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  • Preparing For The Flood

    Contributed by Bret Bone on Mar 5, 2012

    Many of us are planning on spending the holidays throughout the year with your family and friends? Some of you might be planning a vacation get away in the fun and sun? Maybe you’re more concerned with the rising price of gas this year? Or you’

    Prepare for the flood… Video- Definition of a trader (Right Now Ministries) Slide #1 What are your plans for this coming year? Many of us are planning on spending the holidays throughout the year with your family and friends? Some of you might be planning a vacation get away in the more

  • The Flood Of Noah Series

    Contributed by Ken Mckinley on Dec 27, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    The 16 sermon in an expository series on the book of Genesis

    Genesis (16) (The Flood of Noah) Text: Genesis 7 By: Ken McKinley (Read Text) Now I can’t say that I’ve ever been in a flood. I’ve seen the devastation on TV, but I’ve never actually been in one. I remember a few years back when the Mississippi River flooded. And we all more

  • After The Flood Series

    Contributed by Ken Mckinley on Dec 27, 2010
    based on 9 ratings

    A continuation of an expository series on the book of Genesis. In this sermon we examine what took place after the flood of Noah.

    Genesis (Pt. 17) (After the Flood) Text: Genesis 8:1-22 By: Ken McKinley (Read Text) Last week we looked at the flood and we saw the flood covering the whole earth; and we saw how Noah was a typology of Christ. Here in chapter 8 we’re at the end of the flood and we see how Noah responds to more

  • Noah And The Flood Series

    Contributed by Paul Clemente on Mar 10, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    Why did the flood came and why did Good save Noah?

    For entertainment, many of us like to go to a theater and watch a movie. Many of you know that in a few weeks a movie titled Noah, starring Russell Crowe - picture, will be shown in many theaters. As our relatives and friends will likely ask us about it, How should we handle this upcoming Noah more

  • The Flood 1 Series

    Contributed by Gene Gregory on Aug 15, 2021

    The next sermon in the series on Genesis, the first of 3 on the Flood.

    Genesis 6-7 The Flood (1) - Read Genesis 6 - 7 Have you ever done something you regretted? I mean, you knew ahead of time what the outcome of your actions would be. You knew ahead of time there would be a price to pay, but you went head and did it anyway? This past Wednesday, my brother Dusty more

  • The Flood (3) Series

    Contributed by Gene Gregory on Aug 15, 2021

    Next in series on Genesis. Third in 3 part series on the Flood.

    Genesis 8-9 The Flood (3) Some lessons from the flood - Read Genesis 6:9, 8:1-9:29 For several weeks now, we have looked at the Flood, the deluge in the days of Noah. This morning I would like to wrap that up with a few items, a few lessons we can learn from Noah and his family’s encounter more

  • Flood Theology Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Oct 8, 2017
    based on 4 ratings

    Is there proof of Noah's flood, and should it matter to us whether it actually happened?

    OPEN: I love to read magazines like National Geographic and The Smithsonian and Popular Science (often just for the illustrations I can find there). But I have especially enjoyed Popular Science. About 3 years ago I stumbled across the question and answer section of Popular Science where people can more

  • The Great Flood

    Contributed by Pastor Randall Timblin on Nov 3, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    The Great Flood: Why it must be Told

    Have you ever noticed that there are sea shells in places where they shouldn’t be? I’ve been in elevations up to and around 10,000 feet where I myself have stumbled across shells that had to have been in salt waters at one time in history. This is proof that waters of the sea were once at those more

  • Flood Insurance Series

    Contributed by David Henderson on Aug 23, 2010
    based on 6 ratings

    Jesus used the conditions of Noah’s day as an illustration of a world that was completely blind to the evil that was all around them. Noah lived in some very dark days. And that’s why Noah stood out. Noah chose to live a different life than the crowd a

    “Flood Insurance” Genesis 6:5-13 This amazing story of this man named Noah covers 4 chapters in the book of Genesis. Noah is perhaps one of the best known characters in all the Bible. If you were to ask a stranger on the street who he was they would likely be able to tell you. more

  • Noah And The Flood Series

    Contributed by Freddy Fritz on Apr 1, 2017
    based on 3 ratings

    God's judgment in Genesis 6:9-9:17 teaches us that even as God judges sin, he is also gracious and preserves a people for himself.

    Scripture We are currently in a series of sermons on Genesis 1-11 that I am calling, “In the Beginning.” I am preaching only six sermons on these 11 chapters. It is just an overview of redemptive history. So far, we have looked at the Creation of all things in Genesis 1:1-2:3, the Fall of man more

  • Noah And The Flood Series

    Contributed by Brad Beaman on Apr 5, 2022

    The Genesis flood is judgment of our holy God. God’s Judgment in the flood serves as a stark reminder that God is serious about his warnings. It is also a lesson in the grace of God and that God keeps his promise regarding those who are faithful to Him.

    Noah’s Ark is a popular children’s story. A toy ark was one of the first children’s toys my oldest daughter received. Noah’s ark is a popular nursery theme. There is the children’s song: “Noah, he builded, he builded an Arky, Arky.” The focus for children is the safety inside the ark for the more

  • Flood Testimonies

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on Apr 19, 2022

    Are documented testimonies of Noah’s flood believable witnesses? Let’s look at biblical and extra-biblical testimonies and some important lessons that are relevant for us.

    Are documented testimonies of Noah’s flood believable witnesses? Let’s look at biblical and extra-biblical testimonies and some important lessons that are relevant for us. Biblical Testimony Does the Bible speak of just a local flood, or something that destroyed all humanity? It speaks of the end more

  • Like A Flood PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Jan 18, 2024
    based on 3 ratings

    Explores how God's Spirit fortifies our faith, guiding us through adversities and towards redemption when we turn from our transgressions.

    Welcome, dear friends. It's always a joy to gather together in fellowship, to share in the warmth of God's love, and to delve into the richness of His Word. As we gather today, let's find comfort in the knowledge that we are not alone in our struggles, for God is with us, ready to guide us through more

  • Relevance Of Noah's Flood

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on Jan 9, 2018

    Is Noah’s flood allegory, myth or history? Is God genocidal? Is the flood story relevant?

    Prelude Is Noah’s flood allegory, myth or history? Is God genocidal? Is the flood story relevant? Purpose: Let’s explore some questions about Noah and the flood. Plan: Let’s look at Genesis 6-9 and the relevance of the story. Who were the Sons of God? Genesis 6:2 says, “the sons of God saw the more

  • Lessons From The Flood

    Contributed by Ian Humphrey on Nov 3, 2015

    Lessons From The Flood

    Genesis 6 : 1-22 Lessons From The Flood I. The Corruption Of The World A. Their Marital Choices - vs. 1-4 1. Flippant Choices - Luke 17:26 And as it was in the days of Noe, more