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  • "Confidence Through Christ"

    Contributed by Ken Sauer on Apr 9, 2002
    based on 38 ratings

    There is an answer to overcoming a lack of confidence.

    2 Corinthians 5:1-10 “Confidence Through Christ” By: Rev. Kenneth Sauer, Pastor of Parkview United Methodist Church, Newport News, VA One of the most painful things that humans often have to live with is a lack of confidence. This lack of confidence causes us all kinds of troubles. Early on, it more

  • Forgiveness Through Christ

    Contributed by Jeremy Jarvi on Feb 27, 2007
    based on 5 ratings

    Forgiveness through Christ

    FORGIVENESS THROUGH CHRIST Although many people have accepted God’s love and forgiveness by receiving Christ, they often find it hard to experience that love and forgiveness in their daily lives. The reason this happens is that they have taken their eyes off their unchangeable position in more

  • Possession Through Christ Series

    Contributed by Herbert Armstrong Bosantog on Nov 7, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    “Before God laid the foundations of the world, God had CHOSEN us to be His Adopted SONS & DAUGHTERS in CHRIST.” “You have been CLOTHED w/ POWER and ABILITY! You are WELL ABLE!” “DISCOVER what you have! You have the FAVOR (Gracious Hand) of God.”

    “KNOWING your IDENTITY. Why am I here for?” I. P - POSSESSION through CHRIST. II. P - POSITION in CHRIST. III. P - PURPOSE for CHRIST. Scripture – Luke 15:28-32 (Good News Translation): 28The older brother was so angry that he would not go into the house; so his father came out and begged him to more

  • Reconciled Through Christ Series

    Contributed by Dennis Davidson on Dec 11, 2011
    based on 19 ratings

    The Colossians believers had become recipients of God’s marvelous act of reconciliation. They had been made acceptable to God and are challenged to continue striving forward in the truth that had saved them.

    COLOSSIANS 1: 20-23 RECONCILED THROUGH CHRIST Having proclaimed the deity and work of Christ, Paul now reveals what it means to the people in Colossae. He thus returns to the thought of redemption. With joyful wonder the Apostle testifies to the Colossians believers that they too have become more

  • Leadership Through Christ

    Contributed by Howard Strickland on Jan 31, 2010
    based on 2 ratings

    Jesus Christ is the greatest example of leadership ever, so enjoy while you spread this good news.

    Leadership Through Christ Text: Matthew 5: 1-10 Matthew 5:1-10 And seeing the multitudes, He went up on a mountain, and when He was seated His disciples came to Him. 2 Then He opened His mouth and taught them, saying: 3 “ Blessed are the poor in spirit, For theirs is the kingdom of more

  • Victory Through Christ PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Feb 29, 2024
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon encourages Christians to actively live out their faith, relying on God's strength and grace, and to remain faithful in all life's situations.

    Grace and peace to you, my brothers and sisters in Christ. It's a joy to gather once again in the loving embrace of our Savior, Jesus Christ. We stand firm today, not by our own strength, but by the grace of God that is freely given unto us. We are here to celebrate our shared faith, to strengthen more

  • Through Christ Jesus PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Mar 16, 2024
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon encourages believers to face hardships with courage and faith, reminding them that they are resilient and never abandoned by God.

    Welcome, dear friends, to this blessed gathering where we gather in the spirit of unity and love, bringing our hearts together in the presence of our Lord. We are here to celebrate our faith, to strengthen our bonds with God and each other, and to find solace and encouragement in His Word. As we more

  • Covenant Promises PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Jan 15, 2024
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon explores the significance of the Baptismal Promise, the Covenant with God, and our Identity in Christ in shaping our faith and daily lives.

    Good morning, dear friends. It's always a joy to gather together in the house of the Lord, to sit shoulder to shoulder with fellow believers and experience the awe-inspiring power of His Word. Today we find ourselves on the precipice of a profound understanding, a deep-seated revelation that will more

  • Set Free Through Christ

    Contributed by Chad Wright on Apr 15, 2002
    based on 37 ratings

    Through Christ, we have been set free from the sinful mindset and have been given the mindset and power of the Holy Spirit.

    In 1865 after the Civil War, America officially banned slavery. In modern headlines every once in a while you will read of a child held hostage by his own parents. Usually, the child is abused and neglected. One or both of the parents beat and starve the child. Some children have been chained like more

  • Death To Sin Through Christ

    Contributed by Wayne Tindale on Oct 18, 2006

    Believing it possible that through Christ we may live in the required manner, that we may avoid sin--desist from sinning--give it up and abandon it altogether, and put it forever away.

    Death to sin through Christ Romans 6: 10-23 Pastor Wayne Tindale 10/18/2006 The connection of this passage will help us to understand its meaning. Near the close of the previous chapter Paul had said," The law entered that the offence might abound; but where sin abounded, grace did much more more

  • ‘salvation'- Through Christ Alone Series

    Contributed by Ajai Prakash on Feb 19, 2008
    based on 5 ratings

    Jesus is the source of our salvation, but how did he do it? He did it by becoming a man, living a sinless life, dying on the cross as a sacrifice for our sins, and rising from the dead three days later conquering the grave. More than that, Jesus is the so

    God’s Wonderful Plan of Salvation! Soteria (Greek) – rescue / safety 1. What does it mean to be saved? • Freedom from the bondage of sin. • Peace with God. • He with us & in us. • Become a new creation. • Indwelling of the Holy Spirit. * It is eternally more important than being saved from fire, more

  • Eternal Life Through Christ

    Contributed by Tim Hedberg on Jul 17, 2006
    based on 1 rating

    Eternal Life through Jesus Christ.

    July 2, 2006 1 John 4:7-21 Opening Story Monday Night - Just hiked up Heliotrope Ridge. Just walked thru waterfalls. on snow. up to last dirt spot. Fabulous Day Pesto Pasta - creek - hot cocoa Got into the tent and read our passage and 1 verse stuck out. v. 9 - repeat it after me. This more

  • Knowing Victory Through Christ Series

    Contributed by Paul Carlson on Feb 17, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    Do you desire to know how to experience spiritual victory and avoid falling into the sinful ways of the false teachers?

    Knowing Victory through Christ Jude 24-25 PROPOSITION: Because Christ has the power to preserve you, you must trust Him during these apostate times. I. Always yield yourself to Christ. A. Christ will preserve you unto salvation. 1. It is his work and office to preserve them. 2. more

  • Set Free Through Christ

    Contributed by Nigel Heath on Aug 12, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    The Gospel of Christ sets us free from being condemned, controlled and confused by others.

    9.8.09 SET FREE THROUGH CHRIST - Colossians 2:6-23 INTRO This week judges made the controversial decision to free the notorious train robber Ronnie Biggs. This became the subject of much debate amongst those who had a particular interest in this, especially relatives of victims and members of his more

  • Rebuilding You Through Christ Series

    Contributed by David Cramer on Aug 25, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    A message for those renewing their lives while recovering from an addiction

    Rebuilding you. You should be complemented for what you have done. You have taken not one but, many steps to rebuild yourself, from the ground up. Some of us when we take a step that we are unsure of, we are not comfortable. The problems we face every day is whether we are doing the more

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