Larry Turner
Contributing sermons since Feb 29, 2012
Newest Sermons
And In Closing
Contributed on Jan 5, 2017
This Sunday, January 8th, 2017, our church will close it's doors. This will be my last sermon to be preached to them
The first time God spoke to me was over twenty years ago. I was traveling down Highway 16 and was almost at Jones’ Exxon when He said, “Look in the book of Acts.” I hadn’t been a Christian very long. Knew very little about the Bible. But I knew that a strong compulsion was ...read more
The Gift Of Peace
Contributed on Dec 1, 2016
Peace comes to us a gift with several layers to unwrap.
"No man had more reason to be miserable than this one – yet no man was more joyful. His first home was a palace. Servants were at his fingertips. The snap of his fingers changed the course of history. His name was known and loved. He had everything – wealth, power, respect. And then ...read more
You Ain't All That
Contributed on Nov 20, 2016
Pride can make someone think more highly of themselves than they should. Naaman almost missed a miracle because of pride.
Everyone knows that the lion is the king of the jungle. And they are very prideful. In fact a group of lions are called a pride. One day the lion being filled with pride decided to make sure all the others knew it. He was so confident that he by-passed the smaller animals and went straight to the ...read more
Confession Of Gratitude
Contributed on Nov 12, 2016
In Hebrew the word for gratitude and confession is the same. We are to confess our dependence on God by showing him gratitude.
Today we are going to study an episode that happened in the life of Jesus and discover some truths about gratitude. Let’s begin with Luke 17: 11 “As Jesus continued on toward Jerusalem, he reached the border between Galilee and Samaria.” Jesus had set his sights on ...read more
Honor Comes To Those Who Honor
Contributed on Nov 5, 2016
We are to honor authority, relationships, and God. In return we will receive honor.
Romans 13:7 “Give to everyone what you owe them: Pay your taxes and government fees to those who collect them, and give respect and honor to those who are in authority.” Honor. I am not sure we understand the meaning of the word. A pastor visiting Korea for the first time asked for ...read more
Newest Sermon Series
Our Family Tree
Contributed on Jan 8, 2016
Spiritual Armor
Contributed on Oct 8, 2015
Spiritual Warfare
Contributed on Aug 12, 2015
Revelation 2:17
Contributed on Apr 17, 2015
Upsetting The Apple Carts
Contributed on Oct 23, 2014
Newest Sermon Illustrations
The Law, The Whole Law, And Nothing But The Law.
Contributed on Jun 5, 2016
There is a story about a student at Cambridge University in England who entered the classroom on exam day and asked the proctor to bring him cakes and ale. The proctor refused, expressing astonishment at the young student’s audacity. At this point the student read from the four-hundred-year-old ...read more
Why God?
Contributed on Feb 8, 2016
Why God? God, why did this happen, Questions my soul needs to know. If you really love me Why am I hurting so? Why did you let it happen? The power is in your hand. Why did you not stop it? Please help me understand. I know it’s for a purpose. I have to figure out What is your ...read more
Mired In The Mud
Contributed on Dec 14, 2015
When I was 17 I went for my first road test to get my driver’s license. In order to receive this privilege to drive, an officer accompanied me to observe my skills. As part of the test I was required to make a 3 point road turn on a narrow road. I pulled forward, turned my wheel, and proceeded to ...read more
A Christmas Card From John The Baptist
Contributed on Dec 3, 2015
How’s this for a Christmas card this year. On the front a beautiful winter scene. On the inside a nice thought. “The fire of the Holy Spirit, That should be your desire. To follow and obey him, For the Gospel, be a crier. So if Jesus comes back this year, May you not be found a ...read more
Leave You Nickel On The Table
Contributed on Jan 9, 2015
Everyone who has met my little 4 year old grand-daughter Ava knows she is very witty at times. The things this child says and does often blow me away. Last Sunday she found a nickel on the floor after church. I told her she could keep it. What she did with it was precious and a life lesson. We ...read more