Sermon Series
  • 1. Rev.# 5 ~smyrna The Persecuted Church

    Contributed on May 13, 2009
    based on 3 ratings

    The time of this church period, SMYRNA, was from about 100-350 A.D. Of the 7 messages to the 7 churches, this one, the message to Smyrna, is the shortest, only 4 verses. This church of Smyrna and also the 6th church, Philadelphia, are the only 2 churches

    REV.#5(SMYRNA) ~2:8-11 5-16-09 Today we’ll continue our study of the Book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ, this is our 5th study. Last time we talked about the 1st Church of the 7 that the Lord tells us of in Chapters 2 & 3, we talked about the Church of Ephesus, the more

  • 2. Rev. # 6-Pergamos -The Compromising Church

    Contributed on May 20, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    The church of Pergamos, this, as we’ll see, is the church period when the church began walking arm in arm with the world. THE WORLDLY CHURCH-- church and state, arm and arm. ~ Pergamos, the Compromising Church,

    REV.#6~2:12-17 PERGAMOS {about 350 to about 590 A.D.} Today we’ll continue our study of the Revelation of Jesus Christ, this is our 6th study of this great book, this is the only book of Prophecy in the New Testament, there are many prophetic references in the N.T., but this more

  • 3. Rev.# 7~thyatira The Corrupt Church ~pt. 1

    Contributed on May 27, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    We’re here in chapter 2: verses 18-29 and in these verses Jesus is sending this 4th message to the church of Thyatira, the corrupt church. Fox’s book of Martyrs has much to say about this Dark Age period.

    REV.#7-2:18-29-pt.1 ~THYATIRA ~FROM ABOUT 500-ABOUT 1570 AD~ Today we’ll continue our study of the book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ, we’re here in chapter 2: verses 18-29 and in these verses Jesus is sending this 4th messages to the church of Thyatira, the corrupt church. Fox’s more