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  • Why All The Hate Among Ourselves? Why The Disunity And Lack Of Support For Each Other?

    Contributed by Dove Inspirations on Jul 3, 2024

    The sign that we have to show that we are Christians is love. If we love one another, then the world will know that we are Christians. It is shocking to see the disunity among ourselves. The hate we display to one another even as unbelievers watch and wonder.

    Many Christians are disturbed by the hate that is being witnessed against people who publicly declare their faith in JESUS CHRIST. In fact JESUS HIMSELF told us that as things escalate one of the signs of the end times is that we will be handed over for death by even our own relatives. Truly, more

  • Hold Him Up

    Contributed by Jerry Flury on Feb 7, 2015
    based on 6 ratings

    Like Moses, your pastor cannot and is not expected by God to do the work by himself. Like Moses pastors need others who will hold his arms high that they may be steadied and that he may be able to lead as God would have him do.

    Hold Him Up Exodus 17:8-13 Under the leadership of Moses, God delivered Israel from Egypt and was led into the wilderness in route to the Promised Land. In their journeying, Israel came to Rephidim. There at Rephidim, the Amalekites, nomadic descendants of Esau, began to conduct assaults against more

  • We Are Like Geese

    Contributed by The Rev Deniray Mueller on Jan 30, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    communities, like Canadian geese, are there to support each other

    Fall is here – you can see the leaves turning and there is a nip in the air. But I also know Fall is here because I have seen. . . and heard the honking of a gaggle of Canadian geese beginning their migration south. I am sure most of you have noticed that Canadian geese fly in a ‘V’ formation. more

  • Helping Others As Jesus Helped Others

    Contributed by Craig Condon on Apr 6, 2015
    based on 3 ratings

    The “little ones” Jesus refers to are frequently the scapegoats or victims in our society. They are the powerless, the weak, the hurting, the abused, the abandoned, the elderly or children, and they are often the easiest targets for our wrath.

    A successful man known for his generosity was driving his new car through a poor part of town. A boy tried to flag him down. The man didn’t want to get involved, so he pretended he didn’t see the child. As he slowed for a red traffic light, he heard a loud crash. Someone had thrown a more

  • The Same As Others

    Contributed by William R. Nabaza on Nov 23, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    I. EXORDIUM: Are you trying to imitate the world? or be like somebody else except GOD? II. AUDIENCE PROFILE: Believers III. OBJECTIVES: To show that we need to imitate GOD and acknowledge GOD as King of kings and Lord of lords IV. TEXT:

    I. EXORDIUM: Are you trying to imitate the world? or be like somebody else except GOD? II. AUDIENCE PROFILE: Believers III. OBJECTIVES: To show that we need to imitate GOD and acknowledge GOD as King of kings and Lord of lords IV. TEXT: 1 Samuel 8:20 (New Living Translation, Second Edition) more

  • "guess What Day It Is?"

    Contributed by Gerald Roberts on Apr 15, 2019

    The message helps us to grasp the idea that this is the day the Lord has needs he needs Availability, Supporters, and the People Need deliverance.

    Guess what day it is? Luke 19:28-40 The Geico Commercial Camel coming in office saying, "Guess what day it is?" is viewed on monitors. Guess what day it was that Jesus rode into Jerusalem? 1. Many scholars agree that the triumph entry to Jerusalem was Sunday • Monday Jesus overturns more

  • Come Before Winter PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Sep 27, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon aims to teach that even in times of abandonment, betrayal, and loneliness, God is always with us and these trials often prepare us for greater things ahead.

    Good Morning Church! Today, we're going to talk about a topic we all have encountered at some point in our lives - abandonment, betrayal, and loneliness. A.W. Tozer said, "God never uses anyone greatly until He tests them deeply." This is a reminder that our darkest moments often prepare us for our more

  • Fellowship With Others

    Contributed by Dana Visneskie on Feb 4, 2004
    based on 44 ratings

    I want to give 4 points concerning our fellowship as believers in God. Understand that there can be no fellowship unless these points are understood and applied. Christians have fellowship because.......

    Title: Fellowship With Others Text: I John 1:3-6 Pray!!! Read Text!!! Introduction: - What is meant by fellowship in this verse? - What is being referred to is something of a quite different order and on different level. "They met constantly to hear the apostles teach, and to share the common more

  • Loving Others

    Contributed by Annie Springate on May 26, 2016

    The commandment Jesus left us with is to love God and love others. In general we find it much easier to love God than we do loving others. Why is that? We have an enemy and when we realize his tactics we are better placed to fulfill Jesus' command.

    Loving Others • The Word of God is the most powerful thing that exists in the earth • Consistent attention and with full attention • It is our education If you want to be a doctor you need to be educated. If you want to be a carpenter you need to be educated, if you want to be a more

  • Caring For Others Series

    Contributed by Mark Haines on Jan 19, 2002
    based on 37 ratings

    A deductive exposition of selected texts on the church’s ministry of caring for others leading individuals prompted by the Holy Spirit to indicate their commitment to care for others by coming to the altar rail to pray.

    This is God’s church because gave His life for us (Acts 20:28). He set the standard for CARING about others. God cared enough to become one of us, to live, to die and to break down every barrier between us and an unending relationship with Him. “Commitment” is so important to God that He more

  • Send Others! Series

    Contributed by Sterling Franklin on Jun 25, 2010
    based on 3 ratings

    The local church is an agency of commissioning and sending. Are we deliberately training those called to ministry and affirming them via sending at the Holy Spirit's prompting?

    Series Review (Midweek): Week 1: An Encounter with the King - Have the willingness to be sent! Isaiah 6 – Having the willingness to be sent & commissioned Isaiah 6:8 – “Here am I, send me!” Week 2: The Great Commission - In obedience to the Lord, be sent and make more

  • For The Sake Of Others

    Contributed by John Pingel on Mar 1, 2021

    Christ offers his life for us, the undeserving; now we are to offer our lives as "living sacrifices" for him.

    Text: Romans 5: 6-8 This morning I want to talk to you about SACRIFICE. Not like some of the sacrifices we are from time to time asked to make…perhaps financial sacrifice, or sacrifice of some of our time. ….But the kind of sacrifice wherein one person lays down their life for the sake of more

  • Loving Others Series

    Contributed by Jason Jones on Feb 3, 2011

    Number 3 in 2011 vision series: New Riverlutions, about a resolution to love the unborn, poor, lost, oppressed, downtrodden, and hurting

    Text: Esther 4:1-17, Title: New Riverlutions: Loving Others, Date/Place: NRBC, 1/23/11, AM A. Opening illustration: Radical video B. Background to passage: sorry to those of you who are studying Esther, only covering a brief point, even though it is the main point of the book. Recap of more

  • In Other Words Series

    Contributed by Jason Jones on Mar 8, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Exposition of Galatians 3:26-29, Pauls summary statement about Justification by faith and the privileges of it

    Text: Galatians 3:26-29, Title: In Other Words, Date/Place: NRBC, 3/11/07, PM Opening illustration: “The summit of this pass, according to observations made by the State geological survey, is fourteen hundred and seventy-two feet above the sea. Pacheco Peak, on the south side of the pass, is two more

  • The Other Shore

    Contributed by Larry Turner on Apr 25, 2012
    based on 3 ratings

    In order to reach the other shore you must lose sight of this one.

    In order to get to the other shore you have to lose sight of this one.” Quote by Steven Tyler on American Idle. I admit I am a fan of American Idle. I have been for a few seasons now. But as I was watching on Thursday night, April 19th, I never expected to hear such wisdom come from the more

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