Howard's church

Community Family Fellowship
Jacksonville, Florida 32211

About Howard
  • Education: M.Div., D.Min.
  • Experience: 6 yrs. missionary to the Dominican Republic , 4 yrs. assoc. Arlington Assembly of God, 6 yrs. Senior Pastor of Pittsfield Federated Church and Aug of 2014 - founder/plant Community Family Fellowship
  • Comment to those looking at my sermons: Feel free to use anything that may help and feel free to offer honest criticism (with love please). Note: It is the practice of this church to preach straight from the bible. We follow the Lectionary assigned readings from which the sermon/messages are derived.
  • Sermon or series that made a difference: Loving and Serving God by Loving and Serving Each Other. (This later became our mission statement)
  • One of my favorite illustrations: Using an egg with a brown shell and an egg with a white shell. Break both eggs into a large mason jar and ask "which egg came from which shell?"
  • What my parents think of my sermons: Unfortunately, they never heard one.
  • What my spouse (really) thinks of my sermons: She shares her opinion readily and more often than not gives affirming and encouraging reviews.
  • Best advice given to me about preaching: After prayerful preparation, preach from the heart and never have second thoughts; you will always have critics.
  • Hobbies: Hunting, Fishing, Outdoors
  • If I could Preach one more time, I would say...: God gives every man the freedom of choice. His WILL is that we choose to do HIS WILL.
  • Something funny that happened while preaching: Once while preaching a Palm Sunday message I shared the sentiment of the crowds calling for the crucifixion of our Lord. I raised my voice and projected: "CRUCIFY HIM!, CRUCIFY HIM!, CRUCIFY HIM!" . From the a rear pew, echoed a small toddler's voice: "CRUCIFY HIM!, CRUCIFY HIM!, CRUCIFY HIM!" - It made the point of some joining in with the crowd, not even realizing what they were a part of.
  • What I want on my tombstone: Lacking Perfection but Abounding in Faith.
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  • The Love Of God -A Golden Psalm

    Contributed on Apr 16, 2020

    A lesson from King David in expressing our love to God.

    Message/Devotion April 19, 2020 Psalm 16 The Love of God, A Golden Psalm A sub-title for this Psalm reading is “A Michtam of David (The Psalmist). So, let’s look at the meaning of MICHTAM first. In Strong’s Concordance, Michtam (Mik’ tam) it is defined as a “type of psalm”. In Hitchcock’s, more

  • Faith, A Living Hope

    Contributed on Apr 15, 2020
    based on 3 ratings

    Facing a world in crisis

    Message/Devotion April 19, 2020 1 Peter 1:3-9 Faith, A Living Hope Where is your hope in times of dire circumstances? We are trying to hold onto that hope as we struggle to be faithful and obedient to God and obey the laws and instructions of legal authorities governing our society. If there more

  • Huddled Behind Closed Doors

    Contributed on Apr 14, 2020
    based on 5 ratings

    Today, many are huddled behind closed doors, fearing the dreadful disease - Coronavirus.

    Message/Devotion April 19, 2020 John 20:19-31 Huddled Behind Closed Doors As I read today’s gospel message, it was abundantly clear to me that today masses of people are huddled behind closed doors due to the COVID 19 pandemic. Some are in a self-imposed lockdown. Some are in a lockdown more

  • God Is Bigger

    Contributed on Mar 29, 2020
    based on 4 ratings

    God is bigger than the Coronavirus Pandemic

    Message March 29, 2020 John 11:1-45 God is BIGGER The Coronavirus Pandemic has suddenly become the worldwide main focus. This thing affects EVERYONE. It is the number one concern and topic of conversation. Because of the virus and potential spreading of that virus, tremendous masses of people more

  • Jesus - Life Over Death

    Contributed on Mar 29, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    The Love of Jesus the Christ illuminated

    Message/Devotion March 22, 2020 John 11:1-45 JESUS is LIFE Over Death In my years of ministry, I have preached many, many funerals. Some were very difficult because of my personal love of the deceased or the surviving family. Once, I preached eight funerals in one week. I know the pain of the more

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