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  • 27 The Second Rebellion Series

    Contributed by Michael Collins on Jan 25, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    This is the 27th of 31 devotions in a series called, 'The Church Called Jonah.' This devotion is about Jonah rebelling against the Lord the second time - this time for a different reason though.

    The Second Rebellion Jonah 4:5: “Jonah had gone out and sat down at a place east of the city. There he made himself a shelter, sat in its shade, and waited to see what would happen to the city.” “Jonah had gone out and sat down at a place east of the city…” No sooner than Jonah has this second more

  • Single-Minded Series

    Contributed by Gordon Curley on Jan 24, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    Single-minded - advide to Christians who are single – sermon by Gordon Curley PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request – email:

    SERMON OUTLINE: (1). Singles are better able to cope with troubles (vs 25-28). (2). Singles are better able to maintain spiritual priorities (vs 29-31). (3). Singles have fewer distractions (vs 32-35). (4). Singles have the option of marriage (vs 36-40). SERMONBODY: Ill: What do these more

  • I Would Not Do That Series

    Contributed by Richard White on Oct 5, 2002
    based on 17 ratings

    Because of his devotion to God, Nehemiah could keep himself from doing wrong. We should improve our devotion to God so we too can overcome sin in our life.

    I would not do that! Neh 5:1-19 Illustration: Mikey the guy we love to hate. He is always cheerful. He wakes up every morning deciding to be happy. When he had his accident he decided to live. We must decide to pursue holiness. Walter Scott presented us with a five finger plan of more

  • Mother's Day - A Mother's Love

    Contributed by Melvin Newland on Apr 22, 2001
    based on 4,067 ratings

    I know that many mothers pray. Sometimes they pray out of necessity. Sometimes they pray because motherhood is not easy, but extremely difficult.

    MELVIN M. NEWLAND, MINISTER RIDGECHAPEL, KANSAS, OK (Revised: 2018) TEXT: Matthew 20:20?23 ILL. Someone wrote, "Mother's Day is traditionally the day when children give something back to their mothers for all the spit they produce to wash dirty faces, all the old gum they held in more

  • How To Honor Our Father

    Contributed by Jerry Flury on Jun 19, 2010
    based on 6 ratings

    As believers we are to show honor both to our earthly fathers and to our Eternal Father. The biblical word for honor means "to give great weight to; to hold as valuable." Proverbs 23 tells us how we can show honor to our Father.

    How to Honor Our Father Proverbs 23:22-26 Introduction: The observance of Father's Day provides an opportunity to express a special thank you to our fathers for their unconditional love and affection. Celebrating Father's Day makes fathers feel that they are loved, appreciated, and valued by more

  • The Potential Of Problems Series

    Contributed by Dennis Davidson on Oct 24, 2011
    based on 44 ratings

    The prototype of today’s deacons is found in our passage. It is an account of men being set aside by the Holy Spirit and the Jerusalem Church to resolve a fellowship problem.

    ACTS 6: 1-7 THE POTENTIAL OF PROBLEMS [1Timothy 3:3-16] The prototype of today’s deacons is found in our passage for this evening. It is an account of men being set aside by the Holy Spirit and the Jerusalem Church to resolve a fellowship problem. The Church had been expanding in a more

  • Jesus At The Right Hand: Basis For Living A Life That Honors God And Serves Series

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Jan 27, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus wants to rule in our lives from heaven; if we follow our heavenly ruler, we will nurture well-lived lives on earth as a result.

    Jesus At the Right Hand: The Theological Basis for Living A Life That Honors God and Serves Others (Colossians 3:1-4) 1. The boss wondered why one of his most valued employees was absent but had not phoned in sick one day. Needing to have an urgent problem with one of the main computers resolved, more

  • Be All That You Should Be Series

    Contributed by Kevin L. Jones on Aug 2, 2015
    based on 7 ratings

    A sermon addressing the steps towards holiness.

