Sermon Series
  • 1. The Greater Blessing - Genesis 15

    Contributed on Jun 4, 2024

    Life is filled with choices and opportunities. How do we know which choices to make and what opportunities are from God or not?

    Last week we studied the passage in Genesis 13:3-18 where we saw that Abram and Lot were prospering, so much so that they needed to expand their territory and go their separate ways. Throughout this transition, Abram stayed close to God and learned to settle things God’s way. Lot on other hand more

  • 2. God's Plan For The Nations

    Contributed on Jun 4, 2024

    What materials are we using to build our lives and our futures? What are we using to build our relationships, our marriages and or our families?

    In chapter 10 we see a record of the generations of the sons of Noah: Shem, Ham, and Japheth. It’s referred to as the Table of 70 nations - a record of all the nations that came from Noah’s and his sons and as they were dispersed. What is interesting is that, chronologically, chapter 10 should come more

  • 3. The Marks Of A Spiritual Person

    Contributed on Jun 4, 2024

    Abram settled his tents in the place that God had called him. From beginning to the end of this story, though he failed many times, he always built and alter to the Lord.

    As we spoke about Genesis 12 last week, we saw that there was a famine in the land and Abram took a natural, commonsensical path and made his way down to Egypt. While in Egypt, we didn’t see Abram erect monuments to or call upon his God - instead he took what he felt was the smartest, most more

  • 4. Confirming The Covenant

    Contributed on Jun 15, 2024

    God is bringing us back to the Garden, the new Jerusalem - the city which has foundations whose architect and builder is God - the place of deep fulfillment in every sense.

    In this Genesis series, we can see that one of the themes running through the book is “blessing.” One of the meanings of the Hebrew word for blessing is “deep fulfillment.” When God created Adam and Eve they were in a blessed state - they were deeply fulfilled. However, as soon as they were exiled more

  • 5. God’s First Unconditional Covenant

    Contributed on Apr 23, 2024

    Every time a person comes to faith, we remember the rainbow - God’s unconditional love, expressed through the new covenant. Every time someone returns to God after a season of being far from Him - we remember the rainbow: God’s unconditional mercy, His long suffering.

    Do you remember as a kid ever making a promise by crossing your heart, a pinky swear, or swearing to God? By nature, we look for assurances and guarantees and we learn this early in life. As we grow older, however, we realize that we live in a world of broken promises and unfaithfulness. There’s more

  • 6. Active Faith

    Contributed on Mar 20, 2024

    Do we understand the importance of an active faith and it's potential outcome?

    Today we are continuing in our Genesis series: From Dust to Life. In Genesis 6, God warns Noah of the impending judgment coming on the earth, but He made a way for the salvation of Noah, his family, and the plethora of land animals. In chapter 7 the author doesn’t focus on Noah's building more

  • 7. Finding Your Identity

    Contributed on Jul 13, 2023

    You are no accident. God created you on purpose and for a purpose!

    Two weeks ago we started an apologetics series called, “What do you believe?” Last week, we raised the following three questions: What is Truth? Can the truth be known? Can the truth about God be known? We talked about the 5 big questions that humanity has sought to answer throughout the more

  • 8. Destruction And Deliverance: Dual Outcomes Of Sodom And Gomorrah

    Contributed on Sep 30, 2024

    Here we see the dual outcomes of Sodom and Gomorrah - we see God’s judgment on sin and at the same time His mercy on Lot because God knows how to rescue the Godly from judgment.

    Last week we spoke from Genesis 18. We are reminded about how important our involvement is in the plan of God and how God works in and through our lives to accomplish His will. It’s amazing how Abraham spoke face-to-face with God and how he interceded for his nephew Lot and his family. Today we more

  • 9. A Covenant Of Kindness

    Contributed on Oct 21, 2024

    What Tamarisk trees are you planting today - what will your legacy be? What are we doing to prepare and equip the next generation practically and spiritually to face life ... long after you and I are gone?

    Last week, we were in the first part of Genesis 21 where Sarah gave birth to Isaac, 25 years after she and Abraham first received this promise from God. Though we sometimes have to wait for what seems like a long time to see a promise from God fulfilled, He is never too late, never too early - He more

  • 10. God Always Provides

    Contributed on Oct 30, 2024

    God knows what His test will accomplish or reveal about Abraham’s character and, more importantly, what this test will reveal about Himself.

    We are continuing with our Genesis “From Dust to Life” series. Throughout this book so far, we have seen God bring life to people who were in impossible situations, some brought on by their own bad decisions or because of the bad decisions of others. Time and time again because of God’s more

  • 11. Cain And Abel

    Contributed on Mar 7, 2024

    Even though Abel’s life was short, his faith still speaks. Abel’s blood calls out for justice from God. Our own sin demands justice from God, and it was our sin that put Jesus on the cross. Yet the blood of Jesus speaks a better message. A message of mercy, forgiveness, reconciliation and salvation.

