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  • Understanding The Gifts Of The Spirit

    Contributed by Marty Baker on Apr 22, 2024

    The Holy Spirit is God's power and presence within you. When you receive His gifts, your life will be changed. Today I want to talk about spiritual gifts. A genuine sign of being a Christian is the strong desire to identify your spiritual gifts and to them to help others.

    The Holy Spirit Series #3 Understanding Spiritual Gifts Dr. Marty Baker / April 21, 2024 / 1 Corinthians 12:7 Welcome to Stevens Creek Church. I am so glad that you are here today. I want to welcome all of you in our Grovetown Campus and in our South Campus and all of those watching online. more

  • A Return To Civility: 3 Respect God's Name Series

    Contributed by Denn Guptill on Jul 14, 2024

    In today's world God's name is used as a curse and an exclamation point, this message looks at how we are to use it and not use it.

    Recently I was reading an article written by a friend of mine, Mike McNeil. Mike and I are from the same home church, and he taught at Kingswood University for forty years before taking a teaching position with Kings Church in Saint John. Mike writes a column called Soul Apologetics, and this week more

  • The Parable Of The Wise & Foolish Builders: What's The Difference? Put It Into Practice Series

    Contributed by Justin Steckbauer on Jul 5, 2022

    In 1912 a particular cruise liner called the HMS Titanic was making it’s first voyage through the northern seas and struck an iceberg. Though the ship had been particularly designed to stay afloat with more than half of the ships compartments filled with water...

    In 1912 a particular cruise liner called the HMS Titanic was making it’s first voyage through the northern seas and struck an iceberg. Though the ship had been particularly designed to stay afloat with more than half of the ships compartments filled with water, the cut the iceberg made across the more

  • A Tribute To Carolyn Sue Oberlechner Series

    Contributed by Jesse Bennett on Dec 1, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    The life of a Godly women.

    A tribute to Carolyn Sue Oberlechner Jesse Bennett Bible Baptist Church 700 N Tucker Ave. Shawnee Ok 74801 Song: Read Obituary: Megan: would like to read a poem….. I bereave the thing that inspired us most about Sue life was here love for her three boys. Sue candle would never go out she more

  • "Footprints In The Heart” Series

    Contributed by Bubot Parago on Jun 30, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    "My precious child, I love you and will never leave you Never, ever, during your trials and testings. When you saw only one set of footprints, It was then that I carried you."

    Ezekiel36:26 A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you: and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart of flesh. 27And I will put my spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes, and ye shall keep my judgments, and do more

  • The Love Of God

    Contributed by Mike Turner on Jun 4, 2003
    based on 176 ratings

    The Love of rich and pure, how measureless, and strong. It goes beyond the highest star, and reaches to the lowest hell !

    THE LOVE OF GOD Revelation 1:5-6, I John 3:1 This morning my subject is on something that we all need to know, that each of us need to experience. It is something that will change our past, and redirect our future. It is something that will ease the pain of broken hearts, and shattered dreams, more

  • Signal Of The Soul

    Contributed by Ken Dillingham on Dec 25, 2003
    based on 30 ratings

    Evangelistic Sermon focused at two things. 1. To draw attention to the unsaved listener to the felt need of salvation. 2. To cause the church to realize that desparate people are all around us.

    Signals of the Soul Mark 5:2-6 I. Introduction A. There are various signs, certain signals, that are given by men who are prisoners of war, or floating helplessly on the wreck of a ship, or stranded in some way. Signals that make their presence and peril known to a busy outside world. Signals more

  • The Way Home

    Contributed by Mike Richardson on May 16, 2001
    based on 328 ratings

    There is only one true way home and that is throught the doorway of death. One day we all must journey home.

    II Cor. 5:1-2, 8 “The Way Home” INTRO: There was a little girl who walked to her house through the cemetery every day after school. She loved to feel the breeze in her hair and to watch the birds. Sometimes she just threw herself on the rich, green grass, and watched the clouds turn into more

  • Commitment To Christ Requires Growth

    Contributed by Scott Bradford on Apr 13, 2005
    based on 37 ratings

    This is a sermon about moving your life beyond the place where you came in at the door.

    (1) In The Last Days Newsletter, Leonard Ravenhill tells about a group of tourists visiting a picturesque village who walked by an old man sitting beside a fence. In a rather patronizing way, one tourist asked, "Were any great men born in this village?" "Nope", The old man replied, more

  • Choose To Belong

    Contributed by Jason Winters on Oct 12, 2007


    Choose To Belong Bond-Servant=choose to become a servant Connected to Jesus Quit trying to jerk His chain He controls the chains if we have in fact bound ourselves to Him Speak like you belong to God! Proverbs 18:6-7 6 A fool’s lips bring him strife, and his mouth invites a beating. 7 A fool’s more

  • Anointed To Stand

    Contributed by Joshua Moran on Feb 1, 2005
    based on 17 ratings

    Using the anointing of David we look into the power of God’s anointing

    Anointed To Stand: Standing For Jesus An elderly woman walked into the local country church. The friendly usher greeted her at the door and helped her up the flight of steps. "Where would you like to sit?" he asked politely. "The front row please." she answered. "You more

  • The Christmas Gift We All Need: Jesus

    Contributed by Richard Schwedes on Dec 22, 2008
    based on 24 ratings

    Jesus is the one Christmas gift we all need. And the gift we receive from Him, continues to benefit us forever.

    What’s the best Christmas gift you have received? Have you ever received a gift that has changed your life? Or a gift that has inspired you and affected your future? When the actor Nicolas Cage, was a young boy his father gave him a little Pinocchio for Christmas. Being a boy, he was a little more

  • War Of The Worlds

    Contributed by Mike Hamilton on Mar 20, 2003
    based on 78 ratings

    A sermon about the spiritual war that every Christian faces and can be used to draw a parallel to the 2nd gulf war.

    “War of the Worlds” 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 In 1898 H.G. Wells wrote his book “War of the Worlds.” It was a story about Mars taking over the Earth. In 1934, Orson Welles did a radio broadcast of this story. As you may remember, many people did not realize it was just a show and thought the world more

  • My God, Look What You Have Done Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Feb 18, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    Is God revealing Himself as the ultimate egomaniac?

    Seventh Sunday in Course The hot-shot sales representative had enjoyed his best year ever. The pinnacle case of the year was a year in the making, and involved a score of attorneys and technicians and endless hours stolen from his family, but in the end, the $50,000 commission brought them a more

  • Respect

    Contributed by Jerry Cosper on Feb 18, 2020

    Where has the respect gone for God's called? What must a person do to acquire respect?

    Let’s talk about respect tonight. As the comic, Rodney Dangerfield, proclaimed for decades: "I don’t get any respect!" There may be times in your life you feel like Mr. Dangerfield. You may not get the personal respect you think you deserve or you may feel your opinions or choices are more

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