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  • The Wages Of Sin

    Contributed by David Bubb on Mar 7, 2004
    based on 24 ratings

    Everyday a person lives in sin they earn a wage, this message shares some of those wages with us.

    Subject: The Wages Of Sin Scripture Reading: Romans 6:23 The question that has been asked for centuries, the question that has effected more people, the question that is asked by every prospective employee, young people ask it, middle age people ask it, even older people ask it. The question more

  • Loving The Unlovable Series

    Contributed by Paul Green on Nov 28, 2009
    based on 25 ratings

    It’s easy to love those who love us, but what about those we find it difficult to love? What about those who don’t like us? How do we still love and respect them as God’s people?

    I want us to pay particular attention this morning to verse 6 and 7 – ‘You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous man, though for a good man someone might possibly dare to die. But God demonstrates his own more

  • Taxing Times

    Contributed by Mark Armstrong on Jul 24, 2011

    The tax collector as a model of saving faith

    Count Leo Tolstoy was a man who unashamedly called himself ‘Christian’. He once penned these words into his diary: ‘I have not yet met a single man who was morally as good as I. ... I do not remember an instance in my life when I was not attracted to what is good And was not ready to sacrifice more

  • Simple Instructions On Serious Issues

    Contributed by Gordon Curley on Nov 24, 2010

    Simple instructions on serious issues (PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request - email:

    Reading: Matthew chapter 5 verses 27-32. ill: • When men were manning the barricades in Moscow in 1917, • And preparing to fire the first shots of a world revolution, Church dignities were holding a meeting in the same city, • For the specific purpose of deciding; • What colour of robes were more

  • Dreams Can Come True Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Mar 24, 2021

    A dream can be an escape from reality, but it can also be an alternative to a present inadequate reality. A dream can provide an ideal toward which we strive and thereby change reality for the better.

    Vanna White, the glamorous star who shows the letters on Wheel of Fortune, was a leader in her church youth group in North Myrtle Beach, North Carolina. Her pastor wrote about how he asked her, when she was a senior, what she was going to do after graduation. She responded that her dream was to more

  • I Am The Bread Of Life Series

    Contributed by Denn Guptill on Feb 7, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    In 2021 bread is seen as simply a side and not a staple, what did it mean when Jesus said, I am the Bread of Life.

    When I was a child, our family lived in Germany and the bread was dark and coarse. When we moved home to Canada my image of bread became my Grandmother’s home-made bread enjoyed warm with homemade strawberry jam and a slice of old cheddar cheese. During my teen years, bread was used as a figure more

  • Fellowship Of The Gospel Series

    Contributed by Jefferson Williams on Apr 30, 2023

    Paul and the Philippians share a partnership of grace and Gospel for the past ten years and he loves them with the affection of Jesus.

    Technicolor Joy A Study in Philippians 1:3-8 Pastor Jefferson M. Williams Chenoa Baptist Church 4-30-2-23 The Fellowship of the Ring Four little hobbits with large, hairy feet - Frodo, Sam, Merry, and Pippin. Two human men - Boromir and Aragorn, who happens to be the son of the King. One more

  • Will It Ever Stop? Series

    Contributed by Denn Guptill on Sep 29, 2018

    This is the third in a series, as we look at the lessons we learn from storms. In this case the multiple storms that Paul found himself in his way to Rome

    I mentioned a couple of weeks ago that it seemed that whenever Dad and I were chatting that our conversations often drifted to storms that we had been in together when we were at sea. And the reason, of course, is that the storms are more memorable than the nice days at sea, not necessarily more more

  • What Is The Church Series

    Contributed by John Oscar on Nov 20, 2019

    Explaining how the church is the outward expression of the beginning of our eternal life with Jesus. It deals with "newborn Christians" as well as some of the leadership in the church

    What is the Church Christianity 101 Series CCCAG October 27th, 2019 The video that we just watch is going to frame our lesson for this morning in our Christianity 101 series - what is the church? Since the church is God’s idea and should be done in God’s will and HIS purpose, let’s start off by more

  • Walking With Jesus

    Contributed by John White on May 3, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    Let us look at an incident that occurred in the first week following His resurrection. The story of what happened when He walked with two of His followers on the road to the village of Emmaus. Then let us consider what can happen when we walk with Jesus.

    When We Walk With Jesus Luke 24:13-35 In his classic book of the same title, A. B. Simpson speaks of "The Christ of the Forty Days." There are two "forty" day experiences in the life of our Lord. The first forty day experience is seen at the beginning of his ministry and was a period of more

  • Learning What Counts (Part 2) Series

    Contributed by David Owens on Jan 22, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    In contrast to the works righteousness that Paul had been striving for before he became a Christian, Paul embraced the faith righteousness that comes through the grace of God by faith in Jesus.

    Introduction: A. When life goes well for people who do not know the Lord they feel elated. 1. When hard times come they sink into despair. 2. But true joy enables us to rise above the rolling waves of circumstance. 3. Joy comes from a consistent relationship with Jesus Christ. 4. When our lives more

  • Scripture Alone Series

    Contributed by Freddy Fritz on Sep 23, 2017
    based on 4 ratings

    2 Timothy 3:1-17 teaches us that Scripture contains everything we need God to tell us for faith and life.

    Scripture During this fall, we are focusing our attention on the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation. The Reformation began when an Augustinian monk name Martin Luther nailed Ninety-Five Theses to the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg. His propositions sparked a debate that more

  • The Response Of The People Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on May 22, 2017

    At first it looked once more as though Paul might be torn into shreds by the Jewish mob, but he was again rescued by the Roman tribune and taken safely into the barracks. But then the tide turned against Paul again as the tribune decided to examine....

    March 16, 2016 Acts of the Apostles By: Tom Lowe Lesson: The Response of the People (Acts 22:22-29) ACTS 22:22-29 (KJV) 22 And they gave him audience unto this word, and then lifted up their voices, more

  • Paul Escorted To Caesarea Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on May 25, 2017

    If Paul had been a private citizen, attempting to travel from Jerusalem to Caesarea (about sixty-five miles) he would have been an easy target for the conspirators. But God arranged for 470 Roman soldiers to protect him, almost half of the men in the....

    May 14, 2016 Acts of the Apostles By: Tom Lowe Lesson: IV.F.1: Paul Escorted to Caesarea (23:23-35) Acts 23:23-35 (KJV) 23 more

  • Be Thou My Vision Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Jan 4, 2025
    based on 2 ratings

    In the Bible, people often fasted when they were serious about getting direction (or a vision) from God. Who fasted in the Bible, and why should we?

    "Bite off more than you can chew, then chew it; Plan more than you can do, then do it; Point your arrow at a star, take your aim, and there you are; Arrange more time than you can spare, then spare it; Take on more than you can bear, then bear it; Plan your castle in the air, then build a ship more

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