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  • The Dangerous Sleep

    Contributed by Daniel Olukoya on May 24, 2004
    based on 137 ratings

    When a person chooses to believe the devil rather than God problems happen, so do not give up nor shup up until you have prayed up.

    One of the places that man suffers his major defeat is in the bed. The sudden trouble of a lot of people started on their beds. One wonderful thing that God can do for you in life is to give you power over the battle of the bed. When you win that battle you will start moving the way God wants you more

  • "Certain Persons” – The Creepers Who Slipped In, Quietly In Slippers – Jude 1 Verse 4 Series

    Contributed by Ron Ferguson on Aug 10, 2022

    Even in Jude's time false teachers had crept into the church and Jude does not hold back. In this message we look into "creeping" and examine these false teachers, ungodly men, the wolves among the lambs. There is much warning for us too 1950 years later.

    “CERTAIN PERSONS” – THE CREEPERS WHO SLIPPED IN, QUIETLY IN SLIPPERS – Jude 1 verse 4 MESSAGES IN JUDE – MESSAGE 3 Jude 1 v 4 Jude 1:4 “for certain persons have crept in unnoticed, those who were long beforehand marked out for this condemnation, ungodly persons who turn the grace of our God more

  • The Tie That Binds

    Contributed by Daniel Wheat on Jan 13, 2007

    There is a progression of our faith where we continue to endeavor to be more like Christ.

    Introduction: Imagine yourself in your car on an early Sunday morning. As you back out of the driveway you don’t see the garbage can behind the bumper and you hear the clang of metal against metal. As you step out of the car you see the unimaginable mess that is now spread out over your once clean more

  • A Kings Welcome

    Contributed by Daniel Wheat on May 25, 2009

    Palm Sunday we remember the image of Christ entering Jerusalem as a King. Shortly after he is led away a criminal. This passage is to help us reflect upon how Christ entered the gates of our heart and transformed our lives. But do we live a life that refl

    As they approached Jerusalem and came to Bethphage and Bethany at the Mount of Olives, Jesus sent two of his disciples, saying to them, "Go to the village ahead of you, and just as you enter it, you will find a colt tied there, which no one has ever ridden. Untie it and bring it here. If anyone more

  • Victory Or Victim

    Contributed by Daniel Wheat on May 29, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    Have you ever been tempted by Satan. No, I’m not talking about what you see on TV where you have a little guy dressed in white sitting on one shoulder and a little guy dressed in red with a pitchfork on the other shoulder. No I am talking about there is a

    Have you ever been tempted by Satan. No, I’m not talking about what you see on TV where you have a little guy dressed in white sitting on one shoulder and a little guy dressed in red with a pitchfork on the other shoulder. No I am talking about there is a serious dilemma in you path and it is more

  • Facing Our Giants

    Contributed by Daniel Wheat on May 29, 2009
    based on 3 ratings

    We all have difficulties in life. I would go so far as to say that some of them look insurmountable and impassable. They take the form of a giant of an issue. And there are times when we feel defeated before even getting to the battle. And those who we re

    Facing Our Giants 1 Samuel 17:38-47 Introduction: We all have difficulties in life. I would go so far as to say that some of them look insurmountable and impassable. They take the form of a giant of an issue. And there are times when we feel defeated before even getting to the battle. And those who more

  • Waiting For The Promise

    Contributed by Daniel Wheat on May 29, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    Have you ever felt fear, anger, anxious, frustrated and defeated in your faith? The disciples on the road to Emmaus felt this after seeing thier Savior crucified and buried. But as they were walking away from Jerusalem they had forgotten the promise of th

    LUKE 24:13-35 “Waiting for the Promise” INTRO: Background. – As you we read the Scripture today we need to remember the context of this passage. First, at this point the Lord had been welcomed into the city by palm branches with the prople exclaiming, “hosanna in the highest”. He had been more

  • Someone To Write About

    Contributed by Daniel Wheat on May 29, 2009

    Have you ever wanted to be one of those guys who was a great person for the Kingdom? One of those guys that everyone is talking about around of dinner table? You know one of those guys fired up for Jesus. On fire for the Lord. Passionate about their faith

