Sermon Series
  • 1. What's The Gospel All About?

    Contributed on Mar 28, 2013

    This message examines Paul's view of the Gospel message.

    Have you forgotten something this week? Would you agree with this statement, “Human beings are quite forgetful?” Consider these words from William Doane’s classic hymn: “Tell me the story often, for I forget so soon.” One early childhood educator puts it this way: more

  • 2. The Evidence Against Us (Part 1)

    Contributed on Mar 28, 2013

    This message examines the indictment Paul brings against the human race. This is is his first round of evidence to support the indictment.

    If we are honest, there are just some subjects that we absolutely do not like to talk about. We prefer to avoid any subject that may cast ourselves in a bad light or make us feel uncomfortable. Unfortunately, these same attitudes have been carried over into the church. The list of subjects we more

  • 3. The Danger Of Being Judgmental

    Contributed on Mar 28, 2013

    This message examines Paul's warning against being judgmental.

    Has any of you ever been guilty of one of the most deadly sins? The sin I am talking about is the one Jesus attacked more often and directly than any other sin. Still clueless? This sin is the most widely justified and practiced sin in the world. I would even venture to say that this is the sin more

  • 4. Lost And Not Knowing It

    Contributed on Mar 28, 2013

    This message examines the difference between being religious and being a Christian.

    Do you believe that there are people in the world who are lost and don’t even know it? The vast majority of these people are very religious. They do religious things, they talk using the religious jargon and they even dress correctly. In the world today there are approximately 4,200 different more

  • 5. The Evidence Against Us (Part 3)

    Contributed on Mar 28, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    This message examines Paul's third round of evidence support his indictment of the human race.

    Well I have to admit that this study from the book of Romans have roughed us up a little. So far Paul has definitely shown the reality of our sin problem. But before we dive in to our text I feel we need to quickly review what Paul has said up to this point in regard to our condition before. We are more

  • 6. Helpless But Not Hopeless

    Contributed on Mar 28, 2013

    This message examines the fact that although we are condemned for our sins there is still hope.

    Paul has made quite a case against us up to this point. However, it is easy for us to sit back and look for those who we think are a lot worse than we are. We have a hard time accepting since we have not really done anything that bad, we are in danger of being condemned for our sins. Perhaps this more

  • 7. Two Words: Faith And Grace

    Contributed on Apr 15, 2013

    This is the ninth message in a series over the first five chapters of the book of Romans. this message examines the importance of faith and grace.

    Have you ever lost your faith? Maybe we should phrase it this way, have you felt your faith begin to get shaky? A small boy riding a bus home from Sunday school was very proud of the card he had received, which had a picture and a caption that read: Have Faith in God. Then to his dismay the card more

  • 8. Reasons To Be An Optimist

    Contributed on May 7, 2013
    based on 3 ratings

    This is the tenth message in a series over the first five chapters of the book of Romans. This message examines the reasons that the Gospel gives us for being optimistic.

    By definition an optimist is one that expects the best possible outcome of any given situation. Most of us would have to admit that we have a lot of difficulty remaining optimistic. Paul presented an argument that on the surface seems to leave us very little room for being optimistic. In fact, Paul more

  • 9. Insights On Guilt And Grace

    Contributed on May 7, 2013

    This is the final message from a series over Roman chapters 1-5. This message examines the relationship between guilt and grace.

    Guilt is an opponent that each of us struggle against. Nothing can make us view ourselves more negatively than guilt. Even after becoming a Christian and having our sins washed away by the blood of Christ, guilt still surfaces and drives us into the pits of self-pity and shame. What we tend to more