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  • Blessed Are Those Who Mourn Series

    Contributed by Victor Yap on Dec 26, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    Friend of Sinners. Pt. 2

    BLESSED ARE THOSE WHO MOURN (LUKE 7:36-50) I had known for quite a while an elderly man who had two sons. The older son was the valedictorian of his school, a researcher at a Forbes 500 company and a visiting professor at a graduate school. The younger son paled in comparison; he was an average more

  • Go Tell It On The Mountain

    Contributed by Denn Guptill on Dec 14, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    The third week in advent looks at the shepherds and this message looks at how the Shepherds experience mirrors our Christian experience.

    Go Tell It On the Mountain It wasn’t the world’s oldest profession but it was close! I mean you know what the world’s oldest profession is right? That’s right, farming. Adam and Eve had two sons, Cain the oldest was a farmer, thus making that the world’s oldest profession. What were you more

  • Christ's Ministers And Their Message Series

    Contributed by David Moore on Jan 25, 2010

    This message looks at the need of believers to become fishers of men. It considers some of the traits of good fishermen and the differing aspects of Christian evangelism.

    Christ's Ministry and It’s Message Aim: To show the call of the disciples, the nature of their commission and responsibilities of their calling Text: Mark 1:14-20. Introduction: I remember reading several years ago about a man who went into the ministry, and who was a rather hopeless more

  • A Little Man With A Big Message Series

    Contributed by James May on Aug 22, 2007
    based on 5 ratings

    Message #1 in the Book of James series dealing with what is known of James’ background and the opening salutation of his epistle.

    A Study of the Book of James #1 - A Little Man With a Big Message By Pastor Jim May This epistle is called "general", because not written to any particular person, as the epistles to Timothy, Titus, and Philemon are; nor to any particular churches, as the epistles to the Romans, Corinthians, &c. more

  • The Great Adventure: "Stand Against The Tide!" Series

    Contributed by Jim Black on Jul 12, 2006
    based on 6 ratings

    Noah stood against the culture of his day and was counted faithful. Christians are called to an exciting, challenging and different way of life… not to conform to the world.

    We want to continue that excitement this morning as we delve back into our summer series, “The Great Adventure!” The Christian life is supposed to a great and exciting adventure! • Now, we don’t often talk about faith in those terms… • When we truly and honestly give ourselves to God and place our more

  • Jesus Heals Many Series

    Contributed by Freddy Fritz on Apr 5, 2013
    based on 4 ratings

    An analysis of the power of Jesus in Luke 4:38-41 will give us further proof that Jesus is the Christ.

    Scripture Luke began the public ministry of Jesus when Jesus was in the region of Galilee. The basic question that Luke asked and answered was: “Who is Jesus?” Luke began by giving a summary of Jesus’ ministry in Galilee (4:14-15). Next, he gave an example of Jesus’ more

  • The 12 Apostles Of Jesus: Peter

    Contributed by John Gaston on Feb 12, 2015

    Look at the 2nd apostle of Jesus called and His best friend. Study the 25 incidents in Peter's life. Watch his growth in faith, his decline, and his 2nd rise to greatness. Great for the development of character in our lives.

    THE 12 APOSTLES OF JESUS: PETER Jn. 1:41-42, etc. INTRODUCTION A. HUMOR 1. We’re going to look at Peter & when he walked on water. 2. I heard a story about 3 pastors who went fishing. They agreed on a lot of doctrine except one believed that miracles and gifts ceased with the apostles. 3. more

  • Just Trying To Do My Job

    Contributed by Wayne Lawson on Jun 8, 2011
    based on 14 ratings

    We spend so much time debating with God that we miss out on our blessings. God is trying to take us out of the norm and we fight the Lord because we are comfortable and satisfied where we are.

    TITLE: JUST TRYING TO DO MY JOB SCRIPTURE: ST. LUKE 5:1-11 Have you ever found yourself in the position, where it seemed like no matter what you did, it just was NOT GOOD ENOUGH? Have you ever found yourself in the position that no matter how hard you worked, seemed like you just could not get more

  • Lifting Up Jesus Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on Aug 20, 2012

    The story of Jesus doesn’t end with His ascension. In the scriptures His story continues in the lives of the disciples, and today the story goes on in our lives. The primary assignment of the Church is to lift up Jesus. We are not a social or political

    Lifting Up Jesus Acts 8:1-13 Introduction The story of Jesus doesn’t end with His ascension. In the more

  • Matthew The Tax Collector Series

    Contributed by Leighton (Lee) Vary on Jan 20, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus strolls past a tax office and sees a man named Levi. He must see more than what we might have, H called Levi to follow Him. Levi was named Matthew and followed the Master. Matthew introduces Jesus to his old friends.

    Introduction A. There is an old, old story about a pilgrim standing outside heaven, longing to enter in, watching as others were welcomed through the gates of pearl, onto the streets of gold. As he stood there, he saw a group clothed in white robes and waving banners approaching the gates. He more

  • Peter's Denials

    Contributed by Derrick Tuper on Mar 12, 2018
    based on 2 ratings

    With Easter being a few weeks away our focus begins to shift to Jesus' death and resurrection. When Jesus told his disciples about this one of them became a little upset. You know about Peter denying that he knew Jesus but that's just one of his denials.

    PETER'S DENIALS With Easter being a few short weeks away our focus begins to shift to Jesus' death and resurrection. When Jesus began to inform his disciples about this one of them became a little indignant. You may be wondering if the sermon title has a typo. You know about Peter denying that he more

  • Eternity Is Now In Session - Purgation Series

    Contributed by Brian Harrell on Dec 19, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    Peter had to have the hell burnt out of him. He underwent a process of purgation - the purging of sin. There is nothing redeeming about sin. If you need a good list of what sin is - this is the sermon.

    we are in the third week of a series called “eternity is now in session.” Essentially worth talking about the fact that eternal life doesn’t begin “out there” when we get to heaven, it begins now in God’s purpose is to get heaven into us. It starts with following him. Leaving behind all other more

  • Letting Go - Self Forgiveness

    Contributed by Michael Deutsch on Dec 27, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    A final look at letting go as we end the year. Looking at forgiving ourselves, as God already has forgiven us.

    Letting Go - Forgiveness December 29, 2019 Well, this is it! We’re on the final Sunday of this decade. Next time we meet, it will be a new decade. We’ll be writing 2020, instead of 2019. Some of you would like this year to get over with already. It’s not been what you were hoping for. You’re more

  • Extravagant Devotion To Jesus

    Contributed by David Mende on Nov 14, 2018
    based on 6 ratings

    This sermon challenges God's people to be completely devoted to Jesus on the basis of his infinite worth. I would be delighted if you could rate this sermon and give a brief feedback.

    INTRODUCTION (SECURE ATTENTION) & BACKGROUND OF THE PASSAGE: PRAY before starting the sermon. ILLUSTRATION: I remember my college days when I was studying Masters in Computer Science. In 2001, the Lord touched my life and I was on fire for God! I would be very vocal about my faith and share the more

  • They Left Everything

    Contributed by Stephen Aram on Feb 19, 2022

    We may have strong attachments to the normal routines of life, but God may call us to break out of the mold and give us a life of excitement and purpose that we had never dreamed of.

    You may have heard news reports recently about a young man with the name of Douglas McAuthur McCain. He was the first American that we know of who died in Syria fighting for ISIS, the Islamic State. And you wonder, “How in the world did an American end up dying as a jihadi in Syria?” The more

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