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  • Two Senior Saints Series

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on Dec 22, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    What can we learn from senior saints who have lived just and devout lives? Let’s honor elderly church members. Let’s look specifically at Simeon and Anna in Luke 2:22-40.

    Prelude: What can we learn from senior saints who have lived just and devout lives? Purpose: Let’s honor elderly church members. Plan: Let’s look specifically at Simeon and Anna in Luke 2:22-40. Elderly Leviticus 19:32 says, “You shall rise before the gray headed and honor the presence of an old more

  • Two Kinds Of Faith

    Contributed by Ock Soo on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 48 ratings

    HOW CAN WE MEET GOD? "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

    HOW CAN WE MEET GOD? "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." (John 1:1) Many people are wondering about this without knowing where or how to meet God. Whenever I ask church-goers if they have ever met God, they say that they met Him when they were cured of more

  • The Return Of The Seventy-Two Series

    Contributed by Freddy Fritz on Jul 11, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    The return of the seventy-two disciples from their short-term missions trip in Luke 10:17-24 shows us the reasons for their joy.

    Scripture After Jesus’ ministry in Galilee, which lasted perhaps for as long as two years, “he set his face to go to Jerusalem” (Luke 9:51). Jesus continued to teach while on his journey to Jerusalem. He also sent seventy-two disciples in pairs on a short-term missions trip. We more

  • Curtain Torn In Two

    Contributed by Davon Huss on Jun 5, 2006
    based on 15 ratings

    A sermon on the curtain of the temple being torn in two and what this means for us. (Material taken from Mark Garland in NIV Application Commentary and SermonCentral Contributor Pat Cook in Unveiling God’s Heart)

    Sermon for 6/4/2006 Curtain Torn in Two Mark 15:33-41 Introduction: A. Focus in on verse. 38. B. So a curtain was torn! Big deal! Let me say that all of the members of the power team could not tear this curtain, or veil. C. This curtain hangs from the ceiling. IT was 60 feet long, 30 feet more

  • Only Two Religions

    Contributed by Chuck Sligh on Apr 16, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    There are not thousands of religions as some claim; rather there are only two: the religion of works and the religion of grace.

    Only Two Religions Chuck Sligh March 2000 TEXT: Ephesians 2:8-9 INTRODUCTION A. There seems to be a multitude of religions in the world. It seems like there are literally thousands of them. But, in reality, there are only two religions in the world. (EXPAND AS LED B. Before we begin, let me more

  • The Prodigal Son And His Homecoming

    Contributed by Jonathan Spurlock on Oct 28, 2023

    Many groups celebrate homecoming in various ways. The Prodigal Son also enjoyed a homecoming after he returned to his father.

    (Based on a sermon preached 10-22-2023 at First Baptist Church, Chamois, MO; not an exact transcription. Full disclosure: many sermons have been preached on this text and any overlap is accidental and not intentional. I have not knowingly used anyone else’s words in this message without attempting more

  • The Boy With Two Moms.

    Contributed by Thomas Bowen on Jan 15, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    Mother's Day - Moses had two moms with two different expirences. Men on the outside looking in to the relationship.

    The boy with two moms. Let me start off our time together with a simple illustration of a man’s perspective. This is a JOKE…I thought it was just a tiny bit funny…I also thought it was a uncomfortably true illustration of some extremely rare and perhaps even extinct more

  • Joseph Times Two Series

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Dec 11, 2017

    Both Josephs trusted God in difficult situations. Both Josephs were pillars who protected others because they took the Lord seriously.

    Note: This is a revision (with some reworking) of a December 2010 sermon, also posted on Sermon Central, entitled, "Joseph and Joseph." Joseph Times Two (Matthew 1:18-25) 1. We often assume things that are not true. Joke. “Thanks for the electric guitar you gave me for Christmas," little Chris more

  • The Man With Two Moms Series

    Contributed by Robert Fa’atoia-Collins on May 13, 2010
    based on 8 ratings

    A love of a mother surpasses all understanding

    The Man With Two Moms Exodus 2:1-10 No, this isn't a sermon about Rosie O'Donnell and her same sex partner and their adoption. It's actually a great true tale about someone in the Bible who had 2 mothers. read text Moses became the kind of man he was because of the type of mother he had. In more

  • Two Blind Men Series

    Contributed by Ron Tuit on Jul 20, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    The Healing of two blind men and their deaf-mute friend were specific fulfillments of Isaiah as well as a description of God's Work of salvation.

    “Two Blind Men” Matthew 9:27-33 Matthew selects ten miracles in chapters 8-9 during the ministry of Jesus, which gives evidence that Jesus is the King of the promised Kingdom of Heaven; He alone is the one who has power over disease, demons, death, all of the elements and all of the more

  • #62 Two Rocks Series

    Contributed by Chuck Sligh on Feb 13, 2022

    In the story of Jesus being brought to His Jewish trial, Mark portrays two “rocks” – Jesus the solid rock and Peter, the “cracked rock.” This sermon contrasts the steadfastness of Jesus to Peter’s denials and challenges us to think about what these two examples teach us in our lives personally.

    #62 Two Rocks Series: Mark Chuck Sligh February 13, 2022 NOTE: A PowerPoint presentation is available for this sermon by request at Please mention the title of the sermon and the Bible text to help me find the sermon in my archives. TEXT: Mark 14:53-72 – "And they led more

  • A Tale Of Two Kings

    Contributed by Christopher Arch on Dec 5, 2024

    A Christmas Message

    Title: “A Tale of Two Kings” Script: Mt. 2:1-12 Type: Christmas Where: GNBC 12-15-24 Intro: The Grinch Who Stole Christmas is one of a handful of perennial favorites to watch during the holiday season. We all have our favorite parts in the show, I know mine is when Max, the Grinch’s dog more

  • Two Brothers With An Agenda

    Contributed by Robert Butler on Feb 14, 2022

    The original disciples were no different than us in their pride until they fully understood what Jesus did for them AND only then did the commitment make sense.

    Two brothers walk up to Jesus. It sounds like the beginning of a joke doesn’t it? Two brothers, often referred to as the sons of thunder, walk up to Jesus. It was just after the third time he shared that crazy statement about going to Jerusalem to die. They knew he was just trying to scare off the more

  • Two Kinds Of Wisdom Series

    Contributed by David Owens on Jul 3, 2006
    based on 8 ratings

    In this sermon we examine what James says about our need to have God’s wisdom and ask for it. Then we see how that Solomon did just that and God answered his prayer.

    A. This is graduation weekend, and we want to recognize and congratulate all our graduates, both college and high school. 1. Being graduation weekend, it is the perfect time to talk about wisdom. 2. Today as we look at the end of James chapter 3, we will see how that James contrasts two kinds of more

  • A Two Part History Series

    Contributed by Ken Mckinley on Oct 18, 2010

    This is the 11th sermon in a series on the Book of Genesis. In this sermon we discuss the division between the line of Cain and the line of Seth

    Genesis (11) (A Two Part History) Text: Genesis 4:16 – 26 By: Ken McKinley (Read Text) Now if you remember last time, we talked about how most likely Eve thought that her first born son Cain was going to be the one through whom God would accomplish redemption. And we also saw how; if that more

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