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  • Greed Or Need: Keeping Up With The Jones Series

    Contributed by Scott Maze on Jun 12, 2021

    Keeping Up with the Jones is an American saying that simply means when you use your friends or neighbors as a benchmark for success. Oftentimes, we look across the street or inside our social circle and become dissatisfied with our lives because we don’t have the same financial success.

    What do you think of when you think of Dallas? For many, Dallas will be connected to the iconic J.R. Ewing who appeared in the famous March 1980 Who Shot J.R. episode and an estimated 83 million people wondered and watched the famous “Dallas” oilman. In the minds of many, the Dallas brand has been more

  • Love Enough To Hate

    Contributed by Joel Pankow on Aug 31, 2022

    Jesus calls us to hate those we are supposed to love. How? Why? Find out.

    9.4.22 Luke 14:25–35 25 Large crowds were traveling with Jesus. He turned and said to them, 26 “If anyone comes to me and does not hate his own father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes, even his own life, he cannot be my disciple. 27 Whoever does not carry his own more

  • Parable Of The Rich Fool Series

    Contributed by John Bright on Oct 17, 2022

    Working through the Gospel of Luke using consecutive expository preaching. Teaching sheet included at end of text.

    "Parable of the Rich Fool" Luke 12:13-21 A sermon for 8/7/22 - Ninth Sunday after Pentecost Pastor John Bright Luke 12 “13 Then one from the crowd said to Him, “Teacher, tell my brother to divide the inheritance with me.” 14 But He said to him, “Man, who made Me a judge or an more

  • The Battle Of The Brides Series

    Contributed by Brian Williams on Feb 25, 2025

    God is teaching us that it doesn’t have to be an occasion for fear and desperation but, rather, can be a time to lean into God and pour out our grief out to Him.

    We are in our From Dust to Life series in the book of Genesis and last week in chapter 29 we saw how Jacob worked for his uncle Laban for seven years as a dowry payment for his daughter Rachel, the woman he loved. Laban agreed to this but did the bait and switch and gave Jacob his older daughter more

  • A Friend After Your Own Heart Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Feb 13, 2005
    based on 67 ratings

    Jonathan’s friendship with David has always been the model of the ideal friendship for Christians. But there is an even deeper application to this description of the love Jonathan had for David. Do you know what it is?

    OPEN: I sang “You’ve Got A Friend” (a song by James Taylor and made popular by Carole King - if you’d like a copy of the words with guitar chords e-mail me at APPLY: Several years ago the song “You’ve Got A Friend” was extremely popular. And it was popular because it caught the more

  • Let Me Know Why You Contend With Me!

    Contributed by Charles Wall, Jr. on Feb 15, 2005
    based on 27 ratings

    One of the reasons why God allows the godly to suffer is to answer the blasphemous accusations of Satan and prove throughout the seen but also, the unseen world that man will honor and worship God simply because of who He is.

    All of you parents out there this morning can probably remember many of the enjoyable phases your children went through or are going through. But there is 1 phase which is not always enjoyable. It is the “why” phase. Remember that phase – where they ask “why” after almost every sentence they more

  • Unfinished Business Part 4 Series

    Contributed by Michael Mccartney on Feb 5, 2004
    based on 19 ratings

    The church needs to complete the unfinished business of doing what is good. Many of us have been given a task that is unfinished by the Lord and He wants us to complete it for Him.

    Unfinished Business Part 4 – Titus 3 Thesis: The church needs to complete the unfinished business of doing what is good. Many of us have been given a task that is unfinished by the Lord and He wants us to complete it for Him. He wants us to do what is good. The result - if we accept these missions more

  • The Mercy Measurement

    Contributed by Dan Cormie on Feb 28, 2005
    based on 29 ratings

    The topic for tonight is mercy - the forgiveness we have received and a few reasons why we should be dishing it out as well.

