  • Jamie Bogaard

    Contributing sermons since Mar 30, 2016
Jamie's church

Lynnville Friends Church
Lynnville, Iowa 50153

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  • Is Abortion Wrong?

    Contributed on Aug 24, 2022

    The abortion debate is a Hot Topic in our society right now. What does the Bible have to say about abortion? What is God's view of life? What responsibility do we have as Christians and the church?

    Hot Topic – Week 4 – Is Abortion Wrong? Genesis 1:26-31 August 21, 2022 There are a lot of Hot Topics in our news and media right now and one of them is abortion. While things have cooled down just a little bit since Roe v. Wade was overturned by the Supreme Court, I can guarantee you that things more

  • The Shepherd's Story

    Contributed on Dec 30, 2021

    How did it feel for God to come to the lowest in society to proclaim his birth. Tell the story from the shepherd's point of view

    Feel free to use this however you want, I hold no copyright and you have my permission. Christmas Eve Candlelight Service Sunday, Dec. 24 – 6:00 pm Scripture reading: Matthew 1:18-24 Song: When Love Was Born My name is Cyrus. I want to tell you a story. I am a shepherd and we are great more

  • The Innkeeper

    Contributed on Dec 30, 2021

    Even though the Innkeeper isn't mentioned in the Bible his is an interesting perspective on what it might have been like

    Please feel free to use this however you would like. I have no copyrights. You can put songs in different spots to break it up if you want. The Innkeeper based on Matthew 2 & Luke 2 My name is Tobiah. I was an innkeeper in Bethlehem in Judea almost two thousand years ago, a time when the more

  • Jacob The Father Of Joseph

    Contributed on Dec 30, 2021

    Tell the Christmas story from the perspective of Jacob the father of Joseph. It was messy.

    This was a candlelight service. You are more than welcome to use this however you want, I don't hold any copyrights on it. I used a tool belt and rolled a flannel shirt in sawdust for props. Christmas Eve Joseph’s Dad December 24, 2021 Open: My Soul Magnifies the Lord – Special Call to more

  • Christmas Eve Candlelight

    Contributed on Dec 28, 2020

    Has this been a hard year? Almost all involved in the Christmas story had hardship. This is precisely why Jesus had to come.

    Christmas Eve Candlelight Through Adversity Comes a Promise Prelude: Call to Worship: Rejoice, for God is with us — Emmanuel. In the darkness of our world shines God's holy light. Now there is reason to hope, to love, to laugh, to live. God is truly with us. We are not alone. Thanks be to more

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