  • Kamalanathan Francis

    Contributing sermons since Nov 17, 2020
Kamalanathan's church

Abundant Life In Christ Fellowship
Bangalore, Karnataka 560077

About Kamalanathan
  • Education: B.Sc - Bachelor of Science in Botany (Chennai University) DCA - Diploma in Computer Application (DCA, @ LIBS: Loyalla Information and Business Administration) ADCA - Advanced Diploma in Computer Application (ADCA, @ LIBS: Loyola Information and Business Administration) M.Div. - Master of Divinity (M.Div, Centre for Global Leadership ATA University) M.Th. - Master of Theology (M.Th., SAIACS, ATA University) M.Scio - Master of Sociology (M.A Sociology, Chennai University)
  • Experience: Started ministry as a young youth leader in a local church, and since then both preparing and serving the Lord for the past 25 years. Besides working as a trainer in the corporates, and served as a senior professor in theological colleges in the city of Bangalore. If you don't mind., requesting you a few seconds to pray for me and my family, For Booking Please mail to Please pray and support ALC Ministries | For Donations visit
  • Comment to those looking at my sermons: Dear friends, thanks for giving your precious time, hope your reading was fruitful. Feel free to register your opinion. For booking please contact
  • Best advice given to me about preaching: Think Beyond
  • Books that have had an impact: Bible - 66 books in the bible,
  • What I want on my tombstone: He that endureth to the end shall be saved -Matthew 10:22
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  • Guard Your Faith Till The End

    Contributed on May 24, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    Faith is precious in a spiritual walk. It is like a plant, which needs to be cared for. In this outline, we will see biblical principles to enrich faith.

    In the race of finishing the line for eternity, it is not about the strength of your faith, it is about whether you have kept the faith until the end. Apostle Paul writes to Timothy, (2Timothy 4:7) "I have fought the good fight, finished the race, kept the faith.” Let us today learn very more

  • Access To The Presence Of God

    Contributed on May 15, 2022

    In the previous message, faith and its function were discussed. Faith plays an important role in accessing the presence of God. In the New Testament, there are many stories that teach the value of the presence of God; Jesus Christ, and his impact on people.

    Faith in God is a gift of God, the one who received, has the confidence to enter the presence of God. Apostle Paul in Eph 3:12, say, "...enter God's presence with boldness & confidence." This gift of faith is for everyone because Jesus Christ died for everyone. Be Confident in more

  • God Loves Is Incredible

    Contributed on May 12, 2022

    The love of God for us is felt not when we are in comfort but in need. In this series, with limited time let's see the powerful love of God around us.

    God loves us with such incredible love. There is variety in God’s love; just like the world, we live in. We call our world incredible, and we can call our God’s love incredible. He wants us to experience incredible, life-changing love, mercy, and compassion not only from him but from those around more

  • Faith: Roles And Functions

    Contributed on May 9, 2022

    Faith plays a vital role in a Christian walk. There are many who attend the church, without walking in faith. In this outline, we will see the roles and functions of faith.

    Faith is identifiable and belief is explanative. In the book of James, we read that faith without work is void. Faith is like boiling water, when we are connected with God, people can see our faithfulness boiling. In simple terms, faith can be identified. 1. The way one talks about God 2. The more

  • Significance Of Faith

    Contributed on May 9, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    Every action in life requires some amount of faith. From entering a car to eating in a hotel thinking it is safe. What you believe comes out as faith when you practice. Lets us see the significance of faith in this outline.

    Many people as much as they practice faith in other areas of life, do not enrich in the spiritual realm. Faith is only as good as the object in which one places his faith. It is something one learns and grows with it. Are you faithful to God? Almost everyone would say, "yes" which is not more

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