  • Donnie De Loney

    Contributing sermons since Oct 8, 2004
Donnie's church

The Church on the Rock
Ashdown, Arkansas 71822

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  • Antichrist: The Evil One

    Contributed on Dec 26, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    The antichrist will: 1. Create a one-world government. 2. Create a one-world economy. 3. Create a one-world religion.

    Antichrist: THE EVIL ONE Scripture: Revelation 13:1-13:10 Revelation 12:1-12:12 (add scripture) The movie world seems to be obsessed with the end of the world. There has been a steady stream of films coming out of Hollywood around the theme of end time events and takeoffs on the book of more

  • Mephibosheth And The Fall.

    Contributed on Dec 26, 2014
    based on 2 ratings

    After receiving the grace of David, did Mephibosheth betray his benefactor? Some great lessons on grace and the believer. Series: Life of Davi

    Mephibosheth and The Rest of the Story Tags: Grace, Lodebar, David, Mephibosheth, Gratitude (add tag) 2 Samuel 16:1-4 David and Jonathan’s vow: 1 Samuel 20:14-17 - Jonathan said: 14 "And you shall not only show me the kindness of the LORD while I still live, that I may not die; 15 more

  • Do You Have Trouble?

    Contributed on Dec 10, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    Summary: James gives us the solution to trouble and several other things that we encounter in life. 1- Are you in trouble? Pray 2- Are you happy? Sing 3- Are you sick? Call (make a phone call)

    Do You Have Trouble? Scripture: James 5:13-5:18 James 5:13-5:19 (add scripture) INTRO.- Trouble. Can life be lived without any trouble? No, it’s an impossibility. ILL.- Mark Twain said, “My mother had a great deal of trouble with me, but I think she enjoyed it.” I more

  • “your Attitude Stinks!”

    Contributed on Dec 8, 2014

    Summary: An attitude of joy is an intentional decision followed by a process. This sermon examines some Biblical steps needed for an attitude of joy.

    “YOUR ATTITUDE STINKS!” Tags: Attitude General, Joy, Happy, Fulfillment (add tag) Philippians 1:3-12 Intoduction: There was once a young boy who went to spend the week with his grandfather on the farm. While walking around he noticed the chickens, they were scratching and more

  • He Is My Joy!

    Contributed on Dec 5, 2014
    based on 3 ratings

    True joy comes from being in Christ

    He Is My JOY! Summary: True joy comes from being in Christ Scripture: John 15:1-15:11 (add scripture) Tags: Joy (add tag) Introduction Illustration: The great vine of Hampton Court: There is a grapevine under glass, estimated to be over 1,000 years old, it has only one root - 2ft thick, more

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  • Are You A Christian?

    Contributed on Feb 4, 2005
    based on 9 ratings

    ILLUSTRTATION: ARE YOU A CHRISTIAN? Addressing a national seminar of Southern Baptist leaders, George Gallup said, "We find there is very little difference in ethical behavior between churchgoers and those who are not active religiously...The levels of lying, cheating, and stealing are more