  • Herbert Armstrong Bosantog

    Contributing sermons since Nov 2, 2012
Herbert Armstrong's church

Pinnacle of Grace Communion
Baguio City, *Province/Other 2600

About Herbert Armstrong
  • Comment to those looking at my sermons: Hello Friends and Visitors, Hope you enjoy reading my sermons, I am an AMATEUR preacher, a new believer in the Risen Christ! It's my DESIRE to share my teachings because I BELIEVE, the more I SHARE the more God will MULTIPLY my GIFT! Please share my collection to your friends! Thank you! God Bless You RICHLY! In Christ's Love, Coach Armstrong
  • One of my favorite illustrations: The Classic story of Marathon: Phaedippas ran about 42 kilometers just to ANNOUNCE the WORD, "Nike". Which literally means, "VICTORY". And then He breathed his LAST BREATH! The word "Nike" is so much VALUABLE for him! It is a GOOD NEWS to ENCOURAGE and COMFORT the HOPELESS Athenians!
  • Best advice given to me about preaching: As a new preacher, the BEST ADVICE that I learned from our BEST TEACHER, Holy Spirit, is, "NEVER CONDEMN A SINNER!" I mean, "Be GENTLE to a SINNER! But you can REBUKE a RIGHTEOUS!"
  • If I could Preach one more time, I would say...: Listen to the VOICE of God. Don't HARDEN your HEARTS! BELIEVE the GOOD NEWS, the GOSPEL message of CHRIST'S LOVE!
  • What I want on my tombstone: I will RISE AGAIN when CHRIST RETURNS!
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  • The Fulfillment Of The Kingdom Of God In The Mystery Of Tithe.

    Contributed on Jan 17, 2013
    based on 4 ratings

    TITHE is the KEY for LONG-LASTING ABUNDANCE and TRUE PROSPERITY! How much more if Jesus CHRIST became the TITHE for us? There shall be JOY and PEACE in EVERY ASPECT of your LIFE (School, Job, Business, Career, FAMILY, etc...). And it shall STAND FOREVER.

    The FULFILLMENT of the KINGDOM of God in the MYSTERY of TITHE: “The KEY to a LONG-LASTING ABUNDANCE and TRUE PROSPERITY” Jesus did come to FULFILL not just a "PART" but the "WHOLE" of ALL that is WRITTEN in the LAW of Moses, the PSALMS and the PROPHETS. This is the reason why He was called more

  • Encouraging Word Of God! (4)

    Contributed on Nov 18, 2012

    "God is at work for your OWN BENEFIT, as long as you remain FAITHFUL to our Lord Jesus Christ, even in times of UNWANTED SITUATIONS & UNDESIRABLE THINGS."

    Hebrews 12:5 (NLT), “Have you entirely forgotten the ENCOURAGING God spoke to you, His CHILDREN? He said, "My child, don’t ignore it when the Lord DISCIPLINES you, and don’t be discouraged when He CORRECTS you.” "God is at work for your OWN BENEFIT, as long as you remain FAITHFUL to our Lord more

  • Various Miracles Gives Us Valid Faith! (3)

    Contributed on Nov 18, 2012

    What about the HEALINGS performed by Jesus? -----The MUTE speak: They can share their TESTIMONY and PREACH God’s Word! -----The LAME walk: They can “WALK by FAITH” ----- The DEAF hear: They can UNDERSTAND the WORD of God! ----- The BLIND see: They can

    III. VALID FAITH! Hebrews 2:4 (NLT), “God verified the message by signs and wonders and various miracles and by giving GIFTS of the Holy Spirit whenever he chose to do so.” Witnessing VARIOUS MIRACLES gives us VALID FAITH! The MIRACLES performed by God during the time of EXODUS more

  • It Is Finished! (2)

    Contributed on Nov 18, 2012

    God LOVES you, no matter who you are! You are FORGIVEN!”

    “I SHOWED Myself,” declares the Lord! Romans 10:20, Using NLT. Isaiah spoke boldly for God: "… I SHOWED MYSELF to those who WERE NOT ASKING for me." We REJECTED and DESPISED Jesus before, but God SHOWED His UNCHANGING LOVE for us! Amen! Romans 10:17,19, Using more

  • God Gave His One And Only Son! (1)

    Contributed on Nov 18, 2012

    It is a GIFT. Given FREE for those who BELIEVE! It is ONLY by FAITH that makes us RIGHTEOUS!

    When you RECEIVE a GIFT, what’s next? I mean, what are you going to do? ILLUST: I remember the chorus of the song, “The Gift” by Collin Ray: “All I WANT is to HOLD YOU FOREVER All I NEED is you MORE EVERYDAY You SAVED my HEART from being BROKEN APART You GAVE your more

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  • Clean House

    Contributed on Nov 6, 2012

    CLEAN HOUSE Imagine, if you receive a message from God the Father & He told you that He is going to send Jesus down to visit you at your house on a specific date. What would be the first thing that you do? You would want to clean your house from top to bottom. Everything will be properly dusted; more

  • Let There Be Light

    Contributed on Nov 5, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    LET THERE BE LIGHT When God said, "Let there be LIGHT". There was LIGHT! And that LIGHT is still EXPANDING. Kolb and Turner wrote, "Since the UNIVERSE has a finite age, and LIGHT travels at a finite speed, there may be events in the past whose LIGHT has not had time to reach us." There more