  • Byron Harvey

    Contributing sermons since Jan 1, 2000
Byron's church

Walk Thru the Bible
Marietta, Georgia 30064

About Byron
  • Education: I received my undergraduate degree from Tennessee Temple University in 1982, and then an M.R.E. from Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary in 1985.
  • Experience: I worked in the fields of youth and education ministry for five-plus years. In January 1990, I began serving as pastor of Brentwood Baptist Church in High Point, North Carolina. I served at Fellowship Community Church, Mercer, PA from April 1993-October 2006, and came to Marietta at that point.
  • Family: I married my wife, Karen, in 1982, and God has blessed us with three children: Anthony, born in 1986; Brent, born in 1990; and my little angel, Chiannon, born in 1995.
  • Books that have had an impact: Idols for Destruction, by Herbert Schlossberg The Gagging of God, by D.A. Carson The Battle for the Bible, by Harold Lindsell The Seduction of Christianity, by Hunt and McMahon Who Switched the Price Tags?, by Tony Campolo The Screwtape Letters, by C.S. Lewis Mere Christianity, by C.S. Lewis Darwin’s Black Box, by Michael Behe
  • Hobbies: I collect sports cards and collectibles. Buy something from me on eBay--ID is "fanuv24" (that would be Jeff Gordon, in case you’re curious).
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Newest Sermons

  • Doing Justice

    Contributed on Aug 3, 2020

    This is the second in a two-part series on the topic, "Do Justice".

    I was probably 9 or 10 when the doorbell rang one day, and answering the door, I recognized the man holding a clipboard as a neighbor, father of a friend of mine. He asked if my dad was home, and in a few moments, Dad came to the door. After exchanging pleasantries, the gentleman informed Dad of more

  • On Justice - Biblical Foundations

    Contributed on Jul 21, 2020

    There is a lot of talk about "justice" these days--and rightly so--but "not everybody talkin' 'bout justice knows what they're talkin' 'bout". What does the Bible say about justice?

    “These people? They honor God with their lips, but the truth is, their hearts are far from Him.” These are the words of Isaiah the prophet and Jesus the Messiah—and they describe the people to whom Micah speaks. Last week, as we began a short series entitled "For the City" from Micah, more

  • Stop Supporting Missionaries!

    Contributed on Apr 7, 2016

    This message, from Acts 13, argues that the proper relationship between the church and missionaries involves missionaries supporting the church, rather than the other way around, because the work of mission is the work of the church as led by the Spirit.

    Three Statements: • I propose that effective immediately, Grace Community Church stop supporting missionaries. • I am completely serious. • By the end of this message, I believe you will agree with me. Got your attention? Follow along this morning as we read Acts more

  • The God-Man

    Contributed on Jan 26, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    Who is Jesus? He is fully God in every way.

    “The God-Man” January 24, 2010 To the Dalai Lama, Jesus was an enlightened guru, likely a fully enlightened being. To the Mormons, Jesus is an exalted man who made his way to godhood—just as we can; some versions of New Age mysticism have this view of Jesus in common with more

  • Under Siege

    Contributed on Jan 18, 2010

    In true prayer, we sign up for the struggle against sin.

    “Under Siege” Matthew 6:13 April 26, 2009 Where we’ve been: • Begin by coming to grips with “Our Father” • Pray then that, above all else, the purposes and plans of God come to accomplishment o That His moral will be more

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