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  • Elizabeth The Exuberant Series

    Contributed by Daniel Habben on Dec 16, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    Elizabeth's humble faith inspires us to rejoice loudly at Jesus' coming.

    Every crowd has one. He or she is the one who works the room pumping the hands of strangers and slapping the backs of old friends. If you ever lose sight of this person, you usually can still hear him or her above the din of conversation. Some would say they’re loud but they’re just more

  • Why Has This Happened To Me?

    Contributed by Gaither Bailey on Dec 19, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    sermon for the 4th Sunday in Advent, Year C, 2012

    Luke 1: 39 – 45 / Why Has This Happened To Me? Intro: Have a holly, jolly Christmas; it's the best time of the year. I don't know if there'll be snow, but have a cup of cheer. Have a holly, jolly Christmas; and when you walk down the street say Hello to friends you know and everyone you more

  • Pomp And Circumstance Series

    Contributed by Edward Hardee on Dec 19, 2012

    A Christmas message about all the events of Christmas that was exciting and such a BIG DEAL that the Lord worked many miracles to announce. Ended with communion.

    Pomp and Circumstances Theme: To show that this was a BIG DEAL about Christ coming. When we take communion it is also a BIG DEAL of Pomp and Circumstance. Introduction As I have been pondering over the Christmas story I am amazed by how much went into the preparation for the coming of Jesus this more

  • Catch The Virus

    Contributed by Gerald Roberts on Dec 20, 2012

    The sermon shares there are many flu bugs going around this season, but at the birth of Jesus there were some viruses going around to, these viruses were all good such as, humility, the feeling of God is Awesome, considering what the Lord hath done, and t

    Catch the Virus : Luke 1:39-55. During this time of the year for whatever reason the flu bug has been getting many down with stomach viruses, flu symptoms, and breathing problems. Consider some the Virus's that went around during the days leading up to the birth of Jesus and more

  • Joseph's Dream

    Contributed by Evan G. Wittig on Dec 23, 2012

    This sermon tells the Christmas story from Joseph's point of view. He has a vision of Jesus in heaven.

    Joseph’s Dream Joseph was a well respected man in Nazareth. He was a very good carpenter and known for his integrity and hard work. He was very generous with the poor and with widows. When he became engaged to a young maiden named Mary, he anticipated a simple life of work, prayer more

  • Here He Comes Series

    Contributed by Sean Harder on Dec 27, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    Today I want to share the Christmas story with you from both the Old and New Testaments to show how this birth of Jesus was written into the history of the world before it was even created. We will see how prophecy was so perfectly fulfilled and why we

    The Bible is such an amazing collection of inspired writings. How the whole collection can so perfectly from start to finish come together to give us the entire story of Jesus with so many authors over so many hundreds of years. I’m going to focus on maybe the most neglected characters in more

  • Word Of God Comes

    Contributed by Jon Lipka on Jan 13, 2013

    John the Baptist received the word of God in the desert, and prepared the people for the coming of Christ by calling them to repentance.

    We are in the season of Advent. We prepare now for the coming of Christ at Christmas, and we recall that He will come again with power and great glory on the last day. The Incarnation was long foretold by the prophets and looked for by God’s faithful people. The secular world prepares for more

  • About One Year Before Jesus Was Born

    Contributed by Elmer Towns on Jan 14, 2013

    God did a special work in Zechariah.

    Christmas 2012 Dr. Elmer Towns About One Year Before Jesus Was Born December 2, 2012 A. WHAT ZECHARIAH KNEW: LUKE 1:5-10 “Zechariah an elderly priest was finally chosen by lots to offer prayer in the more

  • Announcing The Lord's Coming Series

    Contributed by D Marion Clark on Oct 13, 2016

    Mary, as her song indicates, did look at the big picture, but maybe even better, she looked at her Lord. She is a servant of the Lord. She is in his hands; she lives for his glory. What more does she need to know when she knows him?

    Luke 1:26-56 Announcing the Lord’s Coming 12/12/04 D. Marion Clark Introduction The last judge of Israel was Samuel. His mother, Hannah, had been barren. Finally, the Lord answered her prayers and granted her a son who was named Samuel. In gratefulness, she “lent him to the more

  • My Soul Magnifies The Lord Series

    Contributed by Steve Malone on Dec 5, 2022
    based on 2 ratings

    In this message we unpack Mary's song of praise (The Magnificat) found in Luke 1.

    My Soul Magnifies The Lord (The Magnificat) OKAY – who here like’s Christmas music? AND IF – you do, when do you start listening to it? DO – you have a Christmas playlist? NOW - this week I went on Spotify, and I found their ‘Best Christmas Playlist’ for 2022 (their top 100). NOW – I have no more

  • Mary As Ark Of The Covenant

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on May 26, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    "the original Protestant reformers maintained the traditional love and respect shown by and in the Church for the Blessed Virgin Mary."

    Visitation of the Blessed Virgin 2018 Reformation/Revolution John the Baptist was a prophet, and at the presence of Mary and the newly-conceived Jesus, his cousin, he did a little dance in his mother’s womb. Scripture scholars tell us that the OT scene evoked in the minds of first-century Jewish more

  • Obvious Evangelists And The Crazy Woman

    Contributed by Fr Mund Cargill Thompson on Mar 28, 2019
    based on 5 ratings

    Is there only one way to share our faith? Or can a baseball player, a prostitute and a shoe shop owner teach us something of the variety of ways out there. Preached Easter Sunday 2018 at St Barnabas Northolt Park

    ..................... A former crazy woman. Possibly… probably(?).... a prostitute Would this be an obvious person to pick as an evangelist? “Mary Magdalene went and announced to the disciples “I have seen the Lord” and she went and told them that he had said these things to her” (John 20:18) I more

  • The Godly Mothers Of The Bible. Series

    Contributed by Shaila Touchton on May 8, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    Today, we honor the godly mothers of the Bible, whose faith, courage, and devotion have inspired generations.

    2 Timothy 1:5 Today, we honor the godly mothers of the Bible, whose faith, courage, and devotion have inspired generations. These women, though imperfect, trusted God and raised children who changed the course of history. Let us explore their stories and learn from their examples. 1. Sarah — more

  • Getting Ready For Christmas Series

    Contributed by Fred Sigle on May 18, 2024

    Christmas holidays are often so hectic that it becomes more of something to dread than to enjoy. How should we approach the Christmas season?

    THE CHRISTMAS STORY: GETTING READY FOR CHRISTMAS A. Did everybody have a good THANKSGIVING? 1. Now since THANKSGIVING is OVER, it’s time to GET READY FOR CHRISTMAS. a. But the reality is, the STORES have been getting ready for Christmas since the first of October. COMMENT: You more

  • Obedient To The Will Of God Series

    Contributed by Troy Borst on Jul 12, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    One of the most basic truths that brought Mary into the will of God as the mother of Jesus was her obedience.

    JUST JESUS: CHAPTER BY CHAPTER THRU LUKE OBEDIENT TO THE WILL OF GOD LUKE 1:1-80 #JustJesus INTRODUCTION… Catholics vs. Protestants, If you were not aware, the Christian faith is divided into three main flavors: Catholic, Orthodox, and more

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