    Be All That You Should Be I Peter 1:13-17 Listen online at - or From 1980 until 2001 "Be All That You Can Be" was the slogan used by the army in its recruiting. Once an individual enlists in the Army they are sent more

  • Who Is A Son Of God? Series

    Contributed by T.j. Conwell on Sep 21, 2015

    We are no longer slaves to the world; but heirs with fully to submitted to Christ. It is in this knowledge that our actions must be focused and guided daily as we lead others to Him.

    Who is a son of God? Galatians, Part 7 Galatians 3:26 – 4:7 Open to Galatians 3 … Place holder at Romans 8 Introduction - Purpose of the letter: 1. To teach 2. To correct 3. To point us to Jesus - The Law was given to bring God’s people back to Himself because we more

  • Do We Follow God? Series

    Contributed by T.j. Conwell on Sep 28, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    We ought to be able to show the world Who we serve by our actions and our words. Therefore, how we live our lives for Christ must be focused on Him, always.

    Do we follow God? Galatians, Part 8 Galatians 4:8 – 4:20 Introduction - Purpose of the letter 1. To teach 2. To correct 3. To point us to Jesus - Recap from last week: - We discussed who are considered “sons of God” • Those in the faith (Those who have placed more

  • Stay The Course Sermon Iv: Our Marriage Covenant With Christ Series

    Contributed by Charles Cunningham on May 27, 2020

    When we Christians find ourselves having to contend with enemies of the Lord, remember that our marriage covenant with the God in Christ presupposes our staying the course to the finish of our existence on this earth.

    OUR MARRIAGE COVENANT WITH GOD IN CHRIST PRESUPPOSES STAYING THE COURSE Before God and the company gathered for celebration of a marriage, the bride and groom affirm their commitment to forsake all others and devote themselves to each other for life. Thus, they enter into more

  • Faith And Law -/- Faith Or Law

    Contributed by Howard Gunter on Feb 28, 2018
    based on 3 ratings

    The law is external. Faith is internal. We all have an external and an internal component to our belief system.

    Mid-week Message/Devotion February 28, 2018 Reading: Romans 4:13-25 Faith and Law –/– Faith or Law “For the promise that he would be heir of the world was not to Abraham or to his seed through the law, but through the righteousness of faith.” (Verse 13) This one verse sets the tone for more

  • Ruth The Caregiver - Sermon Iii: A Caregiver Who Made Sacrifices Series

    Contributed by Charles Cunningham on Nov 4, 2019

    if caregiving is sincere, the caregiver must be willing to do what needs to be done when it needs to be done for as long as it needs to be done. When offering to help, don't just say it - do it.

    RUTH: WOMAN OF DEVOTION – SERMON III: A CAREGIVER WHO MADE SACRIFICES Ruth 2:8-12 Ruth was the daughter-in-law of a Jewish woman by the name of Naomi. You will recall that Naomi and her more

  • Ruth The Caregiver - Sermon Iv: A Caregiver Who Was Blessed Series

    Contributed by Charles Cunningham on Nov 4, 2019

    God blesses those who need caregiving and also those who give care. Mothers are true examples of such. God blesses mothers and others whom God uses to care for those who need it most.

    RUTH THE CAREGIVER – SERMON IV: A CAREGIVER WHO WAS BLESSED Ruth 4:13-17 God blesses those who care for others. Today we honor mothers, for who can measure up to a godly mother’s care for her more

  • How Can We Be The Christians God Wants Us To Be? Series

    Contributed by Rick Crandall on Jul 29, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    God wants us to... 1. Be moved by His great mercies (vs. 1). 2. Dedicate every day to the Lord (vs. 1). 3. Have regular times of renewal (vs. 2).

    How Can We Be the Christians God Wants Us to Be? The Book of Romans Romans 12:1-2 Sermon by Rick Crandall (Prepared July 29, 2021) BACKGROUND: *Romans 12 marks a big turning point in Paul's letter to the Christians in Rome. Pastor Steve Weaver explained that "the first 11 chapters of the more

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