Ken Mckinley
Contributing sermons since Jan 1, 2000
Newest Sermons
Jesus Before Pilate
Contributed on Feb 20, 2025
Looking at the trial of Jesus and what it shows us and teaches us about our great God
Title: Jesus Before Pilate Text: John 18:28-40 This morning, we’re going to be looking at John chapter 18, verses 28 through 40. And I want you to keep in mind what I mentioned to you last Sunday – how a lot of what we’ll be seeing in this narrative of Jesus on trial, sounds very similar to the ...read more
All He Does Is Win!
Contributed on Feb 12, 2025
Jesus never fails. A persons faith is only as good as the object they place it in. We must make sure that our faith in Jesus as He is revealed in Scripture. Not a "Jesus" of our own imagination.
All He Does is Win! Text: John 18:12-27 Before we get into our text this morning, I’m just going to tell you that what we’re going to be looking at sounds like something that could be pulled from our modern-day news cycle. Solomon said, “There’s nothing new under the sun.” So, the next time ...read more
The Man In The Middle
Contributed on Feb 7, 2025
Jesus is a sovereign Sacrifice and He cares for us.
The Man in the Middle Text: John 18:1-11 The word “Treachery” comes from an old Latin word, “Tricari” which means, “an act of treason”, or literally, “faithlessness” to a sworn oath. It’s a word that doesn’t get a lot of use today… word meaning is becoming a thing of the past thanks to modernism… ...read more
The High Priestly Prayer (Part Three)
Contributed on Jan 31, 2025
In this sermon we look at the conclusion of Jesus' High Priestly Prayer from John 17
The High Priestly Prayer (Part Three) Text: John 17:20-26 We’re finishing up John 17 this morning, and we’ll be looking at the last section of Jesus’ High Priestly Prayer. And just to re-cap… in verses 1 – 5, Jesus prayed for Himself… He prayed that the Father would glorify Him, so that He could ...read more
The High Priestly Prayer (Part Two)
Contributed on Jan 24, 2025
As we continue looking at Jesus' High Priestly Prayer, we see Him shift focus to the disciples (and by extension - us). How wonderful it is that we have an advocate with the Father.
The High Priestly Prayer (part two - John Part 55) Text: John 17:6-20 Well, this morning we’re going to continue looking at the High Priestly Prayer of Jesus in John chapter 17. Last Sunday we saw Jesus pray for Himself. Specifically that The Father would glorify the Son, so that the Son could ...read more
Newest Sermon Series
On Membership
Contributed on Jul 12, 2023
Lessons For The Church From Corinthians
Contributed on Jan 7, 2023
The Wise And The Foolish At The Bridegrooms Coming
Contributed on Aug 12, 2022
Advent 2019
Contributed on Dec 2, 2019
The Gospel Of John
Contributed on May 2, 2019
Newest Sermon Illustrations
Do Not Love The World
Contributed on Jan 7, 2025
Now imagine this with me for a second. Let’s say you have a pillow and let’s say the family dog got ahold of that pillow and used it for a litter box… so you took it out and put it in the dumpster, and a family of rats moved into it and used it for a bed. And just before the day the trash truck ...read more
Spurgeon Quote
Contributed on Aug 17, 2022
I want to read something to you. It’s from a sermon preached by Charles Spurgeon… listen to what he says here… it’s kind of a long quote, but man it’s good. “Everybody admires Luther! Yes, yes, but you do not want anyone else to do the same today. When you go to the Zoological Gardens you all ...read more
Who's Educating Our Kids?
Contributed on Mar 10, 2010
WHO'S EDUCATING OUR KIDS? Now here's the thing. Often times we will tell ourselves, "Well it's the church's job to give my children a religious education, and it's the schools job to educate my children in other matters. And the Church will balance out the secular. But let me show you ...read more
In 1914; Sir Earnest Shackleton, And Explorer ...
Contributed on Jan 19, 2010
In 1914; Sir Earnest Shackleton, and explorer from England attempted to cross Antarctica. His exploration didn’t go so well though as his ship, “The Endurance,” was caught in the ice pack and slowly crushed as the ice closed in around it. Luckily, Shackleton and his crew managed to make it off ...read more
Now To A Jewish Person, Any Time The Word ...
Contributed on Jan 19, 2010
Now to a Jewish person, any time the word “sacrifice” was used, they would’ve immediately thought about the lambs that were sacrificed at the temple. Those sheep were raised up, they were fed, taken care of and protected, for the sole purpose of the sacrifice on the alter of God. That’s what a ...read more