan. 22, 2023 Text: Jn. 6:22-40 On the next day the crowd that remained on the other side of the sea saw that there had been only one boat there, and that Jesus had not entered the boat with his disciples, but that his more

  • Great Crowds Series

    Contributed by Mike Lewis on Feb 1, 2023

    Before Jesus' Sermon on the Mount, the people began to gather around forming Great Crowds. Why did these crowds form? What kept the crowds satisfied? What drove them away?

    WELCOME & INTRODUCTION I. CHILDHOOD a. Raised in a tough neighborhood. Parents taught us well but it didn’t prevent me from being picked on. Thankfully never really got into trouble. I don’t like bullies. In 1986 we moved to a much better neighborhood, but it was my job to walk my little more

  • Hungry – But Not For What's Really Important Series

    Contributed by Simon Bartlett on Feb 26, 2023

    In John's gospel, after feeding 5,000 people with bread and fish, Jesus goes on to say what true bread is. Actually, true bread isn't a what, it's a who. It's Jesus. He is our sustenance.

    PRE-TALK earlier in the service Three pictures / slides (1) Israelites collecting manna in the wilderness ~1450 or 1270 B.C. ‘Manna’ = ‘what is it?’ The people of Israel had fled slavery in Egypt. They travelled eastwards, crossed the Red Sea and entered the Sinai Peninsula. There isn’t a lot more

  • Spirituality Or Materialism

    Contributed by Michael Koplitz on Sep 27, 2022

    Jesus spoke about the need for spiritualism as much as the need for materialism. Spiritualism must outweigh materialism.

    Spirituality or Materialism John 6:25-34 Rev. Dr. Michael H. Koplitz 25 When they found Him on the other side of the sea, they said to Him, “Rabbi, when did You get here?” 26 Jesus answered them and said, “Truly, truly, I say to you, you seek Me, not because you saw signs, but because you ate of more

  • This One Belief Changes Everything Series

    Contributed by Scott Turansky on Oct 9, 2022

    What it really means to be a disciple.

    The gospel of John does not contain any parables. What the gospel of John has in it is conversations and we learn from those conversations. There’s a conversation that we have with Nicodemus, there's the conversation that we have with the woman at the well, the woman caught in adultery. We have more

  • The Bread From Heaven.

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Oct 24, 2022
    based on 2 ratings

    It is all very well seeking Jesus. But WHY?

    THE BREAD FROM HEAVEN. John 6:22-35. JOHN 6:22-24. The details of these verses set the scene for the conversation which immediately follows. The people saw the disciples getting into the boat, but had lost sight of Jesus (John 6:22). Meantime other boats had come over from Tiberias to a place more

  • Irritating God

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Feb 3, 2024

    We human beings can and do sometimes irritate God. When we fail to respect God properly, the result is not a pretty picture. Our attitude toward God affects our lives significantly.

    Irritating God (Numbers 11:1-35) 1. This older Jewish man was on the operating table awaiting surgery and he insisted that his son, a renown surgeon, perform the operation. As he was about to receive the anesthesia he asked to speak to his son. "Yes Dad, what is it?" "Don't be more

  • There Is One Faith Series

    Contributed by David Owens on Feb 19, 2024

    Although it looks like there are many faiths in our world today, there is only one faith that leads to salvation and unity and it is faith in Jesus. Our faith in Jesus must be expressed in leaning wholly on Him.

    A. The story is told about an atheist who was spending a quiet day fishing when suddenly his boat was attacked by the Loch Ness monster. 1. In one easy move, the Loch Nest monster tossed the atheist and his boat into the air. 2. Then the beast opened its mouth and was ready to swallow the man more

  • I Am The Bread Of Life Series

    Contributed by Brad Bailey on Mar 8, 2024

    I am the Bread of Life Series: Divine Declarations Brad Bailey – March 3, 2024

    I am the Bread of Life Series: Divine Declarations Brad Bailey – March 3, 2024 Note: The following notes were to long to share completely, so were moved through in slightly abbreviated fashion but still provide a what could serve teaching through the text. Intro In just 4 weekends from now… we more

  • I Am The Bread Of Life Series

    Contributed by Joseph Marshall on Jul 20, 2022

    One of the most controversial figures in history is Jesus of Nazareth. You could ask 100 people who they think Jesus was and you could get 100 different answers. So, who is Jesus?

    Introduction: One of the most controversial figures in history is Jesus of Nazareth. You could ask 100 people who they think Jesus was and you could get 100 different answers. So, who is Jesus? Throughout the Bible, God has revealed Himself to mankind by many different names to reveal more more

  • Empty Calories

    Contributed by Alison Bucklin on Apr 15, 2023

    You are already hungry since I fed you yesterday. If I fed you every day you’d still be hungry because it is not your body that is hungry but your soul.

    What do you suppose the crowd was thinking, there on the Sea of Galilee, that spring afternoon? They had been following him, watching him heal sick people, hearing him teach, wondering and speculating. A few would drop out, having seen enough, but they’d quickly get replaced by others. Close-knit more

  • Christ The True Bread Of Life Series

    Contributed by Grant Adams on Jan 11, 2025

    John 6:35, "And Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger..." Are you hungry? Jesus will satisfy that spiritual hunger.

    In chapter 5, we saw Jesus go after the multitudes. In chapter 6, we see the multitudes go after Jesus. He is made known as the object of their desire and as the only one who can meet the sinner’s need. The impotent man evidenced no desire for the savior. He portrayed the natural man. Dead more

  • Works Or Not?

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on Jun 14, 2022

    Doing good works is a very controversial topic among Christians, because they are either overemphasized or underemphasized. It’s hard to find the balance, but the scriptures are the best help.

    Doing good works is a very controversial topic among Christians, because they are either overemphasized or underemphasized. It’s hard to find the balance, but the scriptures are the best help, if we’ll listen to them instead of blindly accepting the prejudices of men. There are several factors to more

  • Are There Multiple Variations Of God's Will?

    Contributed by Dr. Craig Nelson on Jun 27, 2022
    based on 4 ratings

    Human beings have tried to answer the reason 'why' God seemingly allows bad things to happen

    Thanks to Adam and Eve, human life is full of struggles, sorrow, tragedy, and toil. It is tough to reconcile them with a God who is love, saves by His grace, and sustains with His mercy. Good and bad things happen to good and bad people - that is for sure. Human beings have tried to answer the more

  • Make The Most Of God's Compassion! Series

    Contributed by Rick Crandall on Jun 29, 2022

    How can we make the most of God's compassion? 1. Believe in Jesus Christ (Matt 14:13-14; John 6:25-41). 2. Be a channel of the Lord's compassion (Matt 14:15-16). 3. Put everything under the Lord's control (Matt 14:17-18). 4. Follow the Lord's commands (Matt 14:19-21).

    Make the Most of God's Compassion! The Gospel of Matthew Matthew 14:13-21; John 6:25-41 Sermon by Rick Crandall (Prepared June 29, 2022) BACKGROUND: *Today in Matthew 14, we will focus on some of the Lord's amazing miracles. But first, think about how many miracles Jesus worked. In John more

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