    27, February 2005 Dakota Community Church The Mercy Measurement Introduction: I want to begin this evening by reading three passages of scripture that I used last week when we were looking at the reality of the law of the harvest. The topic for tonight is mercy. I want to look at the forgiveness more

  • Too Pooped To Pray Series

    Contributed by Joseph Smith on Jul 5, 2004
    based on 44 ratings

    When spiritual exhaustion strikes, we fail to pray. It means that we have not dealt with our control issues, and we compromise principle to save ourselves. But God will give us a sign of His presence, even when we do not ask.

    There is a weariness of heart that goes so deep, it puts us in danger of losing our souls. There is an exhaustion of the soul that goes so far inside us that, if someone does not do for us what we cannot do for ourselves, we wiII be lost in despair. There is a weariness of heart, an exhaustion of more

  • The Apprentice - Part 2 Series

    Contributed by Ric Freeman on May 2, 2004
    based on 14 ratings

    loosely based on "The Travelrs Gift" by Andy Andrews

    The apprentice - part 2 April 25, 2004 AM Last week we began a new series on being an apprentice -- learning the ways of God to become a success in our life. Last weeks secret was : The buck stops here -- No one controls your life but you -- If others are controlling your life, it is because you more

  • A Gift Worth Waiting For

    Contributed by A. Todd Coget on Dec 13, 2001
    based on 60 ratings

    This sermon explains how God works all the little things of our life out for the good, if we walk with Him.

    A Gift Worth Waiting For Ecclesiastes 3:1-11; Luke 2:1-7; Galatians 4:4 December 16, 2001 Intro: A. [Deliver Us from Failing, Citation: R.E. Lawrie, Rehoboth, Del. "Lite Fare," Christian Reader.] During seminary, the professors always began their classes with prayer. Before one final exam, a more

  • Guess Who Came To Dinner

    Contributed by Milton Bradford on Mar 15, 2002
    based on 170 ratings

    The woman who anointed Christ regardless of what others knew or thought about her, and her act of love is memorialized by Christ. I believe that scripture shows us this woman has a name -- Mary the sister of Martha and Lazarus.

    By Pastor Milton O. Bradford, Good Hope Baptist Church Cleveland Ohio Luke 7:36-50 And one of the Pharisees desired him that he would eat with him. And he went into the Pharisee’s house, and sat down to meat. And, behold, a woman in the city, which was a sinner, when she knew that Jesus sat at more

  • They Love Me, They Love Me Not Series

    Contributed by Victor Yap on Jan 8, 2003
    based on 95 ratings

    The Life of Samuel, Part 5 of 5.

    THEY LOVE ME, THEY LOVE ME NOT (1 SAM. 8, 12:16-25) A joke on the management of cows has been circulating for many years under the subject “World Economics,” “World Politics,” or “World Ideologies”: Communism: You have two cows. The government takes both, milks them, keeps the milk, and gives you a more

  • The Broken Heart Of David Series

    Contributed by Rick Stacy on Mar 24, 2002
    based on 25 ratings

    This is the second sermon in a series of seven on Brokenness. This is a study of King David.

    Proverbs 25:11 says, "Like apples of gold in settings of silver is a word spoken in right circumstances." A Hard Heart or a Broken Heart – Your Choice Jesus said that people in the days of Moses were permitted to divorce because of the “hardness of men’s hearts”. Divorce is not caused by more

  • God's Plan For Mothers

    Contributed by Rodney Buchanan on May 13, 2001
    based on 80 ratings

    1. When it comes to guilt, know that God can use you as a parent in spite of your imperfections. 2. When it comes to fear and worry, know that God is in control. 3. When it comes to stress, rest in the fact that you are doing the will of God.

    She went to a PTO meeting one evening. Her husband and daughter decided that they would do something special for mom, so they cleaned up the kitchen. They put away all the food, wiped all the counters, washed all the pots and put the dishes in the dishwasher — they even remembered to rinse! more

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