    “Someone to write about” Acts 3:1-10 (15 Feb 09) Video: Ordinary people Have you ever wanted to be one of those guys? One of those guys that everyone is talking about around of dinner table? You know one of those guys fired up for Jesus. On fire for the Lord. Passionate about their faith and more

  • The Good Life

    Contributed by Daniel Wheat on May 29, 2009
    based on 5 ratings

    The average lifespan of a man is 70 years. For a woman it is 75. With all of the medical advances there are those who have lived to 100 and even as old as 115 years of age. To imagine all of the life experiences in that much time. What technological advan

    The Good Life Psalm 90:12 Psalms 90:1-17 (ESV) Intro: The average lifespan of a man is 70 years. For a woman it is 75. With all of the medical advances there are those who have lived to 100 and even as old as 115 years of age. To imagine all of the life experiences in that much time. What more

  • Be Restored

    Contributed by Daniel Wheat on May 29, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    Two Sundays ago we looked at Acts 3 where it told the story of the lame man at the gate of Beautiful. If you remember the man had been lame from birth and had lived a life depending upon the kindness of others. Just when he thought it was going to be a no

    “Be Restored” John 21:15-17 Introduction: Two Sundays ago we looked at Acts 3 where it told the story of the lame man at the gate of Beautiful. If you remember the man had been lame from birth and had lived a life depending upon the kindness of others. Just when he thought it was going to be a more

  • Abiding With Christ

    Contributed by Daniel Wheat on May 29, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    I don’t know if any of you out there has given to thought to living in a place like Bubble Creek Canyon. Where only Christians live and are in harmony together. To be separated from the rest of the world and not have the worries that come from being with

    John 15:9-15 “Abiding with Christ” Introduction: I don’t know if any of you out there has given to thought to living in a place like Bubble Creek Canyon. Where only Christians live and are in harmony together. To be separated from the rest of the world and not have the worries that come from being more

  • Deep Water

    Contributed by Daniel Wheat on Jan 9, 2005
    based on 5 ratings

    Christ calls us out of our comfort zone to serve. It takes a deepening faith to hear His calling and obedient. Our faithfulness to Him glorifies the Kingdom and brings others to a deepening of thier faith.

    “DEEP WATER” Living to serve wholeheartedly Reference: Luke 5:1-11 Reverend Daniel A. Wheat Introduction: Has anyone ever told a fish story before? Well, I was stationed in Alaska where I had the opportunity of a lifetime to fish for Alaska King Salmon. And let me tell you they get B-I-G! In fact more

  • Found Useful

    Contributed by Daniel Wheat on Jan 9, 2005
    based on 7 ratings

    We have been purchased by the blood of Christ. We have been found to be useful by the King. Running away from God is not fullfiling the purpose that we have been called. Remember the slave tag, "If I should escape seize me and send me back to my master."

    “FOUND USEFUL” Return Me To The Master Reference: Philemon 1:1-25 Reverend Daniel A. Wheat Introduction: Have any of you ever asked someone to write a letter of recommendation? Have you ever received an evaluation from a supervisor on your work performance? Ever get a love letter that made you more

  • The Wisdom Of The Christian Jedi

    Contributed by Karen Wheat on May 23, 2005
    based on 14 ratings

    This graduation sermon takes a look at the StarWars Jedi, looking for and finding parrells with the values and practice of Christianity.

    THE WISDOM OF THE CHRISTIAN JEDI 5/21/2005 EPHESIANS 6:10-20 Long ago in a Galaxy far far away…. And with those words we are whisked off to a fictional Galaxy where the noble Jedi Knights fight the evil of the Dark Side in an effort to overcome that evil and champion Peace and more

  • You Might Be A Redneck If ...

    Contributed by Karen Wheat on May 23, 2005
    based on 34 ratings

    A look at Pentecost through the motif of Jeff Foxworthy

    YOU MIGHT BE A REDNECK IF... 5/14/2005 Acts 2:1-21 Jeff Foxworthy has made the word "redneck" a very popular one in today’s culture with his humor statements which begin "You might be a redneck if..." ( YOUTH GROUP GIVE THEIR ONE LINERS) Other good ones are : ( Like) "You might be a redneck if more

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