Sermon Series
  • 1. Measuring Up - A Man After God's Own Heart

    Contributed on Jan 30, 2005
    based on 164 ratings

    What does it mean to be a man/ woman after God’s own heart? How would we know if we have the qualities that would make God say that about us?

    OPEN: With Super Bowl Sunday just a week away, I thought I’d share one of my favorite football stories: The coach at Auburn University - Shug Jordan - had asked his former Linebacker Mike Kollin if he would help his alma mater do some recruiting. Mike said, “Sure, coach. What kind of player more

  • 2. Be Prepared - Scout Sunday

    Contributed on Feb 6, 2005
    based on 67 ratings

    So, just why did David pick up "5" smooth stones? It was because long before Scouting began, David understood the Scout Motto "Be Prepared"

    OPEN: A bricklayer had an accident at work and filed following insurance report: On the day of my accident I was working alone on the roof of a 6-story building. When I completed my work I discovered that I had about 500 pounds of brick left over. Rather than carry the bricks down by hand, I more

  • 3. A Friend After Your Own Heart

    Contributed on Feb 13, 2005
    based on 67 ratings

    Jonathan’s friendship with David has always been the model of the ideal friendship for Christians. But there is an even deeper application to this description of the love Jonathan had for David. Do you know what it is?

    OPEN: I sang “You’ve Got A Friend” (a song by James Taylor and made popular by Carole King - if you’d like a copy of the words with guitar chords e-mail me at APPLY: Several years ago the song “You’ve Got A Friend” was extremely popular. And it was popular because it caught the more

  • 4. A Heart To Honor Authority - A Man After God's Own Heart

    Contributed on Feb 20, 2005
    based on 69 ratings

    It’s easy to submit to someone in authority when we agree with them. But what if those in authority over us aren’t "good" men? What if they make immoral decisions? What if they are mean, spiteful, and dangerous?

    OPEN: The first words that a child says always seem so cute. Brad’s baby daughter’s first word was “Wow!” Other children learn to say “mommy” or “daddy.” But there is a word that children learn to say that’s not quite so cute. Do you know what it is? That’s right: “No!” As they grow older we more

  • 5. An Obedient Heart - A Man After God's Own Heart

    Contributed on Feb 28, 2005
    based on 88 ratings

    Why did God strike Uzzah dead? Because he touched the ark... but why hadn’t they carried the ark the way God told them to? The answer may surprise you.

    OPEN: Several years ago, Reader’s Digest told of a young couple who had just bought a water bed. While assembling the bed, the couple realized they would need a hose to fill it with – and they didn’t own one. So, the husband went to the hardware store and bought one. They attached the hose to more

  • 6. A Heart To Worship - A Man After God's Own Heart

    Contributed on Mar 7, 2005
    based on 70 ratings

    Michal’s kind of worship was the type of worship that plagues many churches today. David’s worship is the kind of we need. But how do we deal with the Michals amongst us?

    OPEN: A little 6 year old girl and her 4 year old brother were sitting together in church. The brother was giggling, singing and talking out loud. Finally, his big sister had had enough. “You’re not supposed to talk out loud in church” she said. “Why? Who’s going to stop me?” the boy more

  • 7. The Heart Of A Shepherd - A Man After God's Own Heart

    Contributed on Mar 14, 2005
    based on 68 ratings

    Psalm 23 is often quoted at funerals. But this is not a Psalm about death... it’s a song about life. The life that only the good shepherd can supply.

    OPEN: I once read the story about a 1st-grader stood in front of his classroom. The class had been taking turns in front of the room answering the question “What do you want to be when you grow up?” This little boy stood up and said, "I’m going to be a lion tamer and have lots of fierce more

  • 8. The Over-Exposed Heart - A Man After God's Own Heart

    Contributed on Mar 21, 2005
    based on 67 ratings

    The temptation to look where we shouldn’t look is hard for most men. What had Bathsheba done wrong? What had David done wrong? And how do we deal with ourselves and others who do those wrong things?

    OPEN: The true story is told of a banquet where a famous religious leader found himself seated next to an extremely beautiful woman who was wearing a gown with a perilously low neckline. Instead of becoming angry or embarrassed or pretending to be unaware of her exposure he offered her an apple. more

  • 9. The Undeserving Heart - The Man After God's Own Heart

    Contributed on Apr 4, 2005
    based on 66 ratings

    There are people who refuse to come to God because they don’t believe they deserve His love. But do any of us?

    OPEN: Max Lucado tells the story of a young boy who had just rec’d a slingshot for his birthday He’d spend hours shooting rocks at various target/but he never seemed to be able to hit his target. One day he was in his Grandmother’s house and he watched as her pet duck waddled by. On impulse more

  • 10. The Weakened Heart - A Man After God's Own Heart

    Contributed on Apr 4, 2005
    based on 70 ratings

    One of the most overlooked texts in all of Scripture... but also one of the most reassuring. What can we gain from David’s observation that he was "weak?"

    OPEN: Rodgers and Hammerstein were amongst the greatest playwrights of our age. Plays like “Oklahoma” “The Sound of Music” “The King & I” are permanent part of the American heritage. So when I was invited by a non-Christian friend of our family to attend a play written by Richard Rodgers entitled more

  • 11. The Heart Of A Father - A Man After God's Own Heart

    Contributed on Apr 11, 2005
    based on 68 ratings

    There were 3 things missing in this tragic story that undermined David’s family and nearly destroyed his kingdom. Do you know what they are?

    OPEN: A married couple had a boy that was difficult to raise. He caused all types of trouble in school, in the neighborhood and at home. One year, the couple went on a trip to Europe while the boy stayed with relatives back home. As they went from one country to another they would send back more

  • 12. A Heart To Build - A Man After God's Own Heart

    Contributed on Apr 18, 2005
    based on 67 ratings

    God told David He didn’t want him building a Temple for Him. It’s possible to build a building God doesn’t want. Do you know what makes the difference between what He wants and what He doesn’t?

    OPEN: According to a story in R.Digest from several years ago, a great emperor named Shah Jahan once built an absolutely beautiful structure in memory of his wife of 19 years who died while bearing their 14th child. When she died, Shah Jahan left his wife’s deathbed and went straight to his more

  • 13. The Dead Dog Syndrome - A Man After God's Own Heart

    Contributed on Apr 24, 2005
    based on 69 ratings

    Shimei suffered from a spiritual illness that can plague even the most godly man or woman. He suffered from a "critical spirit." What can we do make sure we don’t fall prey to the same sickness in our lives?

    OPEN: An older couple were on a trip across country and they stopped at a roadside restaurant for lunch. As they got up to leave, the woman forgot and left her glasses on the table. They were several miles down the road before she realized she didn’t have them and to make matters worse, her husband more