"now That I Have Your Attention.."
Contributed by Donald Whitchard on Dec 17, 2020 (message contributor)
1. The Fear Of God - The Missing Foundation In Modern Christianity
Contributed on Dec 17, 2020
In this day of "fluff and icing", "feel good", "me-centered" beliefs, sermons, and teachings, the church in this present age has, for all practical purposes, abandoned the call for holiness and separation from the world.
We who call ourselves followers of Jesus Christ in these last days have, for all practical purposes, allowed the world to tell us what to think and say when it comes to the authority of the Scriptures, the person and work of Jesus, God's nature, and the coming judgment upon this wicked and ...read more
2. The Wonderful Home That Awaits Us
Contributed on Dec 18, 2020
This world is not all that there is, and we have to face the fact of what will become of us when we take our last breath. Are you ready?
We need to take a long overdue trip to Reality City and deal with the issue of life here on Earth and what lies beyond it. This life is not all there is in terms of existence, accountability, being, and influence. None of us have a warranty or guarantee that we will live into old age. The fear ...read more
3. How Many Are My Iniquities? - A Soul Searching Question
Contributed on Dec 18, 2020
Recognition of sin and its effects on us should always bring us before the throne of God to forgive and restore us to fellowship.
In Job 13:23, the suffering patriarch is pleading his case before God, asking Him to specifically name those sins he has allegedly committed in order to see some justification for the untold misery he has undergone. He desired to confess any unknown wrongdoing so that he could be made pure ...read more
4. No Parole, No Appeal, No Hope: The Great White Throne Judgment
Contributed on Dec 19, 2020
You do not end up as mere food for worms and fertilizer for flowers in a forgotten grave. You will be in one of two places after you take your last breath, and you will face the Sovereign LORD, either as Savior or Judge. Where do you stand on that fact?
The Holy Bible affirms that there are ONLY two places where your soul can go after death. Either you will be in heaven with God the Father, the Lord Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, and the redeemed of all history, or in hell with the devil, his angels, and the wicked of all history, to be ...read more