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  • The Day Of The Lord

    Contributed by Gregory Mc Donald on Dec 15, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    Amos - one of the most relevant, practical and contemporary books. The times in which Amos lived are remarkably similar...the social and cultural conditions are much like those today.

    THE DAY OF THE LORD Amos 5:18-24 Amos - one of the most relevant, practical and contemporary books. The times in which Amos lived are remarkably similar...the social and cultural conditions are much like those today. Amos was a contemporary of Isaiah, Micah, and Hosea. He came from the little more

  • The Lord's Supper

    Contributed by Dean Meadows on May 21, 2005
    based on 79 ratings

    This is a Memorial Day sermon that is linked to the greatest soldier who ever died and defeated the greatest enemy we ever will face and how to remember Him with the Lord’s Supper.

    The Lords Supper 1 Corinthians 11:23-28 Meals are special. And I’m sure all of us have a favorite meal that we like and get served our birthdays and such. But there is no other meal more special than the one in which we are getting ready to partake in the Lord’s Supper. Some call it the Lord’s more

  • The Day Of The Lord PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Sep 26, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    Urge the congregation to turn back to God and heed His warnings, as His judgment is coming, and this day will be a day of darkness, not light.

    Good morning, Church! We're about to dive into a very heavy topic today. Now, I'm not here to frighten you, but rather to wake us all up to the reality that we're facing. C.S. Lewis once said, "We all want progress, but if you're on the wrong road, progress means doing an about-turn and walking more

  • How And Why Does God Heal? Series

    Contributed by Art Campbell on Sep 25, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    An exploration of how and why God heals based on covenant relationship with his people

    I once had a colleague who talked about how she had broken her ankle and asked God for healing and received it, instantaneously and miraculously. Another gentleman was diagnosed with cancer and genuinely believed God would heal him. Several months later I attended his funeral. Healing is another more

  • Signs And Wonders #2: Jesus Is The Miracle Worker

    Contributed by Chris Jordan on Nov 13, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    There are many reasons why people don’t receive their healing from the Lord. As we look at these obstacles and overcome them, we will open the door to experience more healing in our lives.

    COME AND SEE #6: SIGNS AND WONDERS #2: JESUS IS THE MIRACLE WORKER BACKGROUND TO THE STORY: “Now after the two days He departed from there and went to Galilee. For Jesus Himself testified that a prophet has no honor in his own country.” (John 4:43-44). CROSS REFERENCE: “54 And more

  • Walking With The Lord Series

    Contributed by Bradford Robinson on May 20, 2003
    based on 120 ratings

    This sermon deals with discipleship. It focuses on how walking with Jesus us a choice that we make, "Do you want to be well?" and the requirement of obedience to the commands of God.

    When my first girl Clarissa was born, I was about the proudest daddy you had ever seen. Still am. And I must say she was a daddy’s girl. When she said her first word, it was “dada!” I was proud, and I didn’t spend much time teaching her that either. But with walking, that was another story. I more

  • The Healing. A Story Of A Man With Leprosy. Mark 1:40-45

    Contributed by David Cramer on Nov 13, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    This is a story that was shared to me many years ago which is about faith, hope, and healing in our walk here on earth with the Lord our Saviour.

    Good Morning Stand with me and lift your bible and repeat after me. This is my Bible. I am what it says I am. I can do what it says I can do. I am going to learn how to be what it says I can be. Today I will learn more of the word of God. The indestructible, never ending, more

  • Wait On The Lord

    Contributed by Matthew Eyerman on Oct 3, 2004
    based on 11 ratings

    Active waiting

    Matthew Eyerman August 8, 2004 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time I. Introduction 1. last verse of Psalm 27 Ps 27:14 Wait for the LORD; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the LORD! 2. when I think of waiting I think of Home Depot a. maybe about 8am with a few items to more

  • The Lord's Supper

    Contributed by Carl Allen on Aug 4, 2005
    based on 18 ratings

    Why do we need to observe the Lord’s supper.

    "THE LORD’S SUPPER" INTRODUCTION 1. An act of worship in which we engage each Sunday is The Lord’s Supper... a. Known also as The Communion (1 Co 10:16) and The Breaking Of Bread (Ac 2:42) b. Today, some refer to it as The Eucharist, from the Greek eucharisteo, "giving of thanks", more

  • Listen To The Lord!

    Contributed by Jonathan Kruschel on Aug 28, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    Are you a good listener? Not listening many times means you’re going to miss something important. How about listening to the Lord? Are you a good listener? Samuel is a good example for us to follow when it comes to listening to the Lord. How does the Lord speak to us? Why should we listen?

    Are you a good listener? Maybe instead of asking you, I should ask your spouse, or your children, or your parents. Are you a good listener? There are certainly some people that are better listeners than others and you’ve probably experienced that in your life. A person who is a sympathetic ear, more

  • The Lord Is Present Series

    Contributed by Brad Beaman on Jul 9, 2022

    In Ezekiel 48:34 we find a compound name of God. Jehovah-Shammah. The Lord is there. The Lord is present. The intimacy of the relationship between God and man is expressed in this name.

    It was freezing cold outside and the furnace was broken. The repairman was called, and the furnace was fixed. It was an easy fix for the furnace repairman. The blowers were working but the fire was out. Once the fire was relit the furnace was working fine. Without living in the presence of God, as more

  • Yes Lord!

    Contributed by David Dewitt on Jun 18, 2003
    based on 130 ratings

    This is my May devotional for my leadership team that examines the need for our obedience and faith to Christ’s calling.

    Yes Lord Matthew 9:27-31 Leadership Board Devotional May 13, 2003 Introduction John Newton had received from the Lord some almost unbelievable answers to his petitions, and so he often engaged in "large asking." In support of this practice he would frequently tell the story of a man who asked more

  • Communion Judgment Or Health

    Contributed by Alex Galsim on Oct 14, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    The importance and great blessing from communion can bring strength, healing and life. If we discern the Lord’s body we will have strength, good health and long lives

    COMMUNION JUDGMENT OR HEALTH I COR. 11:20-34 INTRODUCTION: A. DIVINE HEALTH – GREATEST BLESSING NEXT TO ETERNAL LIFE. What would a man on his deathbed ask for? Not wealth, not leisure, not fame But that his health may return to him. B. GOD NATURE IS TO HEAL Acts 10:38 How God anointed Jesus more

  • The Eyes Of The Lord

    Contributed by Stephen Belokur on Sep 1, 2017

    In the Old Testament the LORD is described as having many human, physical characteristics. Does God, who is a Spirit, have eyes? Does He have ears or a face or hands or a might right arm for that matter? Let's take a look ...

    Please open your Bibles to 2 Chronicles 16:1-9 which we will read in a few minutes. In 2 Chronicles 14 we see King Asa come to power as the king of Judah, the southern kingdom. In the 10th year of his reign a vast army came out against Judah and King Asa prayed the LORD the God of Israel for more

  • Lord Of The Sabbath

    Contributed by Ralph Andrus on Mar 7, 2006
    based on 16 ratings

    Some people think of Sunday as Funday. No Sabbath, No Worship No Worship, No Christ No Christ, No Morals No Morals than what?

    Is. 58:13-14 Ge.2:2-3 Ex. 20:8 Lk.4:31, Lk.6:6, Lk.13:10, Lk.l4:l, Jn 5:16,18 Jn:9:16 - Jn 5:16 - Some people think of Sunday as Funday - TWO OPEN LETTERS TO GOD You see God it’s like this . . . We could attend church more faithfully if Your day came at some other time. You have chosen a day more

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