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  • The Bible Can Be Studied And Understood Lesson 7 Series

    Contributed by Elmer Towns on Feb 6, 2019
    based on 2 ratings

    What Bible study will do

    A. INTRODUCTION: WHAT BIBLE STUDY WILL DO 1. Before examining what Bible study will do for you, ask, “Why people don’t study Scriptures.” a. Not know what it offers. “Have ye not read the law?” (Matt. 12:4). b. Blinded. “They couldn’t believe, as Isaiah said . . . God has blinded their eyes . more

  • Visions And New Insights

    Contributed by Craig Condon on May 9, 2015

    We need to run to the waters of baptism and drown our old sin-filled lives. We need to be raised from spiritual death and filled with a passion for the Gospel, because it will make one helluva difference in our world.

    The events we just heard about in Acts 10:44-48 occur as part of Peter’s first sermon to the Gentiles. Peter had received a vision from God. In that vision, a sheet unfolded from heaven. On that sheet were animals of all kinds, including animals that were unclean under Jewish law. God more

  • When A Man Loves A Woman

    Contributed by Kirk Devine on May 5, 2002
    based on 380 ratings

    Spiritual insight to what it means when a man really loves the woman that God has given him.

    WHEN A MAN LOVES A WOMAN EPHESIANS 5:25-33 (From song recorded by Percy Sledge & Michael Bolton) Let me start this message by saying that I have discovered that there are a lot of men and women who really don’t know what to expect when a man loves a woman… Many of us have an idea based on what more

  • Guardian Angels Series

    Contributed by C. Philip Green on Dec 9, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    Angels surround you when you’re alive, and they accompany you when you die, carrying you into the very presence of God Himself, so ask God to open your eyes and don’t be afraid.

    Several years ago, Philip Bump, a technology writer for The Atlantic, wrote an article about Santa’s Christmas Eve workload. He calculated the number of Christian children in the world and the geographic distribution of those children around the globe. After factoring in all the nuances of time more

  • Follow Your Heart?

    Contributed by Howard Gunter on May 12, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    Following your heart may lead away from following the voice of the Good Shepherd

    Weekend Message/Devotion May 12, 2019 Follow Your Heart? John 10:22-30 Sermon Prayer: “Heavenly Father, I stand before Your people, to deliver Your message. Though the words are mine and I prepared this message, I pray that this message is Your message in its entirety. I pray your blessing more

  • Breakthrough Insights 2 Series

    Contributed by Michael Mccartney on Jul 17, 2020

    In 2020 we are looking for a Breakthrough in our lives – a breakthrough from Covid 19, from divisive politics, from societal division and dissension in our society

    Video Transition: Fragile Sermon: Breakthrough insights pt. 2! Series: Breakthrough 2020! Thesis: In 2020 we are looking for a Breakthrough in our lives – a breakthrough from Covid 19, from divisive politics, from societal division and dissension in our society – but to get the desired more

  • Insight Into Our Identity Series

    Contributed by Bruce Willis on Dec 29, 2006
    based on 7 ratings

    This sermon is the third in a series of four entitled "Our Identity In Christ" which seeks to lead one to an identification with Christ in His finished work on the Cross.

    Identity theft is a problem most of us didn’t think about 5 years ago. However, today it’s common to hear the stories of victims who are trying to salvage their name and credit rating after learning that someone has stolen and misused a password, social security number, or credit card. Knowing more

  • True Success

    Contributed by Stephan Brown on Sep 28, 2001
    based on 90 ratings

    Gives the characteristics of true success from Scripture: spiritual riches not material wealth; righteousness and humility not prominence or position; and spiritual insight not human wisdom or education.

    True Success When you look ahead to your future, if you’re normal, you want to have a successful future. In fact, the desire for success drives many of our most important decisions. Something that will make us successful, we do, and something that will make us unsuccessful, we try not to do. We more

  • Propohetic Insight For Today Series

    Contributed by Brad Bailey on Sep 27, 2006

    Story of Misunderstanding In an ancient story called "The Holy Man," a group of pilgrims are traveling across a vast desert to visit the holy shrines and temples of antiquity. After several days’ journey into the desert, they sight a great rolling clo

    Story of Misunderstanding In an ancient story called "The Holy Man," a group of pilgrims are traveling across a vast desert to visit the holy shrines and temples of antiquity. After several days’ journey into the desert, they sight a great rolling cloud of dust in the distance moving toward more

  • Prophetic Insights For Cotrm

    Contributed by Gary Stebbins on Feb 23, 2010

    We serve a living God who wants to interact with His people. This sermon presents prophetic insights for COTRM for this season of time.

    Prophetic Insights for COTRM Introduction Began the year- series- Dangerous Church. God is raising the bar for His people (church) … Take the Challenge- (picture) read your Bible fast pray- corporate-Tues/Thur/Sun, MyHop engage in Christian relationships-join-HC serve/give give more

  • Prophetic Insight For Today Series

    Contributed by Brad Bailey on Sep 22, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

     How often in life we’re reacting to the same things in different ways… different interpretation  Often true with the role of PROPHETIC INSIGHT TODAY. We can have the same different perspective as those pilgrims & warriors.

    Story of Misunderstanding In an ancient story called "The Holy Man," a group of pilgrims are traveling across a vast desert to visit the holy shrines and temples of antiquity. After several days’ journey into the desert, they sight a great rolling cloud of dust in the distance moving toward more

  • Insights Into Successfl Parenting

    Contributed by Ray Ellis on May 4, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    The foundation for successful families is based on how adequately parents teach their children the commandments of God.

    “Insights Into Successful Parenting” Deuteronomy 6:1-9 Someone has collected some interesting prayers given by children. 1. Dear God, Thank you for the baby brother but what I asked for was a puppy. I never asked for anything before. You can look it up. Joyce 2. Dear God, is it true my Father more

  • Insights On Guilt And Grace Series

    Contributed by Scott Chambers on May 7, 2013

    This is the final message from a series over Roman chapters 1-5. This message examines the relationship between guilt and grace.

    Guilt is an opponent that each of us struggle against. Nothing can make us view ourselves more negatively than guilt. Even after becoming a Christian and having our sins washed away by the blood of Christ, guilt still surfaces and drives us into the pits of self-pity and shame. What we tend to more

  • Insight Into A Forgiver's Heart Series

    Contributed by Christian Zorio on Jul 22, 2002
    based on 44 ratings

    Sermon explores in depth Philemon 4-7; the character of Philemon - a foriver. Noteably 1)his faith in Christ 2.)his unconditional love 3.) his demonstrable fellowship 4.) his refreshment of others

    INSIGHT INTO A FORGIVER’S HEART (Philemon 4-7) I. Introduction A few years ago I was deeply hurt by a fellow believer (Bob) · I was slandered · Lied to · Eventually lost my job largely due to this one man. For 6 months after the event, the effects of the intensity of that situation would more

  • Insights Especially For Guys Series

    Contributed by Brian Atwood on Jun 14, 2008
    based on 13 ratings

    Tools for dismantling lust and lost tempers.

    [Part 3 of 5 in the Series, THE SEARCH, Solomon’s Secrets to a Happy & Successful Life.] It’s Father’s Day and we’re in the series “THE SEARCH… Solomon’s Secrets to a Happy and Successful Life.” Here’s our text for this series: 2 Tune your ears to wisdom, and concentrate on understanding. 3 Cry more