    As we continue in our Dust to Life series, we will be looking at Genesis chapter 4 today, the account of the first two brothers in human history: Cain and Abel. Genesis 4:1-16 1 Now the man had relations with his wife Eve, and she conceived and gave birth to Cain, and she said, “I have obtained a more

  • 12. Meeting God In The Garden

    Contributed on Mar 7, 2024

    Adam and Eve's sin brought a whole set of problems to the human race: conflict, pain, hardship, alienation from God and each other, and finally death. God could have scrapped all of creation but instead He announced a solution to the sin problem through Eve’s descendant.

    We are continuing our Dust to Life Series today and are now in Genesis 3. Some theologians consider Genesis 3 to be one of the most important chapters in the Bible because without it, we can’t even begin to understand the darkness that pervades the earth. In other words, after the account of the more

  • 13. The Life No One Expected

    Contributed on Mar 7, 2024

    Moses wanted to pass on this lesson from the garden to God’s people so they would learn from it, live by it, and thrive.

    Genesis 1-2 begins with the orderly creation which forms the content of the scriptural vision for the future. Genesis 2 is a more detailed account of the creation narrative where we see Adam and Eve in paradise, in the midst of an incredible garden prepared for them by God Himself. At the end of more

  • 14. Knowing Who I Am.

    Contributed on Mar 7, 2024

    What does it mean to be created in God’s image?

    Last week, we talked about some of the various views about creation in Genesis 1 and how people can differ over the time frame but still believe the Bible is entirely true and without fault. Because we love one another and know these differences do exist, we can still accept one another without more

  • 15. The God Of Creation

    Contributed on Mar 7, 2024

    Our infinite, all knowing God created the precise conditions that are necessary to sustain life on the earth.

    This month, we are beginning a new series in the book of Genesis called “Dust to Life.” I believe Genesis is one of the most important books to study because it contains God’s revelation to the world of how life began, what life was meant to be, what the world has become because of sin and the more

  • 16. Guided By God

    Contributed on Nov 13, 2024

    Are you committed to letting God guide you, are you taking hold of His Word and letting Him speak to you? What steps have you taken after hearing His call on your life?

    We are in Genesis 24 in our Dust to Life series. Sarah had died and Abraham knew that it was time to prepare Isaac to carry on the blessing that God had promised him. He had learned through the school of hard knocks to trust God and be guided by Him throughout his journey. And now in his old age he more

  • 17. Famine, Fear And Faith

    Contributed on Feb 17, 2025

    When the famine, (speaking in the spiritual sense) hits we are all tempted to run but…the safest place in the world is to be in the will of God,

    If you have your Bibles, please turn with me to Genesis 26 - we’ll be reading from vv. 1-25. 1 Now there was a famine in the land, besides the previous famine that had occurred in the days of Abraham. So Isaac went to Gerar, to Abimelech king of the Philistines. 2 And the LORD appeared to him and more

  • 18. The Well, The Women, And The Wait

    Contributed on Feb 18, 2025

    We all have unsettled issues in our hearts. Some want to put a lot of time and distance between these unresolved issues, even a change of scenery, which may be necessary to get some clarity. I believe God wants us to identify these issues and work through them.

    The Well, the Women, and the Wait Genesis 29:1-30 16 Feb 2025 Last week, Scott spoke from Genesis 28 where Jacob was running from his brother Esau who was planning to kill him because he took the family blessing and inheritance that he was expecting to get. Jacob was on the run as a fugitive, more

  • 19. The Battle Of The Brides

    Contributed on Feb 25, 2025

    God is teaching us that it doesn’t have to be an occasion for fear and desperation but, rather, can be a time to lean into God and pour out our grief out to Him.

    We are in our From Dust to Life series in the book of Genesis and last week in chapter 29 we saw how Jacob worked for his uncle Laban for seven years as a dowry payment for his daughter Rachel, the woman he loved. Laban agreed to this but did the bait and switch and gave Jacob his older daughter more

  • 20. Facing Your Past With God

    Contributed on Mar 18, 2025

    How often does God have to wrestle with us, through His word and His Spirit to bring something to our attention? He’ll wrestle with us until we come to the end of ourselves, until we see the issue for what it is, until He is first

    Facing your past with God Genesis 32:1-28 16 March 2025 Last time in our Dust to Life series, we saw how God called Jacob to leave Haran and how Jacob made his peace with his father-in-law Laban. We are in chapter 32 today where Jacob now comes face-to-face with God. Before this happens, however, more

  • 21. Seeing The Big Picture

    Contributed on Mar 18, 2025

    When we begin to feel anxious or overwhelmed, misjudged or offended, occupied with our needs and self-gratification, take a few steps back and take time to look at the big picture

    How many enjoy doing jigsaw puzzles? Normally, we turn all of the pieces face-up; set aside those that have a straight edge (the outside frame) and start assembling those first. Then we begin to assemble the rest of the pieces, looking for pieces that more obviously fit in a section, and work on more

  • 22. Turning The Tables

    Contributed on Mar 18, 2025

    What do you do when you witness this type of scheming and manipulation in the workplace and even in the family? As many here have testified, it is better to walk in godly integrity and let God vindicate you!

    In these trying times in our lives, will our desperation drive our decisions or will we grow in our faith and be guided by God? We saw that because of God’s goodness and grace, even though Leah and Rachel were the battling brides, God accomplished what He set out to do in fulfilling His promises more